blob: d7ccf4a7adc413cbc4cd882c0682f6aadecdb3b3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2013 Altera Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
* derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
/*! \file
* Altera - MMU Management API
#ifndef __ALT_MMU_H__
#define __ALT_MMU_H__
#include "hwlib.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
#endif /* __cplusplus */
/*! \addtogroup ALT_MMU MMU Management API
* This module defines an API for configuring and managing the Cortex-A9 MMU.
* The APIs in this module are divided into two categories:
* * Support for low-level MMU configuration and operation.
* * Support for simplified virtual address space definition and enablement.
* The functions in the low-level MMU API provide capabilities to:
* * Control and maintain the MMU operational state.
* * Create and maintain MMU translation tables using a low-level API.
* The low-level API does not directly support any particular virtual address
* implementation model. Many features of the MMU hardware are oriented toward
* efficient implementation of protected virtual addressing in a multi-tasking
* operating system environment.
* While the functions in the low-level MMU API could be used to facilitate a port
* to an operating system exploiting these MMU features, the API itself does not
* directly implement any particular virtual address implementation model or
* policy.
* The other API does directly support a simplified virtual address space
* implementation model. This API provides a client facility to programmatically
* define a simplified virtual address space from a set of high level memory
* region configurations. The API also provides a convenient method to enable the
* virtual address space once it is defined.
* For a complete understanding of the possible configurations and operation of
* the MMU, consult the following references:
* * <em>ARM Architecture Reference Manual ARMv7-A and ARMv7-R edition (ARM DDI
* 0406C), Chapter B3 Virtual Memory System Architecture (VMSA)</em>
* * <em>ARM Cortex-A9 Technical Reference Manual(ARM DDI 0388G), Chapter 6 Memory
* Management Unit</em>
* @{
* This type enumerates the options for Shareability (S) properties in translation
* table descriptors. This control determines whether the addressed region is
* Shareable memory or not.
* The Shareability property (S bit):
* * Is ignored if the entry refers to Device or Strongly-ordered memory.
* * For Normal memory, determines whether the memory region is Shareable or Non-shareable:
* - S == 0 Normal memory region is Non-shareable.
* - S == 1 Normal memory region is Shareable.
typedef enum ALT_MMU_TTB_S_e
ALT_MMU_TTB_S_NON_SHAREABLE = 0, /*!< Non-Shareable address map */
ALT_MMU_TTB_S_SHAREABLE = 1 /*!< Shareable address map */
* This type enumerates the options for Non-Secure (NS) controls in translation
* table descriptors. This control specifies whether memory accesses made from the
* secure state translate physical address in the secure or non-secure address
* map. The value of the NS bit in the first level page table descriptor applies
* to all entries in the corresponding second-level translation table.
typedef enum ALT_MMU_TTB_NS_e
ALT_MMU_TTB_NS_SECURE = 0, /*!< Secure address map */
ALT_MMU_TTB_NS_NON_SECURE = 1 /*!< Non-Secure address map */
* This type enumerates the options for Execute Never (XN) controls in translation
* table descriptors that determine whether the processor can execute instructions
* from the addressed region.
typedef enum ALT_MMU_TTB_XN_e
ALT_MMU_TTB_XN_DISABLE = 0, /*!< Instructions can be executed from
* this memory region.
ALT_MMU_TTB_XN_ENABLE = 1 /*!< Instructions cannot be executed from
* this memory region. A permission
* fault is generated if an attempt to
* execute an instruction from this
* memory region. However, if using the
* short-descriptor translation table
* format, the fault is generated only
* if the access is to memory in the
* client domain.
* This type enumerates the Domain Access Permission (DAP) options that can be set
* in the Domain Access Control Register (DACR).
typedef enum ALT_MMU_DAP_e
ALT_MMU_DAP_NO_ACCESS = 0x0, /*!< No access. Any access to the domain
* generates a Domain fault.
ALT_MMU_DAP_CLIENT = 0x1, /*!< Client. Accesses are checked against
* the permission bits in the
* translation tables.
ALT_MMU_DAP_RESERVED = 0x2, /*!< Reserved, effect is UNPREDICTABLE. */
ALT_MMU_DAP_MANAGER = 0x3 /*!< Manager. Accesses are not checked
* against the permission bits in the
* translation tables.
* This type enumerates the Access Permissions that can be specified for a memory
* region.
* Memory access control is defined using access permission bits in translation
* table descriptors that control access to the corresponding memory region.
* The HWLIB uses the short-descriptor translation table format for defining the
* access permissions where three bits, AP[2:0], define the access
* permissions. The SCTLR.AFE must be set to 0.
* The following table provides a summary of the enumerations, AP bit encodings,
* and access permission descriptions for this type.
* Enumeration | AP Value | Privileged (PL1) Access | User (PL0) Access | Description
* :--------------------------|:---------|:------------------------|:------------------|:-------------------------------------
* ALT_MMU_AP_NO_ACCESS | 000 | No Access | No Access | No Access
* ALT_MMU_AP_PRIV_ACCESS | 001 | Read/Write | No Access | Privileged access only
* ALT_MMU_AP_USER_READ_ONLY | 010 | Read/Write | Read Only | Write in user mode generates a fault
* ALT_MMU_AP_FULL_ACCESS | 011 | Read/Write | Read/Write | Full Access
* N/A | 100 | Unknown | Unknown | Reserved
* ALT_MMU_AP_PRIV_READ_ONLY | 101 | Read Only | No Access | Privileged read only
* N/A | 110 | Read Only | Read Only | Read Only - deprecated
* ALT_MMU_AP_READ_ONLY | 111 | Read Only | Read Only | Read Only
enum ALT_MMU_AP_e
ALT_MMU_AP_NO_ACCESS = 0, /*!< No Access */
ALT_MMU_AP_PRIV_ACCESS = 1, /*!< Privileged access only */
ALT_MMU_AP_USER_READ_ONLY = 2, /*!< Write in user mode generates a fault */
ALT_MMU_AP_FULL_ACCESS = 3, /*!< Full Access */
ALT_MMU_AP_PRIV_READ_ONLY = 5, /*!< Privileged read only */
ALT_MMU_AP_READ_ONLY = 7 /*!< Read Only */
/*! Typedef name for enum ALT_MMU_AP_e */
typedef enum ALT_MMU_AP_e ALT_MMU_AP_t;
* This type enumerates the Memory Region attributes that can be specifed in MMU
* translation table entries. Memory attributes determine the memory ordering and
* cache policies for inner/outer domains used for a particular range of memory.
