/* | |
FreeRTOS V8.0.1 - Copyright (C) 2014 Real Time Engineers Ltd. | |
All rights reserved | |
*************************************************************************** | |
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* FreeRTOS provides completely free yet professionally developed, * | |
* robust, strictly quality controlled, supported, and cross * | |
* platform software that has become a de facto standard. * | |
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* Help yourself get started quickly and support the FreeRTOS * | |
* project by purchasing a FreeRTOS tutorial book, reference * | |
* manual, or both from: http://www.FreeRTOS.org/Documentation * | |
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* Thank you! * | |
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This file is part of the FreeRTOS distribution. | |
FreeRTOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under | |
the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as published by the | |
Free Software Foundation >>!AND MODIFIED BY!<< the FreeRTOS exception. | |
>>! NOTE: The modification to the GPL is included to allow you to !<< | |
>>! distribute a combined work that includes FreeRTOS without being !<< | |
>>! obliged to provide the source code for proprietary components !<< | |
>>! outside of the FreeRTOS kernel. !<< | |
FreeRTOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY | |
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS | |
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Full license text is available from the following | |
link: http://www.freertos.org/a00114.html | |
1 tab == 4 spaces! | |
*************************************************************************** | |
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* not run, what could be wrong?" * | |
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http://www.FreeRTOS.org - Documentation, books, training, latest versions, | |
license and Real Time Engineers Ltd. contact details. | |
http://www.FreeRTOS.org/plus - A selection of FreeRTOS ecosystem products, | |
including FreeRTOS+Trace - an indispensable productivity tool, a DOS | |
compatible FAT file system, and our tiny thread aware UDP/IP stack. | |
http://www.OpenRTOS.com - Real Time Engineers ltd license FreeRTOS to High | |
Integrity Systems to sell under the OpenRTOS brand. Low cost OpenRTOS | |
licenses offer ticketed support, indemnification and middleware. | |
http://www.SafeRTOS.com - High Integrity Systems also provide a safety | |
engineered and independently SIL3 certified version for use in safety and | |
mission critical applications that require provable dependability. | |
1 tab == 4 spaces! | |
*/ | |
/* Standard includes. */ | |
#include <stdlib.h> | |
/* Scheduler include files. */ | |
#include "FreeRTOS.h" | |
#include "queue.h" | |
#include "semphr.h" | |
/* Application includes. */ | |
#include "i2c.h" | |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ | |
/* Constants to setup the microcontroller IO. */ | |
#define mainSDA_ENABLE ( ( unsigned long ) 0x0040 ) | |
#define mainSCL_ENABLE ( ( unsigned long ) 0x0010 ) | |
/* Bit definitions within the I2CONCLR register. */ | |
#define i2cSTA_BIT ( ( unsigned char ) 0x20 ) | |
#define i2cSI_BIT ( ( unsigned char ) 0x08 ) | |
#define i2cSTO_BIT ( ( unsigned char ) 0x10 ) | |
/* Constants required to setup the VIC. */ | |
#define i2cI2C_VIC_CHANNEL ( ( unsigned long ) 0x0009 ) | |
#define i2cI2C_VIC_CHANNEL_BIT ( ( unsigned long ) 0x0200 ) | |
#define i2cI2C_VIC_ENABLE ( ( unsigned long ) 0x0020 ) | |
/* Misc constants. */ | |
#define i2cNO_BLOCK ( ( TickType_t ) 0 ) | |
#define i2cQUEUE_LENGTH ( ( unsigned char ) 5 ) | |
#define i2cEXTRA_MESSAGES ( ( unsigned char ) 2 ) | |
#define i2cREAD_TX_LEN ( ( unsigned long ) 2 ) | |
#define i2cACTIVE_MASTER_MODE ( ( unsigned char ) 0x40 ) | |
#define i2cTIMERL ( 200 ) | |
#define i2cTIMERH ( 200 ) | |
/* Array of message definitions. See the header file for more information | |
on the structure members. There are two more places in the queue than as | |
defined by i2cQUEUE_LENGTH. This is to ensure that there is always a free | |
message available - one can be in the process of being transmitted and one | |
can be left free. */ | |
static xI2CMessage xTxMessages[ i2cQUEUE_LENGTH + i2cEXTRA_MESSAGES ]; | |
/* Function in the ARM part of the code used to create the queues. */ | |
extern void vI2CISRCreateQueues( unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxQueueLength, QueueHandle_t *pxTxMessages, unsigned long **ppulBusFree ); | |
