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* (c) Copyright 2007 Actel Corporation. All rights reserved.
* SmartFusion Microcontroller Subsystem UART bare metal software driver public API.
* SVN $Revision: 1942 $
* SVN $Date: 2009-12-22 17:48:07 +0000 (Tue, 22 Dec 2009) $
@mainpage SmartFusion MSS UART Bare Metal Driver.
@section intro_sec Introduction
The SmartFusion MicroController Subsystem (MSS) includes two UART peripherals
for serial communications.
This driver provides a set of functions for controlling the MSS UARTs as part
of a bare metal system where no operating system is available. These drivers
can be adapted for use as part of an operating system but the implementation
of the adaptation layer between this driver and the operating system's driver
model is outside the scope of this driver.
@section hw_dependencies Hardware Flow Dependencies
The configuration of all features of the MSS UARTs is covered by this driver
with the exception of the SmartFusion IOMUX configuration. SmartFusion allows
multiple non-concurrent uses of some external pins through IOMUX configuration.
This feature allows optimization of external pin usage by assigning external
pins for use by either the microcontroller subsystem or the FPGA fabric. The
MSS UARTs serial signals are routed through IOMUXes to the SmartFusion device
external pins. These IOMUXes are configured automatically by the MSS
configurator tool in the hardware flow correctly when the MSS UARTs are enabled
in that tool. You must ensure that the MSS UARTs are enabled by the MSS
configurator tool in the hardware flow; otherwise the serial inputs and outputs
will not be connected to the chip's external pins. For more information on
IOMUX, refer to the IOMUX section of the SmartFusion Datasheet.
The base address, register addresses and interrupt number assignment for the MSS
UART blocks are defined as constants in the SmartFusion CMSIS-PAL You must ensure
that the SmartFusion CMSIS-PAL is either included in the software tool chain used
to build your project or is included in your project.
@section theory_op Theory of Operation
The MSS UART driver uses the SmartFusion "Cortex Microcontroler Software
Interface Standard - Peripheral Access Layer" (CMSIS-PAL) to access hadware
registers. You must ensure that the SmartFusion CMSIS-PAL is either included
in the software toolchain used to build your project or is included in your
project. The most up to date SmartFusion CMSIS-PAL files can be obtained using
the Actel Firmware Catalog.
The MSS UART driver functions are logically grouped into three groups:
- Initialization functions
- Polled transmit and receive functions
- Interrupt driven transmit and receive functions
The MSS UART driver is initialized through a call to the UART_init() function.
This function takes the UART's configuration as parameters. The UART_init()
function must be called before any other UART driver functions can be called.
The first parameter of the UART_init() function is a pointer to one of two
global data structures used to store state information for each UART driver.
A pointer to these data structures is also used as first parameter to any of
the driver functions to identify which UART will be used by the called
function. The name of these two data structures are g_mss_uart0 and
g_mss_uart1. Therefore any call to a MSS UART function should be of the form
UART_function_name( &g_mss_uart0, ... ) or UART_function_name( &g_mss_uart1, ... ).
The two SmartFusion MSS UARTs can also be configured to loop back to each
other using the MSS_set_loopback() function for debugging purposes.
Polled operations where the processor constantly poll the UART registers state
in order to control data transmit or data receive is performed using functions:
- MSS_UART_polled_tx()
- MSS_UART_get_rx()
Interrupt driven operations where the processor sets up transmit or receive
then returns to performing some other operation until an interrupts occurs
indicating that its attention is required is performed using functions:
- MSS_UART_irq_tx()
- MSS_UART_tx_complete()
- MSS_UART_set_rx_handler()
- MSS_UART_get_rx()
Interrupt driven transmit is initiated by a call to MSS_UART_irq_tx() specifying
the block of data to transmit. The processor can then perform some other
operation and later inquire whether transmit has completed by calling the
MSS_UART_tx_complete() function.
Interrupt driven receive is performed by first registering a receive handler
function that will be called by the driver whenever receive data is available.
This receive handler function in turns calls the MSS_UART_get_rx() function to
actually read the received data.