* Within the translation table entries, the memory region attributes are encoded
* using a combination of the descriptor entry data fields (TEX, C, B). Memory
* attribute settings also affect the meaning of other memory region properties
* such as shareability (S).
* The tables below describe the available enumerations for specifying different
* memory region attributes and their affect on shareability.
* The memory attributes enumerated here are meant to be used is a system where
* TEX remap is disabled (i.e. SCTLR.TRE is set to 0).
* Enumeration | TEX | C | B | Description | Shareability
* :-----------------------|:----|:--|:--|:--------------------------------------------------|:--------------------------------
* ALT_MMU_ATTR_STRONG | 000 | 0 | 0 | Strongly Ordered | Shareable
* ALT_MMU_ATTR_DEVICE | 000 | 0 | 1 | Device | Shareable
* ALT_MMU_ATTR_WT | 000 | 1 | 0 | Inner/Outer Write-Through, No Write Allocate | Determined by desciptor [S] bit
* ALT_MMU_ATTR_WB | 000 | 1 | 1 | Inner/Outer Write-Back, No Write Allocate | Determined by desciptor [S] bit
* ALT_MMU_ATTR_NC | 001 | 0 | 0 | Inner/Outer Non-Cacheable | Determined by desciptor [S] bit
* N/A | 001 | 0 | 1 | Reserved | Reserved
* N/A | 001 | 1 | 0 | Implementation Defined | -
* ALT_MMU_ATTR_WBA | 001 | 1 | 1 | Inner/Outer Write-Back, Write Allocate | Determined by desciptor [S] bit
* ALT_MMU_ATTR_DEVICE_NS | 010 | 0 | 0 | Device | Non-Shareable
* N/A | 010 | 0 | 1 | Reserved | Reserved
* N/A | 010 | 1 | 0 | Reserved | Reserved
* N/A | 010 | 1 | 1 | Reserved | Reserved
* ALT_MMU_ATTR_AA_BB | 1BB | A | A | Cached where AA = Inner Policy, BB = Outer Policy | Determined by desciptor [S] bit
* Cache Policy Encoding for AA, BB
* Mnemonic Encoding | Bit Encoding | Cache Policy
* :------------------|:-------------|:---------------------------------
* NC | 00 | Non-Cacheable
* WBA | 01 | Write-Back, Write Allocate
* WT | 10 | Write-Through, No Write Allocate
* WB | 11 | Write-Back, No Write Allocate
* \internal
* The encoding of the enum values is that the MSB 4 bits is TEX while the
* LSB is C | B. Fault is 0xff. This makes it easier to decode TEX, C, B from
* the actual enum value.
* \endinternal
ALT_MMU_ATTR_FAULT = 0xff, /*!< Generates fault descriptor entries for memory region */
ALT_MMU_ATTR_STRONG = 0x00, /*!< Strongly Ordered Shareable */
ALT_MMU_ATTR_DEVICE = 0x01, /*!< Device Shareable */
ALT_MMU_ATTR_WT = 0x02, /*!< Inner/Outer Write-Through, No Write Allocate, Shareability determined by [S] */
ALT_MMU_ATTR_WB = 0x03, /*!< Inner/Outer Write-Back, No Write Allocate, Shareability determined by [S] bit */
ALT_MMU_ATTR_NC = 0x10, /*!< Inner/Outer Non-Cacheable, Shareability determined by [S] bit */
ALT_MMU_ATTR_WBA = 0x13, /*!< Inner/Outer Write-Back, Write Allocate, Shareability determined by [S] bit */
ALT_MMU_ATTR_DEVICE_NS = 0x20, /*!< Device Non-Shareable */
ALT_MMU_ATTR_NC_NC = 0x40, /*!< Inner Non-Cacheable, Outer Non-Cacheable, Shareability determined by [S] bit */
ALT_MMU_ATTR_NC_WBA = 0x50, /*!< Inner Non-Cacheable, Outer Write-Back Write Allocate, Shareability determined by [S] bit */
ALT_MMU_ATTR_NC_WT = 0x60, /*!< Inner Non-Cacheable, Outer Write-Through, Shareability determined by [S] bit */
ALT_MMU_ATTR_NC_WB = 0x70, /*!< Inner Non-Cacheable, Outer Write-Back, Shareability determined by [S] bit */
ALT_MMU_ATTR_WBA_NC = 0x41, /*!< Inner Write-Back Write Allocate, Outer Non-Cacheable, Shareability determined by [S] bit */
ALT_MMU_ATTR_WBA_WBA = 0x51, /*!< Inner Write-Back Write Allocate, Outer Write-Back Write Allocate, Shareability determined by [S] bit */
ALT_MMU_ATTR_WBA_WT = 0x61, /*!< Inner Write-Back Write Allocate, Outer Write-Through, Shareability determined by [S] bit */
ALT_MMU_ATTR_WBA_WB = 0x71, /*!< Inner Write-Back Write Allocate, Outer Write-Back, Shareability determined by [S] bit */
ALT_MMU_ATTR_WT_NC = 0x42, /*!< Inner Write-Through, Outer Non-Cacheable, Shareability determined by [S] bit */
ALT_MMU_ATTR_WT_WBA = 0x52, /*!< Inner Write-Through, Outer Write-Back Write Allocate, Shareability determined by [S] bit */
ALT_MMU_ATTR_WT_WT = 0x62, /*!< Inner Write-Through, Outer Write-Through, Shareability determined by [S] bit */
ALT_MMU_ATTR_WT_WB = 0x72, /*!< Inner Write-Through, Outer Write-Back, Shareability determined by [S] bit */
ALT_MMU_ATTR_WB_NC = 0x43, /*!< Inner Write-Back, Outer Non-Cacheable, Shareability determined by [S] bit */
ALT_MMU_ATTR_WB_WBA = 0x53, /*!< Inner Write-Back, Outer Write-Back Write Allocate, Shareability determined by [S] bit */
ALT_MMU_ATTR_WB_WT = 0x63, /*!< Inner Write-Back, Outer Write-Through, Shareability determined by [S] bit */
ALT_MMU_ATTR_WB_WB = 0x73, /*!< Inner Write-Back, Outer Write-Back, Shareability determined by [S] bit */
/*! Typedef name for enum ALT_MMU_ATTR_e */
typedef enum ALT_MMU_ATTR_e ALT_MMU_ATTR_t;
/*! \addtogroup ALT_MMU_MGMT MMU Management
* This section defines low-level declarations, macros, and functions for creating
* and maintaining MMU first and second level translation tables and their short
* descriptor entries.
* The basic functions to enable/disable and configure the opertational state of
* the MMU are in this section.
