blob: 1b3798f3e4510604f35bdafb18473fc827748a59 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* (c) Copyright 2009 Actel Corporation. All rights reserved.
* SmartFusion A2FxxxM3 CMSIS system initialization.
* SVN $Revision: 2069 $
* SVN $Date: 2010-01-28 00:23:48 +0000 (Thu, 28 Jan 2010) $
#include "a2fxxxm3.h"
#include "mss_assert.h"
/* System frequency (FCLK) coming out of reset is 25MHz. */
#define RESET_SYSCLCK_FREQ 25000000uL
* SmartFusion Microcontroller Subsystem FLCK frequency.
* The value of SMARTFUSION_FCLK_FREQ is used to report the system's clock
* frequency in system's which either do not use the Actel System Boot or
* a version of the Actel System Boot older than 1.3.1. In eitehr of these cases
* SMARTFUSION_FCLK_FREQ should be defined in the projects settings to reflect
* the FCLK frequency selected in the Libero MSS configurator.
* Systems using the Actel System Boot version 1.3.1 or later do not require this
* define since the system's frequency is retrieved from eNVM spare pages where
* the MSS Configurator stored the frequency selected during hardware design/configuration.
/* Divider values for APB0, APB1 and ACE clocks. */
#define RESET_PCLK0_DIV 4uL
#define RESET_PCLK1_DIV 4uL
#define RESET_ACE_DIV 4uL
/* System register clock control mask and shift for PCLK dividers. */
#define PCLK_DIV_MASK 0x00000003uL
#define PCLK0_DIV_SHIFT 2uL
#define PCLK1_DIV_SHIFT 4uL
#define ACE_DIV_SHIFT 6uL
/* System register MSS_CCC_DIV_CR mask and shift for GLB (FPGA fabric clock). */
#define OBDIV_SHIFT 8uL
#define OBDIV_MASK 0x0000001FuL
#define OBDIVHALF_MASK 0x00000001uL
* Actel system boot version defines used to extract the system clock from eNVM
* spare pages.
* These defines allow detecting the presence of Actel system boot in eNVM spare
* pages and the version of that system boot executable and associated
* configuration data.
#define SYSBOOT_KEY_ADDR (uint32_t *)0x6008081C
#define SYSBOOT_KEY_VALUE 0x4C544341uL
#define SYSBOOT_VERSION_ADDR (uint32_t *)0x60080840
#define SYSBOOT_1_3_FCLK_ADDR (uint32_t *)0x6008162C
#define SYSBOOT_2_x_FCLK_ADDR (uint32_t *)0x60081EAC
* The system boot version is stored in the least significant 24 bits of a word.
* The FCLK is stored in eNVM from version 1.3.1 of the system boot. We expect
* that the major version number of the system boot version will change if the
* system boot configuration data layout needs to change.
#define MIN_SYSBOOT_VERSION 0x00010301uL
#define SYSBOOT_VERSION_2_X 0x00020000uL
#define MAX_SYSBOOT_VERSION 0x00030000uL
/* Standard CMSIS global variables. */
uint32_t SystemFrequency = SMARTFUSION_FCLK_FREQ; /*!< System Clock Frequency (Core Clock) */
uint32_t SystemCoreClock = SMARTFUSION_FCLK_FREQ; /*!< System Clock Frequency (Core Clock) */
/* SmartFusion specific clocks. */
uint32_t g_FrequencyPCLK0 = (SMARTFUSION_FCLK_FREQ / RESET_PCLK0_DIV); /*!< Clock frequency of APB bus 0. */
uint32_t g_FrequencyPCLK1 = (SMARTFUSION_FCLK_FREQ / RESET_PCLK1_DIV); /*!< Clock frequency of APB bus 1. */
uint32_t g_FrequencyACE = (SMARTFUSION_FCLK_FREQ / RESET_ACE_DIV); /*!< Clock frequency of Analog Compute Engine. */
uint32_t g_FrequencyFPGA = (SMARTFUSION_FCLK_FREQ / RESET_FPGA_CLK_DIV); /*!< Clock frequecny of FPGA fabric */
/* Local functions */
static uint32_t GetSystemClock( void );
* See system_a2fm3fxxx.h for details.