/* Index to the next free message in the xTxMessages array. */ | |
unsigned long ulNextFreeMessage = ( unsigned long ) 0; | |
/* Queue of messages that are waiting transmission. */ | |
static QueueHandle_t xMessagesForTx; | |
/* Flag to indicate the state of the I2C ISR state machine. */ | |
static unsigned long *pulBusFree; | |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ | |
void i2cMessage( const unsigned char * const pucMessage, long lMessageLength, unsigned char ucSlaveAddress, unsigned short usBufferAddress, unsigned long ulDirection, SemaphoreHandle_t xMessageCompleteSemaphore, TickType_t xBlockTime ) | |
{ | |
extern volatile xI2CMessage *pxCurrentMessage; | |
xI2CMessage *pxNextFreeMessage; | |
signed portBASE_TYPE xReturn; | |
{ | |
/* This message is guaranteed to be free as there are two more messages | |
than spaces in the queue allowing for one message to be in process of | |
being transmitted and one to be left free. */ | |
pxNextFreeMessage = &( xTxMessages[ ulNextFreeMessage ] ); | |
/* Fill the message with the data to be sent. */ | |
/* Pointer to the actual data. Only a pointer is stored (i.e. the | |
actual data is not copied, so the data being pointed to must still | |
be valid when the message eventually gets sent (it may be queued for | |
a while. */ | |
pxNextFreeMessage->pucBuffer = ( unsigned char * ) pucMessage; | |
/* This is the address of the I2C device we are going to transmit this | |
message to. */ | |
pxNextFreeMessage->ucSlaveAddress = ucSlaveAddress | ( unsigned char ) ulDirection; | |
/* A semaphore can be used to allow the I2C ISR to indicate that the | |
message has been sent. This can be NULL if you don't want to wait for | |
the message transmission to complete. */ | |
pxNextFreeMessage->xMessageCompleteSemaphore = xMessageCompleteSemaphore; | |
/* How many bytes are to be sent? */ | |
pxNextFreeMessage->lMessageLength = lMessageLength; | |
/* The address within the WIZnet device to which the data will be | |
written. This could be the address of a register, or alternatively | |
a location within the WIZnet Tx buffer. */ | |
pxNextFreeMessage->ucBufferAddressLowByte = ( unsigned char ) ( usBufferAddress & 0xff ); | |
/* Second byte of the address. */ | |
usBufferAddress >>= 8; | |
pxNextFreeMessage->ucBufferAddressHighByte = ( unsigned char ) ( usBufferAddress & 0xff ); | |
/* Increment to the next message in the array - with a wrap around check. */ | |
ulNextFreeMessage++; | |
if( ulNextFreeMessage >= ( i2cQUEUE_LENGTH + i2cEXTRA_MESSAGES ) ) | |
{ | |
ulNextFreeMessage = ( unsigned long ) 0; | |
} | |
/* Is the I2C interrupt in the middle of transmitting a message? */ | |
if( *pulBusFree == ( unsigned long ) pdTRUE ) | |
{ | |
/* No message is currently being sent or queued to be sent. We | |
can start the ISR sending this message immediately. */ | |
pxCurrentMessage = pxNextFreeMessage; | |
I2C_I2CONCLR = i2cSI_BIT; | |
I2C_I2CONSET = i2cSTA_BIT; | |
*pulBusFree = ( unsigned long ) pdFALSE; | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
/* The I2C interrupt routine is mid sending a message. Queue | |
this message ready to be sent. */ | |
xReturn = xQueueSend( xMessagesForTx, &pxNextFreeMessage, xBlockTime ); | |
/* We may have blocked while trying to queue the message. If this | |
was the case then the interrupt would have been enabled and we may | |
now find that the I2C interrupt routine is no longer sending a | |
message. */ | |
if( ( *pulBusFree == ( unsigned long ) pdTRUE ) && ( xReturn == pdPASS ) ) | |
{ | |
/* Get the next message in the queue (this should be the | |
message we just posted) and start off the transmission | |
again. */ | |
xQueueReceive( xMessagesForTx, &pxNextFreeMessage, i2cNO_BLOCK ); | |
pxCurrentMessage = pxNextFreeMessage; | |
I2C_I2CONCLR = i2cSI_BIT; | |
I2C_I2CONSET = i2cSTA_BIT; | |
*pulBusFree = ( unsigned long ) pdFALSE; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
portEXIT_CRITICAL(); | |
} | |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ | |
void i2cInit( void ) | |
{ | |
extern void ( vI2C_ISR_Wrapper )( void ); | |
/* Create the queue used to send messages to the ISR. */ | |
vI2CISRCreateQueues( i2cQUEUE_LENGTH, &xMessagesForTx, &pulBusFree ); | |
/* Configure the I2C hardware. */ | |
I2C_I2CONCLR = 0xff; | |
I2C_I2SCLL = i2cTIMERL; | |
I2C_I2SCLH = i2cTIMERH; | |
{ | |
/* Setup the VIC for the i2c interrupt. */ | |
VICIntSelect &= ~( i2cI2C_VIC_CHANNEL_BIT ); | |
VICIntEnable |= i2cI2C_VIC_CHANNEL_BIT; | |
VICVectAddr2 = ( long ) vI2C_ISR_Wrapper; | |
VICVectCntl2 = i2cI2C_VIC_CHANNEL | i2cI2C_VIC_ENABLE; | |
} | |
portEXIT_CRITICAL(); | |
} | |