* The operations in this section are for users that want to exercise a fine
* degree of configuration and control over the MMU. It requires a more detailed
* understanding of the MMU, its different modes of operation, and puts more
* responsibility on the user for correct functioning.
* Users desiring basic configuration and enablement of the MMU to support a
* virtual address space should use the operations in the section \ref ALT_MMU_VA
* "MMU Virtual Address Space Creation".
* @{
* The size of a supersection in bytes is 16 MiB.
* The size of a section in bytes is 1 MiB.
#define ALT_MMU_SECTION_SIZE (1UL << 20)
* The size of a large page in bytes is 64 KiB.
#define ALT_MMU_LARGE_PAGE_SIZE (1UL << 16)
* The size of a small page in bytes is 4 KiB.
#define ALT_MMU_SMALL_PAGE_SIZE (1UL << 12)
* The size of a first level translation table for the short descriptor format in
* bytes.
#define ALT_MMU_TTB1_SIZE 16384
* The size of a second level translation table for the short descriptor format in
* bytes.
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_SIZE 1024
/*! \addtogroup ALT_MMU_MGMT_MACRO_TTB1 MMU Management Macros - First Level Translation Table
* The macro definitions in this section support access to the short-descriptor
* first-level table entries and their constituent fields.
* These macros may be used to create descriptor entry values that are passed to a
* first level translation table contruction function such as
* alt_mmu_ttb1_desc_set().
* Each short-descriptor has a set of macro definitions of the following form:
* * \b ALT_MMU_TTB1_<type_and_field_name>_MASK - bit mask for the descriptor type
* and field.
* * \b ALT_MMU_TTB1_<type_and_field_name>_GET(desc) - extracts the field value
* from the descriptor entry \e
* desc.
* * \b ALT_MMU_TTB1_<type_and_field_name>_SET(val) - returns a field \e val
* shifted and masked that is
* suitable for setting a
* descriptor entry.
* @{
#define ALT_MMU_TTB1_TYPE_MASK 0x00000003
#define ALT_MMU_TTB1_TYPE_GET(desc) (((desc) & ALT_MMU_TTB1_TYPE_MASK) >> 0)
#define ALT_MMU_TTB1_TYPE_SET(val) (((val) << 0) & ALT_MMU_TTB1_TYPE_MASK)
* \name First Level Translation Table Page Table Entry [NS]
* The Non-Secure [NS] bit. This bit specifies whether the translated PA is in
* the Secure or Non-Secure address map.
* @{
#define ALT_MMU_TTB1_PAGE_TBL_NS_MASK 0x00000008
#define ALT_MMU_TTB1_PAGE_TBL_NS_GET(desc) (((desc) & ALT_MMU_TTB1_PAGE_TBL_NS_MASK) >> 3)
#define ALT_MMU_TTB1_PAGE_TBL_NS_SET(val) (((val) << 3) & ALT_MMU_TTB1_PAGE_TBL_NS_MASK)
/*! @} */
* \name First Level Translation Table Page Table Entry [DOMAIN]
* Domain field. Page table descriptor applies to all entries in the corresponding
* second-level translation table.
* @{
#define ALT_MMU_TTB1_PAGE_TBL_DOMAIN_MASK 0x000001e0
/*! @} */
* \name First Level Translation Table Page Table Entry Page Table Base Address
* @{
/*! @} */
* \name First Level Translation Table Section Entry [B]
* The [B] field of the memory region attributes. [B] is an arcane reference to
* Bufferable attribute.
* @{
#define ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_B_MASK 0x00000004
#define ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_B_GET(desc) (((desc) & ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_B_MASK) >> 2)
#define ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_B_SET(val) (((val) << 2) & ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_B_MASK)
/*! @} */
* \name First Level Translation Table Section Entry [C]
* The [C] field of the memory region attributes. [C] is an arcane reference to
* Cacheable attribute.
* @{
#define ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_C_MASK 0x00000008
#define ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_C_GET(desc) (((desc) & ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_C_MASK) >> 3)
#define ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_C_SET(val) (((val) << 3) & ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_C_MASK)
/*! @} */
* \name First Level Translation Table Section Entry [XN]
* The Execute-Never bit. Determines whether the processor can execute software
* from the addressed region.
* @{
#define ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_XN_MASK 0x00000010
#define ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_XN_GET(desc) (((desc) & ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_XN_MASK) >> 4)
#define ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_XN_SET(val) (((val) << 4) & ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_XN_MASK)
/*! @} */
* \name First Level Translation Table Section Entry [DOMAIN]
* Domain field.
* @{
/*! @} */
* \name First Level Translation Table Section Entry [AP]
* Access Permissions bits.
* @{
#define ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_AP_MASK 0x00008c00
#define ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_AP_GET(desc) ((((desc) & 0x00008000) >> 13) | (((desc) & 0x00000c00) >> 10))
#define ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_AP_SET(val) ((((val) << 13) & 0x00008000) | (((val) << 10) & 0x00000c00))
/*! @} */
* \name First Level Translation Table Section Entry [TEX]
* The [TEX] field of the memory region attributes. [TEX] is an arcane reference to
* Type EXtension attribute.
* @{
#define ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_TEX_MASK 0x00007000
#define ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_TEX_GET(desc) (((desc) & ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_TEX_MASK) >> 12)
/*! @} */
* \name First Level Translation Table Section Entry [S]
* The Shareable bit. Determines whether the addressed region is shareable memory.
* @{
#define ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_S_MASK 0x00010000
#define ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_S_GET(desc) (((desc) & ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_S_MASK) >> 16)
#define ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_S_SET(val) (((val) << 16) & ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_S_MASK)
/*! @} */
* \name First Level Translation Table Section Entry [nG]
* The not global bit. Determines how the translation is marked in the TLB.
* @{
#define ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_NG_MASK 0x00020000
#define ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_NG_GET(desc) (((desc) & ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_NG_MASK) >> 17)
#define ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_NG_SET(val) (((val) << 17) & ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_NG_MASK)
/*! @} */
* \name First Level Translation Table Section Entry [NS]
* The Non-Secure [NS] bit. This bit specifies whether the translated PA is in
* the Secure or Non-Secure address map.
* @{
#define ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_NS_MASK 0x00080000
#define ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_NS_GET(desc) (((desc) & ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_NS_MASK) >> 19)
#define ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_NS_SET(val) (((val) << 19) & ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_NS_MASK)
/*! @} */
* \name First Level Translation Table Section Entry Section Base Address
* @{
/*! @} */
* \name First Level Translation Table Supersection Entry [B]
* The [B] field of the memory region attributes. [B] is an arcane reference to
* Bufferable attribute.
