blob: d78aa5df6fc5469cebe5cb32c0d94aecab3748e0 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Provides Functions to Initialize the UCS/FLL and clock sources
// File: hal_ucs.c
// Texas Instruments
// Version 1.2
// 11/24/09
// V1.0 Initial Version
// V1.1 Added timeout function
// V1.1 Added parameter for XTDrive
#ifndef __hal_UCS
#define __hal_UCS
#include <stdint.h>
#include "hal_macros.h"
/* Select source for FLLREF e.g. SELECT_FLLREF(SELREF__XT1CLK) */
#define SELECT_FLLREF(source) st(UCSCTL3 = (UCSCTL3 & ~(SELREF_7)) | (source);)
/* Select source for ACLK e.g. SELECT_ACLK(SELA__XT1CLK) */
#define SELECT_ACLK(source) st(UCSCTL4 = (UCSCTL4 & ~(SELA_7)) | (source);)
/* Select source for MCLK e.g. SELECT_MCLK(SELM__XT2CLK) */
#define SELECT_MCLK(source) st(UCSCTL4 = (UCSCTL4 & ~(SELM_7)) | (source);)
/* Select source for SMCLK e.g. SELECT_SMCLK(SELS__XT2CLK) */
#define SELECT_SMCLK(source) st(UCSCTL4 = (UCSCTL4 & ~(SELS_7)) | (source);)
/* Select source for MCLK and SMCLK e.g. SELECT_MCLK_SMCLK(SELM__DCOCLK + SELS__DCOCLK) */
#define SELECT_MCLK_SMCLK(sources) st(UCSCTL4 = (UCSCTL4 & ~(SELM_7 + SELS_7)) | (sources);)
/* set ACLK/x */
#define ACLK_DIV(x) st(UCSCTL5 = (UCSCTL5 & ~(DIVA_7)) | (DIVA__##x);)
/* set MCLK/x */
#define MCLK_DIV(x) st(UCSCTL5 = (UCSCTL5 & ~(DIVM_7)) | (DIVM__##x);)
/* set SMCLK/x */
#define SMCLK_DIV(x) st(UCSCTL5 = (UCSCTL5 & ~(DIVS_7)) | (DIVS__##x);)
/* Select divider for FLLREF e.g. SELECT_FLLREFDIV(2) */
// Defines
#define UCS_STATUS_OK 0
* Startup routine for 32kHz Cristal on LFXT1
* \param xtdrive: Bits defining the LFXT drive mode after startup
extern void LFXT_Start(uint16_t xtdrive);
* Startup routine for 32kHz Cristal on LFXT1 with timeout counter
* \param xtdrive: Bits defining the LFXT drive mode after startup
* \param timeout: value for the timeout counter
extern uint16_t LFXT_Start_Timeout(uint16_t xtdrive, uint16_t timeout);
* Startup routine for XT1
* \param xtdrive: Bits defining the XT drive mode
extern void XT1_Start(uint16_t xtdrive);
* Startup routine for XT1 with timeout counter
* \param xtdrive: Bits defining the XT drive mode
* \param timeout: value for the timeout counter
extern uint16_t XT1_Start_Timeout(uint16_t xtdrive, uint16_t timeout);
* Use XT1 in Bypasss mode
extern void XT1_Bypass(void);
* Startup routine for XT2
* \param xtdrive: Bits defining the XT drive mode
extern void XT2_Start(uint16_t xtdrive);
* Startup routine for XT2 with timeout counter
* \param xtdrive: Bits defining the XT drive mode
* \param timeout: value for the timeout counter
extern uint16_t XT2_Start_Timeout(uint16_t xtdrive, uint16_t timeout);
* Use XT2 in Bypasss mode for MCLK
extern void XT2_Bypass(void);
* Initializes FLL of the UCS and wait till settled
* \param fsystem required system frequency (MCLK) in kHz
* \param ratio ratio between fsystem and FLLREFCLK
extern void Init_FLL_Settle(uint16_t fsystem, uint16_t ratio);
* Initializes FLL of the UCS
* \param fsystem required system frequency (MCLK) in kHz
* \param ratio ratio between fsystem and FLLREFCLK
static void Init_FLL(uint16_t fsystem, uint16_t ratio);
#endif /* __hal_UCS */