; | |
; Windows USB CDC Driver Setup File for ATMEL AT91SAM products | |
; | |
; On Windows 7, right click to update driver software. It may take a while to | |
; get this option, even if you cancel the auto driver search. | |
; choose "browse my computer for driver software", | |
; choose "let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer", | |
; Click "have disk" and browse to this .inf file | |
; If there is a problem, right click and uninstall, checking delete driver software. | |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
[Version] | |
Signature="$Windows NT$" | |
Class=Ports | |
ClassGuid={4D36E978-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} | |
Provider=%ATMEL% | |
LayoutFile=layout.inf | |
DriverVer= 03/09/2011, | |
[Manufacturer] | |
%ATMEL%=DeviceList,NTamd64 | |
[DestinationDirs] | |
DefaultDestDir=12 | |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
; Windows 2000/XP/Vista32 Support | |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
[DriverInstall.nt] | |
include=mdmcpq.inf | |
CopyFiles=DriverCopyFiles.nt | |
AddReg=DriverInstall.nt.AddReg | |
[DriverCopyFiles.nt] | |
usbser.sys,,,0x20 | |
[DriverInstall.nt.AddReg] | |
HKR,,DevLoader,,*ntkern | |
HKR,,NTMPDriver,,usbser.sys | |
HKR,,EnumPropPages32,,"MsPorts.dll,SerialPortPropPageProvider" | |
[DriverInstall.nt.Services] | |
AddService=usbser, 0x00000002, DriverService.nt | |
[DriverService.nt] | |
DisplayName=%USBtoSerialConverter% | |
ServiceType=1 | |
StartType=3 | |
ErrorControl=1 | |
ServiceBinary=%12%\usbser.sys | |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
; Windows Vista64 Support | |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
[DriverInstall.NTamd64] | |
include=mdmcpq.inf | |
CopyFiles=DriverCopyFiles.NTamd64 | |
AddReg=DriverInstall.NTamd64.AddReg | |
[DriverCopyFiles.NTamd64] | |
usbser.sys,,,0x20 | |
[DriverInstall.NTamd64.AddReg] | |
HKR,,DevLoader,,*ntkern | |
HKR,,NTMPDriver,,usbser.sys | |
HKR,,EnumPropPages32,,"MsPorts.dll,SerialPortPropPageProvider" | |
[DriverInstall.NTamd64.Services] | |
AddService=usbser, 0x00000002, DriverService.NTamd64 | |
[DriverService.NTamd64] | |
DisplayName=%USBtoSerialConverter% | |
ServiceType=1 | |
StartType=3 | |
ErrorControl=1 | |
ServiceBinary=%12%\usbser.sys | |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
; VID/PID Settings | |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
[SourceDisksFiles] | |
[SourceDisksNames] | |
[DeviceList] | |
%USBtoSerialConverter%=DriverInstall, USB\VID_03EB&PID_6119 | |
[DeviceList.NTamd64] | |
%USBtoSerialConverter%=DriverInstall, USB\VID_03EB&PID_6119 | |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
; String Definitions | |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
[Strings] | |
ATMEL="ATMEL Corp." ; String value for the ATMEL symbol | |
USBtoSerialConverter="AT91 USB to Serial Converter" ; String value for the USBtoSerialConverter symbol |