* @{
/*! @} */
* \name First Level Translation Table Supersection Entry [C]
* The [C] field of the memory region attributes. [C] is an arcane reference to
* Cacheable attribute.
* @{
/*! @} */
* \name First Level Translation Table Supersection Entry [XN]
* The Execute-Never bit. Determines whether the processor can execute software
* from the addressed region.
* @{
/*! @} */
* \name First Level Translation Table Supersection Entry [DOMAIN]
* Domain field.
* @{
/*! @} */
* \name First Level Translation Table Supersection Entry [AP]
* Access Permissions bits.
* @{
#define ALT_MMU_TTB1_SUPERSECTION_AP_GET(desc) ((((desc) & 0x00008000) >> 13) | (((desc) & 0x00000c00) >> 10))
#define ALT_MMU_TTB1_SUPERSECTION_AP_SET(val) ((((val) << 13) & 0x00008000) | (((val) << 10) & 0x00000c00))
/*! @} */
* \name First Level Translation Table Supersection Entry [TEX]
* The [TEX] field of the memory region attributes. [TEX] is an arcane reference to
* Type EXtension attribute.
* @{
/*! @} */
* \name First Level Translation Table Supersection Entry [S]
* The Shareable bit. Determines whether the addressed region is shareable memory.
* @{
/*! @} */
* \name First Level Translation Table Supersection Entry [nG]
* The not global bit. Determines how the translation is marked in the TLB.
* @{
/*! @} */
* \name First Level Translation Table Supersection Entry [NS]
* The Non-Secure [NS] bit. This bit specifies whether the translated PA is in
* the Secure or Non-Secure address map.
* @{
/*! @} */
* \name First Level Translation Table Supersection Entry Supersection Base Address
/*! @} */
/*! @} */
/*! \addtogroup ALT_MMU_MGMT_MACRO_TTB2 MMU Management Macros - Second Level Translation Table
* The macro definitions in this section support access to the short-descriptor
* second-level table entries and their constituent fields.
* These macros may be used to create descriptor entry values that are passed to a
* second level translation table contruction function such as
* alt_mmu_ttb2_desc_set().
* Each short-descriptor has a set of macro definitions of the following form:
* * \b ALT_MMU_TTB2_<type_and_field_name>_MASK - bit mask for the descriptor type
* and field.
* * \b ALT_MMU_TTB2_<type_and_field_name>_GET(desc) - extracts the field value
* from the descriptor entry \e
* desc.
* * \b ALT_MMU_TTB2_<type_and_field_name>_SET(val) - returns a field \e val
* shifted and masked that is
* suitable for setting a
* descriptor entry.
* @{
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_TYPE_MASK 0x00000003
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_TYPE_GET(desc) (((desc) & ALT_MMU_TTB2_TYPE_MASK) >> 0)
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_TYPE_SET(val) (((val) << 0) & ALT_MMU_TTB2_TYPE_MASK)
* \name Second Level Translation Table Large Page Table Entry [B]
* The [B] field of the memory region attributes. [B] is an arcane reference to
* Bufferable attribute.
* @{
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_LARGE_PAGE_B_MASK 0x00000004
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_LARGE_PAGE_B_GET(desc) (((desc) & ALT_MMU_TTB2_LARGE_PAGE_B_MASK) >> 2)
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_LARGE_PAGE_B_SET(val) (((val) << 2) & ALT_MMU_TTB2_LARGE_PAGE_B_MASK)
/*! @} */
* \name Second Level Translation Table Large Page Table Entry [C]
* The [C] field of the memory region attributes. [C] is an arcane reference to
* Cacheable attribute.
* @{
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_LARGE_PAGE_C_MASK 0x00000008
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_LARGE_PAGE_C_GET(desc) (((desc) & ALT_MMU_TTB2_LARGE_PAGE_C_MASK) >> 3)
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_LARGE_PAGE_C_SET(val) (((val) << 3) & ALT_MMU_TTB2_LARGE_PAGE_C_MASK)
/*! @} */
* \name Second Level Translation Table Large Page Table Entry [AP]
* Access Permissions bits.
* @{
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_LARGE_PAGE_AP_MASK 0x00000230
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_LARGE_PAGE_AP_GET(desc) ((((desc) & 0x00000200) >> 7) | (((desc) & 0x00000030) >> 4))
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_LARGE_PAGE_AP_SET(val) ((((val) << 7) & 0x00000200) | (((val) << 4) & 0x00000030))
/*! @} */
* \name Second Level Translation Table Large Page Table Entry [S]
* The Shareable bit. Determines whether the addressed region is shareable memory.
* @{
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_LARGE_PAGE_S_MASK 0x00000400
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_LARGE_PAGE_S_GET(desc) (((desc) & ALT_MMU_TTB2_LARGE_PAGE_S_MASK) >> 10)
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_LARGE_PAGE_S_SET(val) (((val) << 10) & ALT_MMU_TTB2_LARGE_PAGE_S_MASK)
/*! @} */
* \name Second Level Translation Table Large Page Table Entry [nG]
* The not global bit. Determines how the translation is marked in the TLB.
* @{
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_LARGE_PAGE_NG_MASK 0x00000800
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_LARGE_PAGE_NG_GET(desc) (((desc) & ALT_MMU_TTB2_LARGE_PAGE_NG_MASK) >> 11)
/*! @} */
* \name Second Level Translation Table Large Page Table Entry [TEX]
* The [TEX] field of the memory region attributes. [TEX] is an arcane reference to
* Type EXtension attribute.
* @{
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_LARGE_PAGE_TEX_MASK 0x00007000
/*! @} */
* \name Second Level Translation Table Large Page Table Entry [XN]
* The Execute-Never bit. Determines whether the processor can execute software
* from the addressed region.
* @{
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_LARGE_PAGE_XN_MASK 0x00008000
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_LARGE_PAGE_XN_GET(desc) (((desc) & ALT_MMU_TTB2_LARGE_PAGE_XN_MASK) >> 15)
/*! @} */
* \name Second Level Translation Table Large Page Table Entry Large Page Base Address
* @{
/*! @} */
* \name Second Level Translation Table Small Page Table Entry [XN]
* The Execute-Never bit. Determines whether the processor can execute software
* from the addressed region.
* @{
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_SMALL_PAGE_XN_MASK 0x00000001
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_SMALL_PAGE_XN_GET(desc) (((desc) & ALT_MMU_TTB2_SMALL_PAGE_XN_MASK) >> 0)
/*! @} */
* \name Second Level Translation Table Small Page Table Entry [B]
* The [B] field of the memory region attributes. [B] is an arcane reference to
* Bufferable attribute.
