blob: 7845d73a8d44c2584a5d933ed72eeedc4ef3a212 [file] [log] [blame]
proc swapp_get_name {} {
return "FreeRTOS Hello World";
proc swapp_get_description {} {
return "Let's say 'Hello World' in FreeRTOS.";
proc get_os {} {
set oslist [xget_sw_modules "type" "os"];
set os [lindex $oslist 0];
if { $os == "" } {
error "No Operating System specified in the Board Support Package.";
return $os;
proc get_stdout {} {
set os [get_os];
set stdout [xget_sw_module_parameter $os "STDOUT"];
return $stdout;
proc check_stdout_hw {} {
set uartlites [xget_ips "type" "uartlite"];
set uart16550s [xget_ips "type" "uart16550"];
if { ([llength $uartlites] == 0) && ([llength $uart16550s] == 0) } {
# Check for MDM-Uart peripheral. The MDM would be listed as a peripheral
# only if it has a UART interface. So no further check is required
set mdmlist [xget_ips "type" "mdm"]
if { [llength $mdmlist] == 0 } {
error "This application requires a Uart IP in the hardware."
proc check_stdout_sw {} {
set stdout [get_stdout];
if { $stdout == "none" } {
error "The STDOUT parameter is not set on the OS. Hello World requires stdout to be set."
proc get_mem_size { memlist } {
return [lindex $memlist 4];
proc require_memory {memsize} {
set imemlist [xget_memory_ranges "access_type" "I"];
set idmemlist [xget_memory_ranges "access_type" "ID"];
set dmemlist [xget_memory_ranges "access_type" "D"];
set memlist [concat $imemlist $idmemlist $dmemlist];
while { [llength $memlist] > 3 } {
set mem [lrange $memlist 0 4];
set memlist [lreplace $memlist 0 4];
if { [get_mem_size $mem] >= $memsize } {
return 1;
error "This application requires atleast $memsize bytes of memory.";
proc swapp_is_supported_hw {} {
# check for uart peripheral
# require about 1M of memory
require_memory "1000000";
return 1;
proc swapp_is_supported_sw {} {
# check for stdout being set
return 1;
proc generate_stdout_config { fid } {
set stdout [get_stdout];
# if stdout is uartlite, we don't have to generate anything
set stdout_type [xget_ip_attribute "type" $stdout];
if { [regexp -nocase "uartlite" $stdout_type] || [string match -nocase "mdm" $stdout_type] } {
} elseif { [regexp -nocase "uart16550" $stdout_type] } {
# mention that we have a 16550
puts $fid "#define STDOUT_IS_16550";
# and note down its base address
set prefix "XPAR_";
set postfix "_BASEADDR";
set stdout_baseaddr_macro $prefix$stdout$postfix;
set stdout_baseaddr_macro [string toupper $stdout_baseaddr_macro];
puts $fid "#define STDOUT_BASEADDR $stdout_baseaddr_macro";
# depending on the type of os (standalone|xilkernel), choose
# the correct source files
proc swapp_generate {} {
# cleanup this file for writing
set fid [open "platform_config.h" "w+"];
puts $fid "#ifndef __PLATFORM_CONFIG_H_";
puts $fid "#define __PLATFORM_CONFIG_H_\n";
# if we have a uart16550 as stdout, then generate some config for that
generate_stdout_config $fid;
puts $fid "#endif";
close $fid;
proc swapp_get_linker_constraints {} {
# we need a 4k heap
return "stack 40k heap 40k";