#ifndef __MSS_UART_H_
#define __MSS_UART_H_ 1
#include "../../CMSIS/a2fxxxm3.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
Baud rates.
The following definitions are used to specify standard baud rates as a
parameter to the MSS_UART_init() function.
#define MSS_UART_110_BAUD 110
#define MSS_UART_300_BAUD 300
#define MSS_UART_1200_BAUD 1200
#define MSS_UART_2400_BAUD 2400
#define MSS_UART_4800_BAUD 4800
#define MSS_UART_9600_BAUD 9600
#define MSS_UART_19200_BAUD 19200
#define MSS_UART_38400_BAUD 38400
#define MSS_UART_57600_BAUD 57600
#define MSS_UART_115200_BAUD 115200
#define MSS_UART_230400_BAUD 230400
#define MSS_UART_460800_BAUD 460800
#define MSS_UART_921600_BAUD 921600
Data bits length values.
The following defines are used to build the value of the MSS_UART_init()
function line_config parameter.
#define MSS_UART_DATA_5_BITS 0x00
#define MSS_UART_DATA_6_BITS 0x01
#define MSS_UART_DATA_7_BITS 0x02
#define MSS_UART_DATA_8_BITS 0x03
Parity values
The following defines are used to build the value of the MSS_UART_init()
function line_config parameter.
#define MSS_UART_NO_PARITY 0x00
#define MSS_UART_ODD_PARITY 0x08
#define MSS_UART_STICK_PARITY_0 0x38
#define MSS_UART_STICK_PARITY_1 0x28
Stop bit values
The following defines are used to build the value of the MSS_UART_init()
function line_config parameter.
#define MSS_UART_ONE_STOP_BIT 0x00
FIFO trigger sizes
This enumeration specifies the number of bytes that must be received before a
receive interrupt is generated. This enumeration provides the allowed values for
the MSS_UART_set_rx_handler() function trigger_level parameter.
typedef enum __mss_uart_rx_trig_level_t {
} mss_uart_rx_trig_level_t;
This enumeration is used as parameter to function MSS_UART_set_loopback(). It
specifies the loopback configuration of the UARTs. Using MSS_UART_LOOPBACK_ON
as parameter to function MSS_UART_set_loopback() will set up the UART to locally
loopback its Tx and Rx lines.
typedef enum __mss_uart_loopback_t {
} mss_uart_loopback_t;
Receive handler prototype.
This typedef specifies the prototype of functions that can be registered with
this driver as receive handler functions.
typedef void (*mss_uart_rx_handler_t)(void);
There is one instance of this structure for each instance of the Microcontroller
Subsystem's UARTs. Instances of this structure are used to identify a specific
UART. A pointer to an instance of the mss_uart_instance_t structure is passed
as the first parameter to MSS UART driver functions to identify which UART
should perform the requested operation.
typedef struct {
/* CMSIS related defines identifying the UART hardware. */
UART_TypeDef * hw_reg; /*!< Pointer to UART registers. */
UART_BitBand_TypeDef * hw_reg_bit; /*!< Pointer to UART registers bit band area. */
IRQn_Type irqn; /*!< UART's Cortex-M3 NVIC interrupt number. */
/* transmit related info (used with interrupt driven trnasmit): */
const uint8_t * tx_buffer; /*!< Pointer to transmit buffer. */
uint32_t tx_buff_size; /*!< Transmit buffer size. */
uint32_t tx_idx; /*!< Index within trnamit buffer of next byte to transmit.*/
/* receive interrupt handler:*/
mss_uart_rx_handler_t rx_handler; /*!< Pointer to user registered received handler. */
} mss_uart_instance_t;
This instance of mss_uart_instance_t holds all data related to the operations
performed by UART0. A pointer to g_mss_uart0 is passed as the first parameter
to MSS UART driver functions to indicate that UART0 should perform the requested
extern mss_uart_instance_t g_mss_uart0;
This instance of mss_uart_instance_t holds all data related to the operations
performed by UART1. A pointer to g_mss_uart1 is passed as the first parameter
to MSS UART driver functions to indicate that UART1 should perform the requested
extern mss_uart_instance_t g_mss_uart1;
The MSS_UART_init() function initializes and configures one of the SmartFusion
MSS UARTs with the configuration passed as a parameter. The configuration
parameters are the baud_rate which is used to generate the baud value and the
line_config which is used to specify the line configuration (bit length, stop
bits and parity).