* @{
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_SMALL_PAGE_B_MASK 0x00000004
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_SMALL_PAGE_B_GET(desc) (((desc) & ALT_MMU_TTB2_SMALL_PAGE_B_MASK) >> 2)
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_SMALL_PAGE_B_SET(val) (((val) << 2) & ALT_MMU_TTB2_SMALL_PAGE_B_MASK)
/*! @} */
* \name Second Level Translation Table Small Page Table Entry [C]
* The [C] field of the memory region attributes. [C] is an arcane reference to
* Cacheable attribute.
* @{
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_SMALL_PAGE_C_MASK 0x00000008
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_SMALL_PAGE_C_GET(desc) (((desc) & ALT_MMU_TTB2_SMALL_PAGE_C_MASK) >> 3)
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_SMALL_PAGE_C_SET(val) (((val) << 3) & ALT_MMU_TTB2_SMALL_PAGE_C_MASK)
/*! @} */
* \name Second Level Translation Table Small Page Table Entry [AP]
* Access Permissions bits.
* @{
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_SMALL_PAGE_AP_MASK 0x00000230
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_SMALL_PAGE_AP_GET(desc) ((((desc) & 0x00000200) >> 7) | (((desc) & 0x00000030) >> 4))
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_SMALL_PAGE_AP_SET(val) ((((val) << 7) & 0x00000200) | (((val) << 4) & 0x00000030))
/*! @} */
* \name Second Level Translation Table Small Page Table Entry [TEX]
* The [TEX] field of the memory region attributes. [TEX] is an arcane reference to
* Type EXtension attribute.
* @{
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_SMALL_PAGE_TEX_MASK 0x000001c0
/*! @} */
* \name Second Level Translation Table Small Page Table Entry [S]
* The Shareable bit. Determines whether the addressed region is shareable memory.
* @{
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_SMALL_PAGE_S_MASK 0x00000400
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_SMALL_PAGE_S_GET(desc) (((desc) & ALT_MMU_TTB2_SMALL_PAGE_S_MASK) >> 10)
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_SMALL_PAGE_S_SET(val) (((val) << 10) & ALT_MMU_TTB2_SMALL_PAGE_S_MASK)
/*! @} */
* \name Second Level Translation Table Small Page Table Entry [nG]
* The not global bit. Determines how the translation is marked in the TLB.
* @{
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_SMALL_PAGE_NG_MASK 0x00000800
#define ALT_MMU_TTB2_SMALL_PAGE_NG_GET(desc) (((desc) & ALT_MMU_TTB2_SMALL_PAGE_NG_MASK) >> 11)
/*! @} */
* \name Second Level Translation Table Small Page Table Entry Large Page Base Address
* @{
/*! @} */
/*! @} */
/*! \addtogroup ALT_MMU_MGMT_STRUCT_TTB1 MMU Management Data Structures - First Level Translation Table
* The data structure declarations in this section support direct access to the
* short-descriptor first-level table entries and their constituent fields.
* These data structures are an alternative method to create descriptor entry
* values that are passed to a first level translation table contruction function
* such as alt_mmu_ttb1_desc_set().
* @{
* This type defines the structure of a First Level Translation Table Fault Entry.
typedef struct ALT_MMU_TTB1_FAULT_s
uint32_t type : 2;
uint32_t : 30;
* This type defines a union for accessing a First Level Translation Table Fault
* Entry by fields or aggregate raw entry value.
typedef union ALT_MMU_TTB1_FAULT_ENTRY_u
ALT_MMU_TTB1_FAULT_t fld; /*!< access to individual entry data fields */
uint32_t raw; /*!< access to aggregate entry value */
* This type defines the structure of a First Level Translation Table Page Table
* Entry.
typedef struct ALT_MMU_TTB1_PAGE_TABLE_s
uint32_t type : 2; /*!< Descriptor type field */
uint32_t : 1;
uint32_t ns : 1; /*!< The Non-Secure [NS] bit. This bit specifies
* whether the translated PA is in the Secure
* or Non-Secure address map.
uint32_t : 1;
uint32_t domain : 4; /*!< Domain field. Page table descriptor applies
* to all entries in the corresponding
* second-level translation table.
uint32_t : 1;
uint32_t base_addr : 22; /*!< Page Table Base Address */
* This type defines a union for accessing a First Level Translation Table Page
* Table Entry by fields or aggregate raw entry value.
ALT_MMU_TTB1_PAGE_TABLE_t fld; /*!< access to individual entry data fields */
uint32_t raw; /*!< access to aggregate entry value */
* This type defines the structure of a First Level Translation Table Section Entry.
typedef struct ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_s
uint32_t type : 2; /*!< Descriptor type field */
uint32_t b : 1; /*!< The [B] field of the memory region
* attributes. [B] is an arcane reference to
* Bufferable attribute.
uint32_t c : 1; /*!< The [C] field of the memory region
* attributes. [C] is an arcane reference to
* Cacheable attribute.
uint32_t xn : 1; /*!< The Execute-Never bit. Determines whether
* the processor can execute software from the
* addressed region.
uint32_t domain : 4; /*!< Domain field. */
uint32_t : 1;
uint32_t ap_1_0 : 2; /*!< Access Permissions AP[1:0] bits. */
uint32_t tex : 3; /*!< The [TEX] field of the memory region
* attributes. [TEX] is an arcane reference to
* Type EXtension attribute.
uint32_t ap_2 : 1; /*!< Access Permissions AP[2] bits. */
uint32_t s : 1; /*!< The Shareable bit. Determines whether the
* addressed region is shareable memory.
uint32_t ng : 1; /*!< The not global bit. Determines how the
* translation is marked in the TLB.
uint32_t : 1;
uint32_t ns : 1; /*!< The Non-Secure [NS] bit. This bit specifies
* whether the translated PA is in the Secure
* or Non-Secure address map.
uint32_t base_addr : 12; /*!< Section Base Address */
* This type defines a union for accessing a First Level Translation Table Section
* Entry by fields or aggregate raw entry value.
typedef union ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_ENTRY_u
ALT_MMU_TTB1_SECTION_t fld; /*!< access to individual entry data fields */
uint32_t raw; /*!< access to aggregate entry value */
* This type defines the structure of a First Level Translation Table Supersection
* Entry.
typedef struct ALT_MMU_TTB1_SUPERSECTION_s
uint32_t type : 2; /*!< Descriptor type field */
uint32_t b : 1; /*!< The [B] field of the memory region
* attributes. [B] is an arcane reference to
* Bufferable attribute.
uint32_t c : 1; /*!< The [C] field of the memory region
* attributes. [C] is an arcane reference to
* Cacheable attribute.
