blob: c293afacd4b52a9e835ed2e767e4e7318ac84358 [file] [log] [blame]
/* pic32mz-hash.c
* Copyright (C) 2006-2015 wolfSSL Inc.
* This file is part of wolfSSL. (formerly known as CyaSSL)
* wolfSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* wolfSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include <config.h>
#include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/settings.h>
#include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/logging.h>
#include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/md5.h>
#include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/sha.h>
#include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/sha256.h>
#include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/port/pic32/pic32mz-crypt.h>
#if !defined(NO_MD5) && !defined(NO_SHA) && !defined(NO_SHA256)
static uint8_t dataBuffer[PIC32MZ_MAX_BD][PIC32_BLOCK_SIZE] __attribute__((aligned (4), coherent));
static void reset_engine(pic32mz_desc *desc, int algo)
int i;
pic32mz_desc* uc_desc = KVA0_TO_KVA1(desc);
CECON = 1 << 6;
while (CECON);
/* Make sure everything is clear first before we make settings. */
XMEMSET((void *)&uc_desc->sa, 0, sizeof(uc_desc->sa));
/* Set up the security association */
uc_desc->sa.SA_CTRL.ALGO = algo ;
uc_desc->sa.SA_CTRL.LNC = 1;
uc_desc->sa.SA_CTRL.FB = 1;
uc_desc->sa.SA_CTRL.ENCTYPE = 1;
uc_desc->sa.SA_CTRL.LOADIV = 1;
/* Set up the buffer descriptor */
uc_desc->err = 0 ;
for (i = 0; i < PIC32MZ_MAX_BD; i++)
XMEMSET((void *)&uc_desc->bd[i], 0, sizeof(uc_desc->bd[i]));
uc_desc->bd[i].BD_CTRL.LAST_BD = 1;
uc_desc->bd[i].BD_CTRL.LIFM = 1;
uc_desc->bd[i].BD_CTRL.PKT_INT_EN = 1;
uc_desc->bd[i].SA_ADDR = KVA_TO_PA(&uc_desc->sa);
uc_desc->bd[i].SRCADDR = KVA_TO_PA(&dataBuffer[i]);
if (PIC32MZ_MAX_BD > i+1)
uc_desc->bd[i].NXTPTR = KVA_TO_PA(&uc_desc->bd[i+1]);
uc_desc->bd[i].NXTPTR = KVA_TO_PA(&uc_desc->bd[0]);
XMEMSET((void *)&dataBuffer[i], 0, PIC32_BLOCK_SIZE);
uc_desc->bd[0].BD_CTRL.SA_FETCH_EN = 1; // Fetch the security association on the first BD
desc->dbPtr = 0;
desc->currBd = 0;
desc->msgSize = 0;
desc->processed = 0;
CEBDPADDR = KVA_TO_PA(&(desc->bd[0]));
CECON = 0x27;
#define PIC32MZ_IF_RAM(addr) (KVA_TO_PA(addr) < 0x80000)
static void update_data_size(pic32mz_desc *desc, word32 msgSize)
desc->msgSize = msgSize;
static void update_engine(pic32mz_desc *desc, const char *input, word32 len,
word32 *hash)
int total ;
pic32mz_desc *uc_desc = KVA0_TO_KVA1(desc);
uc_desc->bd[desc->currBd].UPDPTR = KVA_TO_PA(hash);
// Add the data to the current buffer. If the buffer fills, start processing it
// and fill the next one.
while (len)
// If the engine is processing the current BD, spin.
// if (uc_desc->bd[desc->currBd].BD_CTRL.DESC_EN)
// continue;
if (desc->msgSize)
// If we've been given the message size, we can process along the
// way.
