blob: c8a4920ba800cbf5149f5e713fc2c1e4695b3a27 [file] [log] [blame]
// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 2022 Julian Kent <>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at
#include "./InternalHeaderCheck.h"
#include "../../../../Eigen/Sparse"
#include "../../../../Eigen/SparseLU"
namespace Eigen {
* @brief Kahan algorithm based accumulator
* The Kahan sum algorithm guarantees to bound the error from floating point
* accumulation to a fixed value, regardless of the number of accumulations
* performed. Naive accumulation accumulates errors O(N), and pairwise O(logN).
* However pairwise also requires O(logN) memory while Kahan summation requires
* O(1) memory, but 4x the operations / latency.
* NB! Do not enable associative math optimizations, they may cause the Kahan
* summation to be optimized out leaving you with naive summation again.
template <typename Scalar>
class KahanSum {
// Straighforward Kahan summation for accurate accumulation of a sum of numbers
Scalar _sum{};
Scalar _correction{};
Scalar value() { return _sum; }
void operator+=(Scalar increment) {
const Scalar correctedIncrement = increment + _correction;
const Scalar previousSum = _sum;
_sum += correctedIncrement;
_correction = correctedIncrement - (_sum - previousSum);
template <typename Scalar, Index Width = 16>
class FABSum {
// Fast and Accurate Blocked Summation
// Uses naive summation for the fast sum, and Kahan summation for the accurate sum
// Theoretically SIMD sum could be changed to a tree sum which would improve accuracy
// over naive summation
KahanSum<Scalar> _totalSum;
Matrix<Scalar, Width, 1> _block;
Index _blockUsed{};
Scalar value() { return _block.topRows(_blockUsed).sum() + _totalSum.value(); }
void operator+=(Scalar increment) {
_block(_blockUsed++, 0) = increment;
if (_blockUsed == Width) {
_totalSum += _block.sum();
_blockUsed = 0;
* @brief computes an accurate dot product on two sparse vectors
* Uses an accurate summation algorithm for the accumulator in order to
* compute an accurate dot product for two sparse vectors.
template <typename Derived, typename OtherDerived>
typename Derived::Scalar accurateDot(const SparseMatrixBase<Derived>& A, const SparseMatrixBase<OtherDerived>& other) {
typedef typename Derived::Scalar Scalar;
static_assert(internal::is_same<Scalar, typename OtherDerived::Scalar>::value, "mismatched types");
internal::evaluator<Derived> thisEval(A.derived());
typename Derived::ReverseInnerIterator i(thisEval, 0);
internal::evaluator<OtherDerived> otherEval(other.derived());
typename OtherDerived::ReverseInnerIterator j(otherEval, 0);
FABSum<Scalar> res;
while (i && j) {
if (i.index() == j.index()) {
res += numext::conj(i.value()) * j.value();
} else if (i.index() > j.index())
return res.value();
* @brief calculate sparse subset of inverse of sparse matrix
* This class returns a sparse subset of the inverse of the input matrix.
* The nonzeros correspond to the nonzeros of the input, plus any additional
* elements required due to fill-in of the internal LU factorization. This is
* is minimized via a applying a fill-reducing permutation as part of the LU
* factorization.
* If there are specific entries of the input matrix which you need inverse
* values for, which are zero for the input, you need to insert entries into
* the input sparse matrix for them to be calculated.
* Due to the sensitive nature of matrix inversion, particularly on large
* matrices which are made possible via sparsity, high accuracy dot products
* based on Kahan summation are used to reduce numerical error. If you still
* encounter numerical errors you may with to equilibrate your matrix before
* calculating the inverse, as well as making sure it is actually full rank.
template <typename Scalar>
class SparseInverse {
typedef SparseMatrix<Scalar, ColMajor> MatrixType;
typedef SparseMatrix<Scalar, RowMajor> RowMatrixType;
SparseInverse() {}
* @brief This Constructor is for if you already have a factored SparseLU and would like to use it to calculate a
* sparse inverse.
* Just call this constructor with your already factored SparseLU class and you can directly call the .inverse()
* method to get the result.
SparseInverse(const SparseLU<MatrixType>& slu) { _result = computeInverse(slu); }
* @brief Calculate the sparse inverse from a given sparse input
SparseInverse& compute(const SparseMatrix<Scalar>& A) {
SparseLU<MatrixType> slu;
_result = computeInverse(slu);
return *this;
* @brief return the already-calculated sparse inverse, or a 0x0 matrix if it could not be computed
const MatrixType& inverse() const { return _result; }
* @brief Internal function to calculate the sparse inverse in a functional way
* @return A sparse inverse representation, or, if the decomposition didn't complete, a 0x0 matrix.
static MatrixType computeInverse(const SparseLU<MatrixType>& slu) {
if ( != Success) {
return MatrixType(0, 0);
// Extract from SparseLU and decompose into L, inverse D and U terms
Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1> invD;
RowMatrixType Upper;
RowMatrixType DU = slu.matrixU().toSparse();
invD = DU.diagonal().cwiseInverse();
Upper = (invD.asDiagonal() * DU).template triangularView<StrictlyUpper>();
MatrixType Lower = slu.matrixL().toSparse().template triangularView<StrictlyLower>();
// Compute the inverse and reapply the permutation matrix from the LU decomposition
return slu.colsPermutation().transpose() * computeInverse(Upper, invD, Lower) * slu.rowsPermutation();
* @brief Internal function to calculate the inverse from strictly upper, diagonal and strictly lower components
static MatrixType computeInverse(const RowMatrixType& Upper, const Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>& inverseDiagonal,
const MatrixType& Lower) {
// Calculate the 'minimal set', which is the nonzeros of (L+U).transpose()
// It could be zeroed, but we will overwrite all non-zeros anyways.
MatrixType colInv = Lower.transpose().template triangularView<UnitUpper>();
colInv += Upper.transpose();
// We also need rowmajor representation in order to do efficient row-wise dot products
RowMatrixType rowInv = Upper.transpose().template triangularView<UnitLower>();
rowInv += Lower.transpose();
// Use the Takahashi algorithm to build the supporting elements of the inverse
// upwards and to the left, from the bottom right element, 1 col/row at a time
for (Index recurseLevel = Upper.cols() - 1; recurseLevel >= 0; recurseLevel--) {
const auto& col = Lower.col(recurseLevel);
const auto& row = Upper.row(recurseLevel);
// Calculate the inverse values for the nonzeros in this column
typename MatrixType::ReverseInnerIterator colIter(colInv, recurseLevel);
for (; recurseLevel < colIter.index(); --colIter) {
const Scalar element = -accurateDot(col, rowInv.row(colIter.index()));
colIter.valueRef() = element;
rowInv.coeffRef(colIter.index(), recurseLevel) = element;
// Calculate the inverse values for the nonzeros in this row
typename RowMatrixType::ReverseInnerIterator rowIter(rowInv, recurseLevel);
for (; recurseLevel < rowIter.index(); --rowIter) {
const Scalar element = -accurateDot(row, colInv.col(rowIter.index()));
rowIter.valueRef() = element;
colInv.coeffRef(recurseLevel, rowIter.index()) = element;
// And finally the diagonal, which corresponds to both row and col iterator now
const Scalar diag = inverseDiagonal(recurseLevel) - accurateDot(row, colInv.col(recurseLevel));
rowIter.valueRef() = diag;
colIter.valueRef() = diag;
return colInv;
MatrixType _result;
} // namespace Eigen