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<h3 class="section">13.4 Using Trace Files</h3>
<p><a name="index-trace-files-757"></a>
In some situations, the target running a trace experiment may no
longer be available; perhaps it crashed, or the hardware was needed
for a different activity. To handle these cases, you can arrange to
dump the trace data into a file, and later use that file as a source
of trace data, via the <code>target tfile</code> command.
<a name="index-tsave-758"></a>
<dl><dt><code>tsave [ -r ] </code><var>filename</var><dd>Save the trace data to <var>filename</var>. By default, this command
assumes that <var>filename</var> refers to the host filesystem, so if
necessary <span class="sc">gdb</span> will copy raw trace data up from the target and
then save it. If the target supports it, you can also supply the
optional argument <code>-r</code> (&ldquo;remote&rdquo;) to direct the target to save
the data directly into <var>filename</var> in its own filesystem, which may be
more efficient if the trace buffer is very large. (Note, however, that
<code>target tfile</code> can only read from files accessible to the host.)
<p><a name="index-target-tfile-759"></a><a name="index-tfile-760"></a><br><dt><code>target tfile </code><var>filename</var><dd>Use the file named <var>filename</var> as a source of trace data. Commands
that examine data work as they do with a live target, but it is not
possible to run any new trace experiments. <code>tstatus</code> will report
the state of the trace run at the moment the data was saved, as well
as the current trace frame you are examining. <var>filename</var> must be
on a filesystem accessible to the host.