// Enable the current buffer descriptor if it is full.
if (desc->dbPtr >= PIC32_BLOCK_SIZE)
// Wrap up the buffer descriptor and enable it so the engine can process
uc_desc->bd[desc->currBd].MSGLEN = desc->msgSize;
uc_desc->bd[desc->currBd].BD_CTRL.BUFLEN = desc->dbPtr;
uc_desc->bd[desc->currBd].BD_CTRL.LAST_BD = 0;
uc_desc->bd[desc->currBd].BD_CTRL.LIFM = 0;
//SYS_DEVCON_DataCacheClean((word32)desc, sizeof(pic32mz_desc));
uc_desc->bd[desc->currBd].BD_CTRL.DESC_EN = 1;
// Move to the next buffer descriptor, or wrap around.
if (desc->currBd >= PIC32MZ_MAX_BD)
desc->currBd = 0;
// Wait until the engine has processed the new BD.
while (uc_desc->bd[desc->currBd].BD_CTRL.DESC_EN);
uc_desc->bd[desc->currBd].UPDPTR = KVA_TO_PA(hash);
desc->dbPtr = 0;
if (!PIC32MZ_IF_RAM(input)) // If we're inputting from flash, let the BD have the address and max the buffer size
uc_desc->bd[desc->currBd].SRCADDR = KVA_TO_PA(input);
total = (len > PIC32MZ_MAX_BLOCK ? PIC32MZ_MAX_BLOCK : len);
desc->dbPtr = total;
len -= total;
input += total;
if (len > PIC32_BLOCK_SIZE - desc->dbPtr)
// We have more data than can be put in the buffer. Fill what we can.
total = PIC32_BLOCK_SIZE - desc->dbPtr;
XMEMCPY(&dataBuffer[desc->currBd][desc->dbPtr], input, total);
len -= total;
desc->dbPtr = PIC32_BLOCK_SIZE;
input += total;
// Fill up what we have, but don't turn on the engine.
XMEMCPY(&dataBuffer[desc->currBd][desc->dbPtr], input, len);
desc->dbPtr += len;
len = 0;
// We have to buffer everything and keep track of how much has been
// added in order to get a total size. If the buffer fills, we move
// to the next one. If we try to add more when the last buffer is
// full, we error out.
if (desc->dbPtr == PIC32_BLOCK_SIZE)
// We filled the last BD buffer, so move on to the next one
uc_desc->bd[desc->currBd].BD_CTRL.LAST_BD = 0;
uc_desc->bd[desc->currBd].BD_CTRL.LIFM = 0;
uc_desc->bd[desc->currBd].BD_CTRL.BUFLEN = PIC32_BLOCK_SIZE;
uc_desc->bd[desc->currBd].UPDPTR = KVA_TO_PA(hash);
desc->dbPtr = 0;
if (desc->currBd >= PIC32MZ_MAX_BD)
desc->err = 1;
if (len > PIC32_BLOCK_SIZE - desc->dbPtr)
// We have more data than can be put in the buffer. Fill what we can.
total = PIC32_BLOCK_SIZE - desc->dbPtr;
XMEMCPY(&dataBuffer[desc->currBd][desc->dbPtr], input, total);
len -= total;
desc->processed += total;
desc->dbPtr = PIC32_BLOCK_SIZE;
input += total;
// Fill up what we have
XMEMCPY(&dataBuffer[desc->currBd][desc->dbPtr], input, len);
desc->dbPtr += len;
desc->processed += len;
len = 0;
static void start_engine(pic32mz_desc *desc) {
// Wrap up the last buffer descriptor and enable it
int i ;
int bufferLen ;
pic32mz_desc *uc_desc = KVA0_TO_KVA1(desc);
bufferLen = desc->dbPtr;
if (bufferLen % 4)
bufferLen = (bufferLen + 4) - (bufferLen % 4);
uc_desc->bd[desc->currBd].BD_CTRL.BUFLEN = bufferLen;
uc_desc->bd[desc->currBd].BD_CTRL.LAST_BD = 1;
uc_desc->bd[desc->currBd].BD_CTRL.LIFM = 1;
if (desc->msgSize == 0)
// We were not given the size, so now we have to go through every BD
// and give it what will be processed, and enable them.
