blob: e32d5e9aab2b2245b780762468e20370c3476d40 [file] [log] [blame]
#import "HTTPServer.h"
#import "GCDAsyncSocket.h"
#import "HTTPConnection.h"
#import "WebSocket.h"
#import "HTTPLogging.h"
#if ! __has_feature(objc_arc)
#warning This file must be compiled with ARC. Use -fobjc-arc flag (or convert project to ARC).
// Does ARC support support GCD objects?
// It does if the minimum deployment target is iOS 6+ or Mac OS X 8+
// Compiling for iOS
#if __IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= 60000 // iOS 6.0 or later
#else // iOS 5.X or earlier
// Compiling for Mac OS X
#if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= 1080 // Mac OS X 10.8 or later
#define NEEDS_DISPATCH_RETAIN_RELEASE 1 // Mac OS X 10.7 or earlier
// Log levels: off, error, warn, info, verbose
// Other flags: trace
static const DDLogLevel httpLogLevel = DDLogLevelInfo; // | HTTP_LOG_FLAG_TRACE;
@interface HTTPServer (PrivateAPI)
- (void)unpublishBonjour;
- (void)publishBonjour;
+ (void)startBonjourThreadIfNeeded;
+ (void)performBonjourBlock:(dispatch_block_t)block;
#pragma mark -
@implementation HTTPServer
* Standard Constructor.
* Instantiates an HTTP server, but does not start it.
- (id)init
if ((self = [super init]))
// Setup underlying dispatch queues
serverQueue = dispatch_queue_create("HTTPServer", NULL);
connectionQueue = dispatch_queue_create("HTTPConnection", NULL);
IsOnServerQueueKey = &IsOnServerQueueKey;
IsOnConnectionQueueKey = &IsOnConnectionQueueKey;
void *nonNullUnusedPointer = (__bridge void *)self; // Whatever, just not null
dispatch_queue_set_specific(serverQueue, IsOnServerQueueKey, nonNullUnusedPointer, NULL);
dispatch_queue_set_specific(connectionQueue, IsOnConnectionQueueKey, nonNullUnusedPointer, NULL);
// Initialize underlying GCD based tcp socket
asyncSocket = [[GCDAsyncSocket alloc] initWithDelegate:self delegateQueue:serverQueue];
// Use default connection class of HTTPConnection
connectionClass = [HTTPConnection self];
// By default bind on all available interfaces, en1, wifi etc
interface = nil;
// Use a default port of 0
// This will allow the kernel to automatically pick an open port for us
port = 0;
// Configure default values for bonjour service
// Bonjour domain. Use the local domain by default
domain = @"local.";
// If using an empty string ("") for the service name when registering,
// the system will automatically use the "Computer Name".
// Passing in an empty string will also handle name conflicts
// by automatically appending a digit to the end of the name.
name = @"";
// Initialize arrays to hold all the HTTP and webSocket connections
connections = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
webSockets = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
connectionsLock = [[NSLock alloc] init];
webSocketsLock = [[NSLock alloc] init];
// Register for notifications of closed connections
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
// Register for notifications of closed websocket connections
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
isRunning = NO;
return self;
* Standard Deconstructor.
* Stops the server, and clients, and releases any resources connected with this instance.
- (void)dealloc
// Remove notification observer
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
// Stop the server if it's running
[self stop];
// Release all instance variables
[asyncSocket setDelegate:nil delegateQueue:NULL];
#pragma mark Server Configuration
* The document root is filesystem root for the webserver.
* Thus requests for /index.html will be referencing the index.html file within the document root directory.
* All file requests are relative to this document root.
- (NSString *)documentRoot
__block NSString *result;
dispatch_sync(serverQueue, ^{
result = documentRoot;
return result;
- (void)setDocumentRoot:(NSString *)value
// Document root used to be of type NSURL.
// Add type checking for early warning to developers upgrading from older versions.
if (value && ![value isKindOfClass:[NSString class]])
HTTPLogWarn(@"%@: %@ - Expecting NSString parameter, received %@ parameter",
THIS_FILE, THIS_METHOD, NSStringFromClass([value class]));
NSString *valueCopy = [value copy];
dispatch_async(serverQueue, ^{
documentRoot = valueCopy;
* The connection class is the class that will be used to handle connections.
* That is, when a new connection is created, an instance of this class will be intialized.
* The default connection class is HTTPConnection.
* If you use a different connection class, it is assumed that the class extends HTTPConnection
- (Class)connectionClass
__block Class result;
dispatch_sync(serverQueue, ^{
result = connectionClass;
return result;
- (void)setConnectionClass:(Class)value
dispatch_async(serverQueue, ^{
connectionClass = value;
* What interface to bind the listening socket to.
- (NSString *)interface
__block NSString *result;
dispatch_sync(serverQueue, ^{
result = interface;
return result;
- (void)setInterface:(NSString *)value
NSString *valueCopy = [value copy];
dispatch_async(serverQueue, ^{
interface = valueCopy;
* The port to listen for connections on.
* By default this port is initially set to zero, which allows the kernel to pick an available port for us.