void SystemInit(void)
void SystemCoreClockUpdate (void)
uint32_t PclkDiv0;
uint32_t PclkDiv1;
uint32_t AceDiv;
uint32_t FabDiv;
const uint32_t pclk_div_lut[4] = { 1uL, 2uL, 4uL, 1uL };
/* Read PCLK dividers from system registers. Multiply the value read from
* system register by two to get actual divider value. */
PclkDiv0 = pclk_div_lut[((SYSREG->MSS_CLK_CR >> PCLK0_DIV_SHIFT) & PCLK_DIV_MASK)];
PclkDiv1 = pclk_div_lut[((SYSREG->MSS_CLK_CR >> PCLK1_DIV_SHIFT) & PCLK_DIV_MASK)];
AceDiv = pclk_div_lut[((SYSREG->MSS_CLK_CR >> ACE_DIV_SHIFT) & PCLK_DIV_MASK)];
/* Compute the FPGA fabric frequency divider. */
uint32_t obdiv;
uint32_t obdivhalf;
FabDiv = obdiv + 1uL;
if ( obdivhalf != 0uL )
FabDiv = FabDiv * 2uL;
/* Retrieve FCLK from eNVM spare pages if Actel system boot programmed as part of the system. */
/* Read system clock from eNVM spare pages. */
SystemCoreClock = GetSystemClock();
g_FrequencyPCLK0 = SystemCoreClock / PclkDiv0;
g_FrequencyPCLK1 = SystemCoreClock / PclkDiv1;
g_FrequencyACE = SystemCoreClock / AceDiv;
g_FrequencyFPGA = SystemCoreClock / FabDiv;
/* Keep SystemFrequency as well as SystemCoreClock for legacy reasons. */
SystemFrequency = SystemCoreClock;
* Retrieve the system clock frequency from eNVM spare page if available.
* Returns the frequency defined through SMARTFUSION_FCLK_FREQ if FCLK cannot be
* retrieved from eNVM spare pages.
* The FCLK frequency value selected in the MSS Configurator software tool is
* stored in eNVM spare pages as part of the Actel system boot configuration data.
uint32_t GetSystemClock( void )
uint32_t fclk = 0uL;
uint32_t * p_sysboot_key = SYSBOOT_KEY_ADDR;
if ( SYSBOOT_KEY_VALUE == *p_sysboot_key )
/* Actel system boot programmed, check if it has the FCLK value stored. */
uint32_t *p_sysboot_version = SYSBOOT_VERSION_ADDR;
uint32_t sysboot_version = *p_sysboot_version;
sysboot_version &= SYSBOOT_VERSION_MASK;
if ( sysboot_version >= MIN_SYSBOOT_VERSION )
/* Handle change of eNVM location of FCLK between 1.3.x and 2.x.x versions of the system boot. */
if ( sysboot_version < SYSBOOT_VERSION_2_X )
/* Read FCLK value from MSS configurator generated configuration
* data stored in eNVM spare pages as part of system boot version 1.3.x
* configuration tables. */
uint32_t *p_fclk = SYSBOOT_1_3_FCLK_ADDR;
fclk = *p_fclk;
else if ( sysboot_version < MAX_SYSBOOT_VERSION )
/* Read FCLK value from MSS configurator generated configuration
* data stored in eNVM spare pages as part of system boot version 2.x.x
* configuration tables. */
uint32_t *p_fclk = SYSBOOT_2_x_FCLK_ADDR;
fclk = *p_fclk;
fclk = 0uL;
if ( 0uL == fclk )
* Could not retrieve FCLK from system boot configuration data. Fall back
* to using SMARTFUSION_FCLK_FREQ which must then be defined as part of
* project settings.
return fclk;