uint32_t xn : 1; /*!< The Execute-Never bit. Determines whether
* the processor can execute software from the
* addressed region.
uint32_t domain : 4; /*!< Domain field. */
uint32_t : 1;
uint32_t ap_1_0 : 2; /*!< Access Permissions AP[1:0] bits. */
uint32_t tex : 3; /*!< The [TEX] field of the memory region
* attributes. [TEX] is an arcane reference to
* Type EXtension attribute.
uint32_t ap_2 : 1; /*!< Access Permissions AP[2] bits. */
uint32_t s : 1; /*!< The Shareable bit. Determines whether the
* addressed region is shareable memory.
uint32_t ng : 1; /*!< The not global bit. Determines how the
* translation is marked in the TLB.
uint32_t : 1;
uint32_t ns : 1; /*!< The Non-Secure [NS] bit. This bit specifies
* whether the translated PA is in the Secure
* or Non-Secure address map.
uint32_t : 4;
uint32_t base_addr : 8; /*!< Supersection Base Address */
* This type defines a union for accessing a First Level Translation Table
* Supersection Entry by fields or aggregate raw entry value.
ALT_MMU_TTB1_SUPERSECTION_t fld; /*!< access to individual entry data fields */
uint32_t raw; /*!< access to aggregate entry value */
/*! @} */
/*! \addtogroup ALT_MMU_MGMT_STRUCT_TTB2 MMU Management Data Structures - Second Level Translation Table
* The data structure declarations in this section support direct access to the
* short-descriptor second-level table entries and their constituent fields.
* These data structures are an alternative method to create descriptor entry
* values that are passed to a first level translation table contruction function
* such as alt_mmu_ttb2_desc_set().
* @{
* This type defines the structure of a Second Level Translation Table Fault Entry.
typedef struct ALT_MMU_TTB2_FAULT_s
uint32_t type : 2; // b00
uint32_t : 30; // IGNORE
* This type defines a union for accessing a Second Level Translation Table Fault
* Entry by fields or aggregate raw entry value.
typedef union ALT_MMU_TTB2_FAULT_ENTRY_u
ALT_MMU_TTB2_FAULT_t fld; /*!< access to individual entry data fields */
uint32_t raw; /*!< access to aggregate entry value */
* This type defines the structure of a Second Level Translation Table Large Page
* Table Entry.
typedef struct ALT_MMU_TTB2_LARGE_PAGE_s
uint32_t : 2; /*!< always b01 */
uint32_t b : 1; /*!< The [B] field of the memory region
* attributes. [B] is an arcane reference to
* Bufferable attribute.
uint32_t c : 1; /*!< The [C] field of the memory region
* attributes. [C] is an arcane reference to
* Cacheable attribute.
uint32_t ap_1_0 : 2; /*!< Access Permissions AP[1:0] bits. */
uint32_t : 3; // SBZ - b000
uint32_t ap_2 : 1; /*!< Access Permissions AP[2] bits. */
uint32_t s : 1; /*!< The Shareable bit. Determines whether the
* addressed region is shareable memory.
uint32_t ng : 1; /*!< The not global bit. Determines how the
* translation is marked in the TLB.
uint32_t tex : 3; /*!< The [TEX] field of the memory region
* attributes. [TEX] is an arcane reference to
* Type EXtension attribute.
uint32_t xn : 1; /*!< The Execute-Never bit. Determines whether
* the processor can execute software from the
* addressed region.
uint32_t base_addr : 16; /*!< Large Page Base Address PA[31:16] */
* This type defines a union for accessing a Second Level Translation Table Large
* Page Table Entry by fields or aggregate raw entry value.
ALT_MMU_TTB2_LARGE_PAGE_t fld; /*!< access to individual entry data fields */
uint32_t raw; /*!< access to aggregate entry value */
* This type defines the structure of a Second Level Translation Table Small Page
* Table Entry.
typedef struct ALT_MMU_TTB2_SMALL_PAGE_s
uint32_t xn : 1; /*!< The Execute-Never bit. Determines whether
* the processor can execute software from the
* addressed region.
uint32_t : 1; /*!< always b1 */
uint32_t b : 1; /*!< The [B] field of the memory region
* attributes. [B] is an arcane reference to
* Bufferable attribute.
uint32_t c : 1; /*!< The [C] field of the memory region
* attributes. [C] is an arcane reference to
* Cacheable attribute.
uint32_t ap_1_0 : 2; /*!< Access Permissions AP[1:0] bits. */
uint32_t tex : 3; /*!< The [TEX] field of the memory region
* attributes. [TEX] is an arcane reference to
* Type EXtension attribute.
uint32_t ap_2 : 1; /*!< Access Permissions AP[2] bits. */
uint32_t s : 1; /*!< The Shareable bit. Determines whether the
* addressed region is shareable memory.
uint32_t ng : 1; /*!< The not global bit. Determines how the
* translation is marked in the TLB.
uint32_t base_addr : 20; /*!< Small Page Base Address PA[31:12] */
* This type defines a union for accessing a Second Level Translation Table Small
* Page Table Entry by fields or aggregate raw entry value.
ALT_MMU_TTB2_SMALL_PAGE_t fld; /*!< access to individual entry data fields */
uint32_t raw; /*!< access to aggregate entry value */
/*! @} */
* Initializes the processor MMU subsystem.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS Successful status.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR Details about error status code
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_mmu_init(void);
* Uninitializes the processor MMU subsystem.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS Successful status.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR Details about error status code
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_mmu_uninit(void);
* Initialize a block of memory for use as a first level translation table.
* The memory block is initialized for use as a first level translation table by
* setting all table entries to section fault entry values.
* \param ttb1
* A pointer to a block of memory to be initialized for use as a
* first level translation table. The memory block must be at least
* ALT_MMU_TTB1_SIZE bytes and the pointer aligned to 2^x bytes
* where x is (14 - TTBCR.N). TTBCR.N is configured using
* alt_mmu_TTBCR_set()'s base_addr_width argument.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS Successful status.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR Details about error status code
* \internal
* Alignment requirements documented at ARMv7-A,R, section B4.1.154.
* \endinternal
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_mmu_ttb1_init(uint32_t* ttb1);
* Set the first level translation table descriptor entry for the virtual address
* \e va to the descriptor value \e desc.
* Based on the virtual address parameter value \e va, this function computes the
* appropriate entry in the first level translation table specified by the base
* address value \e ttb1 to set.
* If the descriptor type of \e desc is a fault, section, or page table descriptor
* then the virtual address value \e va must be a 1 MiB aligned address and the
* corresponding entry in the first level translation table specified by \e ttb1
* is set to the \e desc value.