#include "mss_uart.h"
int main(void)
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t structure
identifying the MSS UART hardware block to be initialized. There are two
such data structures, g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0
and MSS UART1 respectively. This parameter must point to either the
g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1 global data structure defined within the UART
@param baud_rate
The baud_rate parameter specifies the baud rate. It can be specified for
common baud rates' using the following defines:
- MSS_UART_115200_BAUD
- MSS_UART_230400_BAUD
- MSS_UART_460800_BAUD
- MSS_UART_921600_BAUD
Alternatively, any non standard baud rate can be specified by simply passing
the actual required baud rate as value for this parameter.
@param line_config
The line_config parameter is the line configuration specifying the bit length,
number of stop bits and parity settings. This is a logical OR of one of the
following to specify the transmit/receive data bit length:
with one of the following to specify the parity setting:
with one of the following to specify the number of stop bits:
This function does not return a value.
mss_uart_instance_t* this_uart,
uint32_t baud_rate,
uint8_t line_config
The function MSS_UART_polled_tx() is used to transmit data. It transfers the
contents of the transmitter data buffer, passed as a function parameter, into
the UART's hardware transmitter FIFO. It returns when the full content of the
transmit data buffer has been transferred to the UART's transmit FIFO.
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t structure
identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform the requested
function. There are two such data structures, g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1,
associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1. This parameter must point to either
the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1 global data structure defined within the UART
@param pbuff
The pbuff parameter is a pointer to a buffer containing the data to be
@param tx_size
The tx_size parameter specifies the size, in bytes, of the data to be
@return This function does not return a value.
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart,
const uint8_t * pbuff,
uint32_t tx_size
The function MSS_UART_polled_tx_string() is used to transmit a zero-terminated
string. It transfers the text found starting at the address pointed to by
p_sz_string into the UART's hardware transmitter FIFO. It returns when the
complete string has been transferred to the UART's transmit FIFO.
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t structure
identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform the requested
function. There are two such data structures, g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1,
associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1. This parameter must point to either
the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1 global data structure defined within the UART
@param p_sz_string
The p_sz_string parameter is a pointer to a buffer containing the
zero-terminated string to be transmitted.
@return This function does not return a value.
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart,
const uint8_t * p_sz_string
The function MSS_UART_irq_tx() is used to initiate interrupt driven transmit. It
returns immediately after making a note of the transmit buffer location and
enabling transmit interrupts both at the UART and Cortex-M3 NVIC level.
This function takes a pointer to a memory buffer containing the data to
transmit as parameter. The memory buffer specified through this pointer
should remain allocated and contain the data to transmit until the transmit
completion has been detected through calls to function MSS_UART_tx_complete().
NOTE: The MSS_UART_irq_tx() function also enables the Transmitter Holding
Register Empty (THRE) interrupt and the UART instance interrupt in the
Cortex-M3 NVIC as part of its implementation.
#include "mss_uart.h"
int main(void)
uint8_t tx_buff[10] = "abcdefghi";
MSS_UART_irq_tx( &g_mss_uart0, tx_buff, sizeof(tx_buff));
while ( 0 == MSS_UART_tx_complete( &g_mss_uart0 ) )
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t structure
identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform the requested
function. There are two such data structures, g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1,
associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1. This parameter must point to either
the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1 global data structure defined within the UART
@param pbuff
The pbuff parameter is a pointer to a buffer containing the data to be
@param tx_size
The tx_size parameter specifies the size, in bytes, of the data to be
This function does not return a value.
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart,
const uint8_t * pbuff,
uint32_t tx_size
The MSS_UART_tx_complete() function is used to find out if interrupt driven
transmit previously initiated through a call to MSS_UART_irq_tx() is complete.
This is typically used to find out when it is safe to reuse or release the
memory buffer holding transmit data.
