blob: 6881a428ccbbef4c7b21324a433effe6b5e20a80 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 Nest Labs, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This document is the property of Nest Labs. It is considered
# confidential and proprietary information.
# This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form,
# in whole or in part, without the express written permission of
# Nest Labs.
# Description:
# This file is a make file for the Network Manager gtest tests.
include pre.mak
VPATH += . \
IncludeFiles = networkmanager-gtest-config.h
ARCHIVES = gtest-tests
gtest-tests_SOURCES = \
gtest-tests-simulator_INCLUDES = $(FreeRTOSIncludePaths) \
gtest-tests-darwin_INCLUDES = $(gtest-tests-simulator_INCLUDES)
gtest-tests-linux_INCLUDES = $(gtest-tests-simulator_INCLUDES)
gtest-tests-freertos_INCLUDES = $(FreeRTOSIncludePaths) \
$(LwIPIncludePaths) \
$(WicedIncludePaths) \
$(SilabsIncludePaths) \
$(NlWicedIncludePath) \
gtest-tests_INCLUDES += \
$(NlNetworkManagerIncludePaths) \
$(CMSISIncludePaths) \
$(NlCompilerIncludePath) \
$(NlInetIncludePath) \
$(NlFsmIncludePath) \
$(NlLogIncludePath) \
$(NlLwipIncludePath) \
$(NlSystemIncludePath) \
$(NlTlvIncludePath) \
$(NlPlatformIncludePath) \
$(NlTemplatesIncludePath) \
$(NlAssertIncludePaths) \
$(NlUtilitiesIncludePath) \
$(NlIoIncludePaths) \
$(NlWeaveIncludePath) \
$(NlWeaveProjectIncludePath) \
$(NlWirelessRegIncludePath) \
$(NlWirelessCalIncludePath) \
$(NlWirelessCalPlatformIncludePath) \
$(NlWpanIncludePath) \
$(RADaemonIncludePath) \
$(NLERIncludePaths) \
$(NlDataStructuresIncludePath) \
$(addprefix $(BuildRoot)/,$(NlNMPlatformIncludeDirs)) \
$(NlConnectIPIncludePath) \
$(AppsIncludePaths) \
$(NlEnvIncludePaths) \
$(NlShellCommandsIncludePaths) \
gtest-tests_INCLUDES += $(gtest-tests-$(TargetOS)_INCLUDES)
gtest_DEFINES += $(SilabsDefines)
include post.mak