* If the descriptor type of \e desc is a supersection descriptor then the virtual
* address value \e va must be a 16 MiB aligned address and the corresponding 16
* entries in the first level translation table specified by \e ttb1 are set to \e
* desc values.
* \param ttb1
* The base address of the first level translation table.
* \param va
* The virtual address of the first level translation table
* descriptor entry to set the descriptor entry value for. The \e va
* must be an appropriately aligned address (1 or 16 MiB aligned)
* value per type of the \e desc.
* \param desc
* The short descriptor value to use for the virtual address entry in
* the first level translation table.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS Successful status.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR Details about error status code
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_mmu_ttb1_desc_set(uint32_t* ttb1,
const void* va,
const uint32_t desc);
* Set the second level translation table descriptor entry for the virtual address
* \e va to the descriptor value \e desc.
* Based on the virtual address parameter value \e va, this function computes the
* appropriate entry in the second level translation table to set. This requires
* the corresponding first level translation table page table descriptor entry to
* have been previously configured prior to setting up any second level
* translation table entries in that 1 MiB virtual address range.
* If the descriptor type of \e desc is a fault or small page descriptor then the
* virtual address value \e va must be a 4 KiB aligned address and the
* appropriate entry in the second level translation table is set to the
* \e desc value.
* If the descriptor type of \e desc is a large page descriptor then the virtual
* address value \e va must be a 64 KiB aligned address and the appropriate 16
* entries in the second level translation table are set to the \e desc value.
* \param ttb1
* The base address of the first level translation table.
* \param va
* The virtual address of the second level translation table
* descriptor entry to set the descriptor entry value for. The \e va
* must be an appropriately aligned address (4 or 64 KiB aligned)
* value per type of the \e desc.
* \param desc
* The short descriptor value to use for the virtual address entry in
* the first level translation table.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS Successful status.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR Details about error status code
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_mmu_ttb2_desc_set(const uint32_t* ttb1,
const void* va,
const uint32_t desc);
* Disable operation of the MMU.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS Successful status.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR Details about error status code
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_mmu_disable(void);
* Enable operation of the MMU.
* This function only enables the MMU. It does not perform any of the necessary
* prerequisite configuration of the MMU.
* Before this function is called, the MMU configuration should have been
* established. This means:
* * The MMU translation table(s) configured.
* * The translation table control register (TTBCR) configured.
* * The values of the TTBR0 (and TTBR1 if applicable) set to the translation
* table base addresses.
* * The domain access control register (DACR) configured.
* * The TLBs, caches, and branch predication buffers invalidated.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS Successful status.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR Details about error status code
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_mmu_enable(void);
* Get the current address value in the Translation Table Base Register 0.
* \returns The address value in the Translation Table Base Register 0.
void *alt_mmu_TTBR0_get(void);
* Set the address value in the Translation Table Base Register 0.
* \param addr
* The base address of a first level translation table.
* The memory block must be aligned to 2^x bytes where
* x is (14 - TTBCR.N). TTBCR.N is configured using
* alt_mmu_TTBCR_set()'s base_addr_width argument.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS Successful status.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR Details about error status code
* \internal
* Alignment requirements documented at ARMv7-A,R, section B4.1.154.
* \endinternal
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_mmu_TTBR0_set(const void* addr);
* Get the current address value in the Translation Table Base Register 1.
* \returns The address value in the Translation Table Base Register 1.
void *alt_mmu_TTBR1_get(void);
* Set the address value in the Translation Table Base Register 1.
* \param addr
* The base address of a first level translation table.
* The memory block must be aligned to 2^14 bytes.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS Successful status.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR Details about error status code
* \internal
* Alignment requirements documented at ARMv7-A,R, section B4.1.155.
* \endinternal
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_mmu_TTBR1_set(const void* addr);
* Sets the control options in the Translation Table Base Control Register
* (TTBCR).
* Many APIs within the MMU module are designed to work with a base address
* width set to 0. Setting a value other than 0 will cause problems many APIs
* not specifically designed to work with a non-zero value. These include the
* following APIs:
* * alt_mmu_ttb1_desc_set()
* * alt_mmu_ttb2_desc_set()
* * alt_mmu_va_space_create()
* \param enable_ttbr0_walk
* A value of \b true enables translation table walks for TLB misses
* using TTBR0. A value of \b false causes a TLB miss on an address
* that is translated using TTBR0 to generate a translation fault and
* a translation table walk is performed.
* \param enable_ttbr1_walk
* A value of \b true enables translation table walks for TLB misses
* using TTBR1. A value of \b false causes a TLB miss on an address
* that is translated using TTBR1 to generate a translation fault and
* a translation table walk is performed.
* \param base_addr_width
* Specifies the width of the base address held in TTBR0. In TTBR0,
* the base address field is bits[31:14-N] where N is the value of
* the \e base_addr_width parameter. \e base_addr_width may be any
* value from 0 to 7.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS Successful status.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR Details about error status code
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_mmu_TTBCR_set(const bool enable_ttbr0_walk,
const bool enable_ttbr1_walk,
const uint32_t base_addr_width);
* Sets the access permissions for the sixteen memory domains of the Domain Access
* Control Register (DACR).
* \param domain_ap
* An array of sixteen domain access permission settings for each of
* the respective sixteen memory domains.
* \param num_elem
* The number of domain access permission elements in \e
* domain_ap. This should always be 16.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS Successful status.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR Details about error status code
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_mmu_DACR_set(const ALT_MMU_DAP_t domain_ap[],
const size_t num_elem);
* Sets the Context ID Register (CONTEXTIDR).
* This function sets the the current Process Identifier (PROCID) and the Address
* Space Identifier (ASID) values of the Context ID Register (CONTEXTIDR).
* \param procid
* The process identifier value. This field must be programmed with a
* unique value that identifies the current process should not exceed
* 22 bits in width.
* \param asid
* The address space identifier. This field is programmed with the
* value of the current ASID and should not exceed 8 bits in width.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS Successful status.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR Details about error status code
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_mmu_CONTEXTIDR_set(const uint32_t procid, const uint32_t asid);
* Invalidate the entire unified TLB.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS Successful status.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR Details about error status code
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_mmu_tlb_invalidate(void);
* Invalidate the entire unified TLB in the inner shareable domain.
* This function applies the unified TLB invalidation operation across all
* processors in the same inner shareable domain.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS Successful status.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR Details about error status code
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_mmu_tlb_invalidate_is(void);
/*! @} */
/*! \addtogroup ALT_MMU_VA MMU Virtual Address Space Creation
* This section provides functions to support the creation of a virtual address
* space from a set of high level memory region descriptions.