* After the HTTP server has started, the port being used may be obtained by this method.
- (UInt16)port
__block UInt16 result;
dispatch_sync(serverQueue, ^{
result = port;
return result;
- (UInt16)listeningPort
__block UInt16 result;
dispatch_sync(serverQueue, ^{
if (isRunning)
result = [asyncSocket localPort];
result = 0;
return result;
- (void)setPort:(UInt16)value
dispatch_async(serverQueue, ^{
port = value;
* Domain on which to broadcast this service via Bonjour.
* The default domain is @"local".
- (NSString *)domain
__block NSString *result;
dispatch_sync(serverQueue, ^{
result = domain;
return result;
- (void)setDomain:(NSString *)value
NSString *valueCopy = [value copy];
dispatch_async(serverQueue, ^{
domain = valueCopy;
* The name to use for this service via Bonjour.
* The default name is an empty string,
* which should result in the published name being the host name of the computer.
- (NSString *)name
__block NSString *result;
dispatch_sync(serverQueue, ^{
result = name;
return result;
- (NSString *)publishedName
__block NSString *result;
dispatch_sync(serverQueue, ^{
if (netService == nil)
result = nil;
dispatch_block_t bonjourBlock = ^{
result = [[netService name] copy];
[[self class] performBonjourBlock:bonjourBlock];
return result;
- (void)setName:(NSString *)value
NSString *valueCopy = [value copy];
dispatch_async(serverQueue, ^{
name = valueCopy;
* The type of service to publish via Bonjour.
* No type is set by default, and one must be set in order for the service to be published.
- (NSString *)type
__block NSString *result;
dispatch_sync(serverQueue, ^{
result = type;
return result;
- (void)setType:(NSString *)value
NSString *valueCopy = [value copy];
dispatch_async(serverQueue, ^{
type = valueCopy;
* The extra data to use for this service via Bonjour.
- (NSDictionary *)TXTRecordDictionary
__block NSDictionary *result;
dispatch_sync(serverQueue, ^{
result = txtRecordDictionary;
return result;
- (void)setTXTRecordDictionary:(NSDictionary *)value
NSDictionary *valueCopy = [value copy];
dispatch_async(serverQueue, ^{
txtRecordDictionary = valueCopy;
// Update the txtRecord of the netService if it has already been published
if (netService)
NSNetService *theNetService = netService;
NSData *txtRecordData = nil;
if (txtRecordDictionary)
txtRecordData = [NSNetService dataFromTXTRecordDictionary:txtRecordDictionary];
dispatch_block_t bonjourBlock = ^{
[theNetService setTXTRecordData:txtRecordData];
[[self class] performBonjourBlock:bonjourBlock];
#pragma mark Server Control
- (BOOL)start:(NSError **)errPtr
__block BOOL success = YES;
__block NSError *err = nil;
dispatch_sync(serverQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
success = [asyncSocket acceptOnInterface:interface port:port error:&err];
if (success)
HTTPLogInfo(@"%@: Started HTTP server on port %hu", THIS_FILE, [asyncSocket localPort]);
isRunning = YES;
[self publishBonjour];
HTTPLogError(@"%@: Failed to start HTTP Server: %@", THIS_FILE, err);
if (errPtr)
*errPtr = err;
return success;
- (void)stop
[self stop:NO];
- (void)stop:(BOOL)keepExistingConnections
dispatch_sync(serverQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
// First stop publishing the service via bonjour
[self unpublishBonjour];
// Stop listening / accepting incoming connections
[asyncSocket disconnect];
isRunning = NO;
if (!keepExistingConnections)
// Stop all HTTP connections the server owns
[connectionsLock lock];
for (HTTPConnection *connection in connections)
[connection stop];
[connections removeAllObjects];
[connectionsLock unlock];
// Stop all WebSocket connections the server owns
[webSocketsLock lock];
for (WebSocket *webSocket in webSockets)
[webSocket stop];
[webSockets removeAllObjects];
[webSocketsLock unlock];
- (BOOL)isRunning
__block BOOL result;
dispatch_sync(serverQueue, ^{
result = isRunning;
return result;
- (void)addWebSocket:(WebSocket *)ws
[webSocketsLock lock];
[webSockets addObject:ws];
[webSocketsLock unlock];
#pragma mark Server Status
* Returns the number of http client connections that are currently connected to the server.
- (NSUInteger)numberOfHTTPConnections
NSUInteger result = 0;
[connectionsLock lock];
result = [connections count];
[connectionsLock unlock];
return result;
* Returns the number of websocket client connections that are currently connected to the server.
- (NSUInteger)numberOfWebSocketConnections
NSUInteger result = 0;
[webSocketsLock lock];
result = [webSockets count];
[webSocketsLock unlock];
return result;
#pragma mark Incoming Connections
- (HTTPConfig *)config
// Override me if you want to provide a custom config to the new connection.
// Generally this involves overriding the HTTPConfig class to include any custom settings,
// and then having this method return an instance of 'MyHTTPConfig'.
// Note: Think you can make the server faster by putting each connection on its own queue?
// Then benchmark it before and after and discover for yourself the shocking truth!
