blob: d8146be231f4b584bba1e77589d1d473f14b98ca [file] [log] [blame]
Connman configuration file format
Connman uses configuration files to provision existing services. Connman will
be looking for its configuration files at STORAGEDIR which by default points
to /var/lib/connman/. Configuration file names must not include other
characters than letters or numbers and must have a .config suffix.
Those configuration files are text files with a simple format and we typically
have one file per provisioned network.
If the config file is removed, then Connman tries to remove the
provisioned service. If individual service entry inside config is removed,
then the corresponding provisioned service is removed. If service
entry is changed, then corresponding service is removed and then
immediately re-provisioned.
Global entry [global]
These files can have an optional global entry describing the actual file.
The 2 allowed fields for that entry are:
- Name: Name of the network.
- Description: Description of the network.
- Protected: Configuration protection against being removed, modified or
overwritten by a Manager.ProvisionService() call. If unset, this value defaults
to TRUE, i.e. configs are protected by default.
Service entry [service_*]
Each provisioned service must start with the [service_*] tag. Replace * with
an identifier unique to the config file.
Allowed fields:
- Type: Service type. We currently only support wifi.
- Name: A string representation of an 802.11 SSID. If the SSID field is
present, the Name field is ignored.
- SSID: A hexadecimal representation of an 802.11 SSID. If the SSID field is
omitted, the Name field is used instead.
- EAP: EAP type. We currently only support tls, ttls or peap.
- CACertFile: File path to CA certificate file (PEM/DER).
- ClientCertFile: File path to client certificate file (PEM/DER).
- PrivateKeyFile: File path to client private key file (PEM/DER/PFX).
- PrivateKeyPassphrase: Password/passphrase for private key file.
- PrivateKeyPassphraseType: We only support the fsid passphrase type for now.
This is for private keys generated by using their own filesystem UUID as the
passphrase. The PrivateKeyPassphrase field is ignored when this field is set
to fsid.
- Identity: Identity string for EAP.
- Phase2: Phase2 (inner authentication with TLS tunnel) authentication method.
Prefix the value with "EAP-" to indicate the usage of an EAP-based inner
authentication method (should only be used with EAP = TTLS).
- Passphrase: RSN/WPA/WPA2 Passphrase
- Hidden: If set to true, then this AP is hidden. If missing or set to false,
then AP is not hidden.
This is a configuration file for a network providing EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS and
EAP-PEAP services.
The respective SSIDs are tls_ssid, ttls_ssid and peap_ssid and the file name
is example.config.
Please note that the SSID entry is for hexadecimal encoded SSID (e.g. "SSID =
746c735f73736964"). If your SSID does not contain any exotic character then
you should use the Name entry instead (e.g. "Name = tls_ssid").
example@example:[~]$ cat /var/lib/connman/example.config
Name = Example
Description = Example network configuration
Type = wifi
SSID = 746c735f73736964
EAP = tls
CACertFile = /home/user/.certs/ca.pem
ClientCertFile = /home/user/devlp/.certs/client.pem
PrivateKeyFile = /home/user/.certs/client.fsid.pem
PrivateKeyPassphraseType = fsid
Identity = user
Type = wifi
Name = ttls_ssid
EAP = ttls
CACertFile = /home/user/.cert/ca.pem
Phase2 = MSCHAPV2
Identity = user
Type = wifi
Name = peap_ssid
EAP = peap
CACertFile = /home/user/.cert/ca.pem
Phase2 = MSCHAPV2
Identity = user