for (i = desc->currBd; i >= 0; i--)
uc_desc->bd[i].MSGLEN = desc->processed;
uc_desc->bd[i].BD_CTRL.DESC_EN = 1;
uc_desc->bd[desc->currBd].BD_CTRL.DESC_EN = 1;
void wait_engine(pic32mz_desc *desc, char *hash, int hash_sz) {
unsigned int i;
unsigned int *intptr;
pic32mz_desc *uc_desc = KVA0_TO_KVA1(desc);
enum {true = 1, false = 0} engineRunning = true;
while (engineRunning)
engineRunning = false;
for (i = 0; i < PIC32MZ_MAX_BD; i++)
engineRunning = engineRunning || uc_desc->bd[i].BD_CTRL.DESC_EN;
XMEMCPY(hash, KVA0_TO_KVA1(hash), hash_sz) ;
print_mem(KVA0_TO_KVA1(hash), hash_sz) ;
print_mem( hash , hash_sz) ;
for (i = 0, intptr = (unsigned int *)hash; i < hash_sz/sizeof(unsigned int);
i++, intptr++)
*intptr = ntohl(*intptr);
static int fillBuff(char *buff, int *bufflen, const char *data, int len, int blocksz)
int room, copysz ;
room = blocksz - *bufflen ;
copysz = (len <= room) ? len : room ;
XMEMCPY(buff, data, copysz) ;
*bufflen += copysz ;
return (*bufflen == blocksz) ? 1 : 0 ;
#ifndef NO_MD5
void wc_InitMd5(Md5* md5)
WOLFSSL_ENTER("InitMd5\n") ;
XMEMSET((void *)md5, 0xcc, sizeof(Md5)) ;
XMEMSET((void *)KVA0_TO_KVA1(md5), 0xcc, sizeof(Md5)) ;
reset_engine(&(md5->desc), PIC32_ALGO_MD5) ;
void wc_Md5Update(Md5* md5, const byte* data, word32 len)
WOLFSSL_ENTER("Md5Update\n") ;
update_engine(&(md5->desc), data, len, md5->digest) ;
void wc_Md5Final(Md5* md5, byte* hash)
WOLFSSL_ENTER("Md5Final\n") ;
start_engine(&(md5->desc)) ;
wait_engine(&(md5->desc), (char *)md5->digest, MD5_HASH_SIZE) ;
XMEMCPY(hash, md5->digest, MD5_HASH_SIZE) ;
wc_InitMd5(md5); /* reset state */
void Md5SizeSet(Md5* md5, word32 len)
md5->desc.msgSize = len;
#ifndef NO_SHA
int wc_InitSha(Sha* sha)
WOLFSSL_ENTER("InitSha\n") ;
XMEMSET((void *)sha, 0xcc, sizeof(Sha)) ;
XMEMSET((void *)KVA0_TO_KVA1(sha), 0xcc, sizeof(Sha)) ;
reset_engine(&(sha->desc), PIC32_ALGO_SHA1) ;
return 0;
int wc_ShaUpdate(Sha* sha, const byte* data, word32 len)
WOLFSSL_ENTER("ShaUpdate\n") ;
update_engine(&(sha->desc), data, len, sha->digest) ;
return 0;
int wc_ShaFinal(Sha* sha, byte* hash)
WOLFSSL_ENTER("ShaFinal\n") ;
start_engine(&(sha->desc)) ;
wait_engine(&(sha->desc), (char *)sha->digest, SHA1_HASH_SIZE) ;
XMEMCPY(hash, sha->digest, SHA1_HASH_SIZE) ;
wc_InitSha(sha); /* reset state */
return 0;
void ShaSizeSet(Sha* sha, word32 len)
sha->desc.msgSize = len;
#endif /* NO_SHA */
#ifndef NO_SHA256
int wc_InitSha256(Sha256* sha256)
WOLFSSL_ENTER("InitSha256\n") ;
XMEMSET((void *)sha256, 0xcc, sizeof(Sha256)) ;
XMEMSET((void *)KVA0_TO_KVA1(sha256), 0xcc, sizeof(Sha256)) ;
reset_engine(&(sha256->desc), PIC32_ALGO_SHA256) ;
return 0;
int wc_Sha256Update(Sha256* sha256, const byte* data, word32 len)
WOLFSSL_ENTER("Sha256Update\n") ;
update_engine(&(sha256->desc), data, len, sha256->digest) ;
return 0;
int wc_Sha256Final(Sha256* sha256, byte* hash)
WOLFSSL_ENTER("Sha256Final\n") ;
start_engine(&(sha256->desc)) ;
wait_engine(&(sha256->desc), (char *)sha256->digest, SHA256_HASH_SIZE) ;
XMEMCPY(hash, sha256->digest, SHA256_HASH_SIZE) ;
wc_InitSha256(sha256); /* reset state */
return 0;
void Sha256SizeSet(Sha256* sha256, word32 len)
sha256->desc.msgSize = len;
#endif /* NO_SHA256 */