// Try the apache benchmark tool (already installed on your Mac):
// $ ab -n 1000 -c 1 http://localhost:<port>/some_path.html
return [[HTTPConfig alloc] initWithServer:self documentRoot:documentRoot queue:connectionQueue];
- (void)socket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock didAcceptNewSocket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)newSocket
HTTPConnection *newConnection = (HTTPConnection *)[[connectionClass alloc] initWithAsyncSocket:newSocket
configuration:[self config]];
[connectionsLock lock];
[connections addObject:newConnection];
[connectionsLock unlock];
[newConnection start];
#pragma mark Bonjour
- (void)publishBonjour
NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnServerQueueKey) != NULL, @"Must be on serverQueue");
if (type)
netService = [[NSNetService alloc] initWithDomain:domain type:type name:name port:[asyncSocket localPort]];
[netService setDelegate:self];
NSNetService *theNetService = netService;
NSData *txtRecordData = nil;
if (txtRecordDictionary)
txtRecordData = [NSNetService dataFromTXTRecordDictionary:txtRecordDictionary];
dispatch_block_t bonjourBlock = ^{
[theNetService removeFromRunLoop:[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop] forMode:NSRunLoopCommonModes];
[theNetService scheduleInRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] forMode:NSRunLoopCommonModes];
[theNetService publish];
// Do not set the txtRecordDictionary prior to publishing!!!
// This will cause the OS to crash!!!
if (txtRecordData)
[theNetService setTXTRecordData:txtRecordData];
[[self class] startBonjourThreadIfNeeded];
[[self class] performBonjourBlock:bonjourBlock];
- (void)unpublishBonjour
NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnServerQueueKey) != NULL, @"Must be on serverQueue");
if (netService)
NSNetService *theNetService = netService;
dispatch_block_t bonjourBlock = ^{
[theNetService stop];
[[self class] performBonjourBlock:bonjourBlock];
netService = nil;
* Republishes the service via bonjour if the server is running.
* If the service was not previously published, this method will publish it (if the server is running).
- (void)republishBonjour
dispatch_async(serverQueue, ^{
[self unpublishBonjour];
[self publishBonjour];
* Called when our bonjour service has been successfully published.
* This method does nothing but output a log message telling us about the published service.
- (void)netServiceDidPublish:(NSNetService *)ns
// Override me to do something here...
// Note: This method is invoked on our bonjour thread.
HTTPLogInfo(@"Bonjour Service Published: domain(%@) type(%@) name(%@)", [ns domain], [ns type], [ns name]);
* Called if our bonjour service failed to publish itself.
* This method does nothing but output a log message telling us about the published service.
- (void)netService:(NSNetService *)ns didNotPublish:(NSDictionary *)errorDict
// Override me to do something here...
// Note: This method in invoked on our bonjour thread.
HTTPLogWarn(@"Failed to Publish Service: domain(%@) type(%@) name(%@) - %@",
[ns domain], [ns type], [ns name], errorDict);
#pragma mark Notifications
* This method is automatically called when a notification of type HTTPConnectionDidDieNotification is posted.
* It allows us to remove the connection from our array.
- (void)connectionDidDie:(NSNotification *)notification
// Note: This method is called on the connection queue that posted the notification
[connectionsLock lock];
[connections removeObject:[notification object]];
[connectionsLock unlock];
* This method is automatically called when a notification of type WebSocketDidDieNotification is posted.
* It allows us to remove the websocket from our array.
- (void)webSocketDidDie:(NSNotification *)notification
// Note: This method is called on the connection queue that posted the notification
[webSocketsLock lock];
[webSockets removeObject:[notification object]];
[webSocketsLock unlock];
#pragma mark Bonjour Thread
* NSNetService is runloop based, so it requires a thread with a runloop.
* This gives us two options:
* - Use the main thread
* - Setup our own dedicated thread
* Since we have various blocks of code that need to synchronously access the netservice objects,
* using the main thread becomes troublesome and a potential for deadlock.
static NSThread *bonjourThread;
+ (void)startBonjourThreadIfNeeded
static dispatch_once_t predicate;
dispatch_once(&predicate, ^{
HTTPLogVerbose(@"%@: Starting bonjour thread...", THIS_FILE);
bonjourThread = [[NSThread alloc] initWithTarget:self
[bonjourThread start];
+ (void)bonjourThread
@autoreleasepool {
HTTPLogVerbose(@"%@: BonjourThread: Started", THIS_FILE);
// We can't run the run loop unless it has an associated input source or a timer.
// So we'll just create a timer that will never fire - unless the server runs for 10,000 years.
[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:[[NSDate distantFuture] timeIntervalSinceNow]
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] run];
HTTPLogVerbose(@"%@: BonjourThread: Aborted", THIS_FILE);
- (void)doNothingAtAll:(NSTimer *)timer
+ (void)executeBonjourBlock:(dispatch_block_t)block
NSAssert([NSThread currentThread] == bonjourThread, @"Executed on incorrect thread");
+ (void)performBonjourBlock:(dispatch_block_t)block
[self performSelector:@selector(executeBonjourBlock:)