blob: eecca9d1367a90d2467c2ee5c3ad79b5e72c4c1d [file] [log] [blame]
// HCS12 Core erasing + unsecuring command file:
// These commands mass erase the chip then program the security byte to 0xFE (unsecured state).
// Evaluate the clock divider to set in ECLKDIV/FCLKDIV registers:
// An average programming clock of 175 kHz is chosen.
// If the oscillator frequency is less than 10 MHz, the value to store
// in ECLKDIV/FCLKDIV is equal to " oscillator frequency (kHz) / 175 ".
// If the oscillator frequency is higher than 10 MHz, the value to store
// in ECLKDIV/FCLKDIV is equal to " oscillator frequency (kHz) / 1400 + 0x40 (to set PRDIV8 flag)".
// Datasheet proposed values:
// oscillator frequency ECLKDIV/FCLKDIV value (hexadecimal)
// 16 MHz $49
// 8 MHz $27
// 4 MHz $13
// 2 MHz $9
// 1 MHz $4
define CLKDIV 0x49
FLASH MEMUNMAP // do not interact with regular flash programming monitor
//mass erase flash
wb 0x100 CLKDIV // set FCLKDIV clock divider
wb 0x103 0 // FCFNG select block 0
wb 0x102 0x10 // set the WRALL bit in FTSTMOD to affect all blocks
wb 0x104 0xFF // FPROT all protection disabled
wb 0x105 0x30 // clear PVIOL and ACCERR in FSTAT register
ww 0x108 0xD000 // write to FADDR address register
ww 0x10A 0x0000 // write to FDATA data register
wb 0x106 0x41 // write MASS ERASE command in FCMD register
wb 0x105 0x80 // clear CBEIF in FSTAT register to execute the command
wait 20 // wait for command to complete
//mass erase eeprom
wb 0x110 CLKDIV // set ECLKDV clock divider
wb 0x114 0xFF // EPROT all protection disabled
wb 0x115 0x30 // clear PVIOL and ACCERR in ESTAT register
ww 0x118 0x0400 // write to EADDR eeprom address register
ww 0x11A 0x0000 // write to EDATA eeprom data register
wb 0x116 0x41 // write MASS ERASE command in ECMD register
wb 0x115 0x80 // clear CBEIF in ESTAT register to execute the command
wait 20 // wait for command to complete
//reprogram Security byte to Unsecure state
wb 0x100 CLKDIV // set FCLKDIV clock divider
wb 0x103 0 // FCFNG select block 0
wb 0x104 0xFF // FPROT all protection disabled
wb 0x105 0x30 // clear PVIOL and ACCERR in FSTAT register
ww 0xFF0E 0xFFFE // write security byte to "Unsecured" state
wb 0x106 0x20 // write MEMORY PROGRAM command in FCMD register
wb 0x105 0x80 // clear CBEIF in FSTAT register to execute the command
wait 20 // wait for command to complete
FLASH MEMMAP // restore regular flash programming monitor
undef CLKDIV // undefine variable