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t structure
identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform the requested
function. There are two such data structures, g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1,
associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1. This parameter must point to either
the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1 global data structure defined within the UART
This function return a non-zero value if transmit has completed, otherwise
it returns zero.
See the MSS_UART_irq_tx() function for an example that uses the
MSS_UART_tx_complete() function.
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart
The MSS_UART_get_rx() function is used to read the content of a UART's receive
FIFO. It can be used in polled mode where it is called at regular interval
to find out if any data has been received or in interrupt driven mode where
it is called as part of a receive handler called by the driver as a result of
data being received. This function is non-blocking and will return 0
immediately if no data has been received.
NOTE: In interrupt driven mode you should call the MSS_UART_get_rx() function
as part of the receive handler function that you register with the MSS UART
driver through a call to MSS_UART_set_rx_handler().
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t structure
identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform the requested
function. There are two such data structures, g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1,
associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1. This parameter must point to either
the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1 global data structure defined within the UART
@param rx_buff
The rx_buff parameter is a pointer to a buffer where the received data will
be copied.
@param buff_size
The buff_size parameter specifies the size of the receive buffer in bytes.
This function return the number of bytes that were copied into the rx_buff
buffer. It returns 0 if no data has been received.
Polled mode example:
int main( void )
uint8_t rx_buff[RX_BUFF_SIZE];
uint32_t rx_idx = 0;
while( 1 )
rx_size = MSS_UART_get_rx( &g_mss_uart0, rx_buff, sizeof(rx_buff) );
if (rx_size > 0)
process_rx_data( rx_buff, rx_size );
return 0;
Interrupt driven example:
int main( void )
MSS_UART_set_rx_handler( &g_mss_uart1, uart1_rx_handler, MSS_UART_FIFO_SINGLE_BYTE );
while( 1 )
return 0;
void uart1_rx_handler( void )
uint8_t rx_buff[RX_BUFF_SIZE];
uint32_t rx_idx = 0;
rx_size = MSS_UART_get_rx( &g_mss_uart1, rx_buff, sizeof(rx_buff) );
process_rx_data( rx_buff, rx_size );
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart,
uint8_t * rx_buff,
size_t buff_size
The MSS_UART_set_rx_handler() function is used to register a receive handler
function which will be called by the driver when a UART Received Data Available
(RDA) interrupt occurs. You must create and register the handler function to
suit your application. The MSS_UART_set_rx_handler() function also enables the UART
Received Data Available interrupt and the UART instance interrupt in the
Cortex-M3 NVIC as part of its implementation.
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t structure
identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform the requested
function. There are two such data structures, g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1,
associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1. This parameter must point to either
the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1 global data structure defined within the UART
@param handler
The handler parameter is a pointer to a receive handler function provided
by your application which will be called as a result of a UART Received
Data Available interrupt.
@param trigger_level
The trigger_level parameter is the receive FIFO trigger level. This specifies
the number of bytes that must be received before the UART triggers a Received
Data Available interrupt.
This function does not return a value.
#include "mss_uart.h"
#define RX_BUFF_SIZE 64
uint8_t g_rx_buff[RX_BUFF_SIZE];
void uart0_rx_handler( void )
MSS_UART_get_rx( &g_mss_uart, &g_rx_buff[g_rx_idx], sizeof(g_rx_buff) );
int main(void)
MSS_UART_set_rx_handler( &g_mss_uart0, uart0_rx_handler, MSS_UART_FIFO_SINGLE_BYTE );
while ( 1 )
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart,
mss_uart_rx_handler_t handler,
mss_uart_rx_trig_level_t trigger_level
The MSS_UART_set_loopback() function is used to locally loopback the Tx and Rx
lines of a UART.
This is not to be confused with the loopback of UART0 to UART1 which can be
achieved through the microcontroller subsystem's system registers
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t structure
identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform the requested
function. There are two such data structures, g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1,
associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1. This parameter must point to either
the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1 global data structure defined within the UART
@param loopback
The loopback parameter indicates whether or not the UART's transmit and receive lines
should be looped back. Allowed values are:
This function does not return a value.
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart,
mss_uart_loopback_t loopback
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __MSS_UART_H_ */