blob: b045e7a6be961f718a07712b40a431ad5d7279e1 [file] [log] [blame]
//BF: take over the whole file
* $Id: emc_LPC43xx.h 8389 2011-10-19 13:53:14Z nxp28536 $ emc_LPC18xx_43xx.h
* Project: NXP LPC18xx/LPC43xx Common
* Description: Header file for emc_LPC18xx_43xx.c
* Copyright(C) 2011, NXP Semiconductor
* All rights reserved.
* Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
* which provides customers with programming information regarding the
* products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.
* NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the
* use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,
* copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors
* reserves the right to make changes in the software without
* notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or
* warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified
* use without further testing or modification.
#ifndef EMC_LPC43XX_H_
#define EMC_LPC43XX_H_
enum {
PART_WIDTH_16 = 1,
enum {
PART_SIZE_16 = 0,
PART_SIZE_64 = 1,
PART_SIZE_128 = 2,
PART_SIZE_256 = 3,
PART_SIZE_512 = 4
enum {
EXT_WIDTH_16 = 0,
EXT_WIDTH_32 = 1
#define SDRAM_SIZE 0x00800000 // 8 MByte SDRAM IS42S16400D-7TL
#define SDRAM_BASE 0x28000000 // base address for DYCS0
// We have 16 data lines connected to the SDRAM
#define PART_WIDTH (PART_WIDTH_16) // part width (possibly smaller than EXT_WIDTH, e.g. two 8-bit chips cascaded as 16-bit memory.
#define PART_SIZE (PART_SIZE_64)
#define EXT_WIDTH (EXT_WIDTH_16) // external memory bus width
#define COL_ADDR_BITS (8) // for calculating how to write mode bits
#define SDRAM_SIZE 0x01000000 // 16 MByte SDRAM MT48LC4M32
#define SDRAM_BASE 0x28000000 // base address for DYCS0
// We have 32 data lines connected to the SDRAM
#define PART_WIDTH (PART_WIDTH_32) // part width (possibly smaller than EXT_WIDTH, e.g. two 8-bit chips cascaded as 16-bit memory.
#define PART_SIZE (PART_SIZE_128)
#define EXT_WIDTH (EXT_WIDTH_32) // external memory bus width
#define COL_ADDR_BITS (8) // for calculating how to write mode bits
// Function prototypes
void EMC_Init( void );
void EMC_Config_Pinmux( void );
void EMC_Config_Static( void );
void initEmiDelays( void );
void EMC_Init_SRDRAM( uint32_t u32BaseAddr, uint32_t u32Width, uint32_t u32Size, uint32_t u32DataBus, uint32_t u32ColAddrBits );
#endif /* EMC_LPC43XX_H_ */