* The virtual address space creation results in the allocation and initialization
* of a set of MMU first and second level translaction tables that can be used to
* actualize the virtual address space once the MMU is configured and enabled.
* The virtual address space creation functions attempt to create a space optimal
* set of first and second level translation tables that represent the address
* space specified in the memory region descriptors.
* The user is responsible for providing the storage required for the first and
* second level translation tables. The mechanism for allocating storage is via
* the user defined callback function as defined by the type \ref alt_mmu_ttb_alloc_t.
* The simplified virtual address space model is implemented by the following ARM
* Cortex-A9 MPCore configuration:
* * MMU short descriptor translation table format.
* * Supports storage optimal first and second level translation table encoding of
* virtual address space specified in memory region descriptors.
* * Memory region attributes encoded in TEX[2:0], C, and B with TEX remap
* disabled (i.e. SCTLR.TRE is set to 0).
* * Memory access control uses 3-bit AP[2:0] access permissions and SCTLR.AFE = 0
* * MMU translation table DOMAIN entry values are set to 0 and the Domain Access
* Control Register (DACR) has all domain access permissions set to \b Client
* (i.e. the access permissions set in translation tables are in effect).
* @{
* This type defines a structure for specifying the properties of a virtual
* address range called a memory region. The structure defines fields to specify
* the virtual to physical address mapping, the access permissions, the
* shareability, the ordering, and the cacheability properties of a particular
* memory region that comprises a virtual address space.
typedef struct ALT_MMU_MEM_REGION_s
void * va; /*!< The beginning virtual address for the memory
* region. The address must be aligned to one of 4KiB,
* 64KiB, 1MiB, or 16MiB boundaries.
void * pa; /*!< The beginning physical address mapping for the
* virtual address of the memory region. The address
* must be aligned to one of 4KiB, 64KiB, 1MiB, or 16MiB
* boundaries.
uint32_t size; /*!< The size of the memory region in bytes. The size
* must be a multiple of 4KiB, 64KiB, 1MiB, or 16MiB
* sizes.
ALT_MMU_AP_t access; /*!< The access permissions for the memory region. */
ALT_MMU_ATTR_t attributes;/*!< The memory region attributes. These attributes
* determine the memory type (ordering), cache
* policy, and as a possible side effect, the
* shareablity of the memory region.
ALT_MMU_TTB_S_t shareable; /*!< The shareability of the memory region. */
ALT_MMU_TTB_XN_t execute; /*!< Whether instructions can be executed from this
* memory region.
ALT_MMU_TTB_NS_t security; /*!< Controls whether address translations made from
* the secure state translate physical address in
* the secure or non-secure address map.
* Type definition for a user defined function that allocates storage for MMU
* translation tables. This memory is intended to be used by
* alt_mmu_va_space_create() to allocate the TTB1 and, if needed, TTB2.
* alt_mmu_va_space_create() allocates all the space required with one single
* call and divides the space up internally.
* The function returns a \e size block of memory. The returned pointer must be
* a 16 KiB (2^14) aligned address.
* \param size
* The size in bytes of the storage request. The value will be
* same reported by alt_mmu_va_space_storage_required() if
* non-zero, given the same set of memory regions.
* \param context
* A user provided context for the allocator function.
* \returns A 16 KiB aligned pointer to the allocated memory or NULL if the
* storage request cannot be satisfied.
* \internal
* Alignment requirements for TTBR0 documented at ARMv7-A,R, section B4.1.154.
* The VA space APIs expects TTBCR.N to be 0.
* For TTB2 (page tables), the page table base address in TTB1 is
* bits[31:10]. Thus it must be 2^10 byte aligned or 1 KiB.
* This is document at ARMv7-A,R, section B3.5.1.
* \endinternal
typedef void* (*alt_mmu_ttb_alloc_t)(const size_t size, void * context);
* Returns the cumulative size in bytes of the storage required for the first and
* second level translation tables that implement the virtual address space
* defined by the array of memory region descriptors.
* This function does not allocate any actual storage but merely computes the
* amount of storage that would be required by the MMU translation tables created
* for the specified virtual address space.
* \param mem_regions
* A pointer to an array of memory region descriptors that define the
* virtual address space.
* \param num_mem_regions
* The number of memory region descriptors in the \e mem_regions
* array.
* \returns The number of storage bytes required for the MMU translation
* tables described by the virtual address space specfication, or
* zero if an error has occurred.
size_t alt_mmu_va_space_storage_required(const ALT_MMU_MEM_REGION_t* mem_regions,
const size_t num_mem_regions);
* Creates the MMU translation tables needed to implement the virtual address
* space defined by the memory region descriptors.
* The address space defined by the memory regions should have no overlapping
* virtual address ranges.
* The largest region that can be specified by a single entry is 2 GiB. Use multiple
* entries to describe a memory region larger than 2 GiB.
* Any address ranges in the potential 4 GiB virtual address space left
* unspecified in the \e mem_regions parameter default to fault descriptor entries
* in the generated translation tables.
* \param ttb1
* [out] A pointer to the MMU first level translation table created
* to implement the virtual address space.
* \param mem_regions
* A pointer to an array of memory region descriptors that define the
* virtual address space.
* \param num_mem_regions
* The number of memory region descriptors in the \e mem_regions
* array.
* \param ttb_alloc
* A pointer to a user defined function used for allocating storage
* for first and second level translation tables.
* \param ttb_alloc_context
* A user provided context for the allocation function.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS Successful status.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR Details about error status code
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_mmu_va_space_create(uint32_t ** ttb1,
const ALT_MMU_MEM_REGION_t* mem_regions,
const size_t num_mem_regions,
alt_mmu_ttb_alloc_t ttb_alloc,
void * ttb_alloc_context);
* Enables the virtual address space described by the MMU translation table \e
* ttb1.
* This function actualizes the virtual address space rooted a the MMU first level
* translation table \e ttb1. The function performs the following steps to enable
* the virtual address space:
* * Configure the Translation Table Control Register (TTBCR) to use a single
* table (i.e. TTBR0).
* * Set Translation Table Base Register (TTBR0) to \e ttb1.
* * Configure Domain Access Control Register (DACR) to the client domain.
* * Invalidate
* - TLBs
* - caches
* - branch prediction buffers (BTAC, etc.)
* * Enable MMU and branch prediction.
* \param ttb1
* The base address of a first level translation table.
* \retval ALT_E_SUCCESS Successful status.
* \retval ALT_E_ERROR Details about error status code
ALT_STATUS_CODE alt_mmu_va_space_enable(const uint32_t * ttb1);
/*! @} */
/*! @} */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* __ALT_MMU_H__ */