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FreeRTOS V8.0.1 - Copyright (C) 2014 Real Time Engineers Ltd.
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* Initialise a COM port. As supplied 2 COM ports are supported, so ulPort can
* be either 0 or 1. Note that COM 0 is in effect USART1 in ST library
* terminology. The baud rate can be any standard baud rate and has been tested
* up to 115200 baud.
long lCOMPortInit( unsigned long ulPort, unsigned long ulWantedBaud );
* Output a single char to a COM port. As supplied 2 COM ports are supported,
* so ulPort can be 0 or 1. Note that COM 0 is in effect USART1 in ST library
* terminology. cOutChar is the character to be transmit, and xBlockTime is
* the time the task should be held in the Blocked state (in ticks) for space
* to become available in the queue of characters waiting transmission. pdPASS
* will be returned if the character is successfully queued (possible after
* waiting in the Blocked state for up to xBlockTime ticks), otherwise pdFAIL
* will be returned.
signed long xSerialPutChar( long lPort, signed char cOutChar, TickType_t xBlockTime );
* Retrieve a character from the queue of received characters. As supplied 2
* COM ports are supported, so ulPort can be 0 or 1. Note that COM 0 is in
* effect USART1 in ST library terminology. pcRxedChar is the address into
* which the received character will be copied, and xBlockTime is the time the
* task should be held in the Blocked state (in ticks) for a character to be
* available if one is not available immediately. pdPASS will be returned if a
* character is successfully returned (possible after waiting in the Blocked
* state for up to xBlockTime ticks), otherwise pdFAIL will be returned.
signed long xSerialGetChar( long lPort, signed char *pcRxedChar, TickType_t xBlockTime );
* Send a string of characters to a COM port. As supplied 2 COM ports are
* supported, so ulPort can be 0 or 1. Note that COM 0 is in effect USART1 in
* ST library terminology. pcString contains the address of the first
* character to be transmit, and ulStringLength the total number of characters
* from and including *pcString. pdPASS will be returned if the entire string
* is queued for transmission successfully, otherwise pdFAIL will be returned.
* Note that serPUT_STRING_CHAR_DELAY within STM32_USART.c can be adjusted in
* accordance with the applications requirements. Comments are included where
* serPUT_STRING_CHAR_DELAY is defined.
long lSerialPutString( long lPort, const char * const pcString, unsigned long ulStringLength );