blob: 70cd0c62d6a35b506099fefc779928a79e8c8b11 [file] [log] [blame]
import sys
import pytest
import time
import re
# If a test fails, wait a moment before retrieving the captured
# stdout/stderr. When using a server process, this makes sure that we capture
# any potential output of the server that comes *after* a test has failed. For
# example, if a request handler raises an exception, the server first signals an
# error to FUSE (causing the test to fail), and then logs the exception. Without
# the extra delay, the exception will go into nowhere.
def pytest_pyfunc_call(pyfuncitem):
outcome = yield
failed = outcome.excinfo is not None
if failed:
def pass_capfd(request, capfd):
'''Provide capfd object to UnitTest instances'''
request.instance.capfd = capfd
def check_test_output(capfd):
(stdout, stderr) = capfd.readouterr()
# Write back what we've read (so that it will still be printed.
# Strip out false positives
for (pattern, flags, count) in capfd.false_positives:
cp = re.compile(pattern, flags)
(stdout, cnt) = cp.subn('', stdout, count=count)
if count == 0 or count - cnt > 0:
stderr = cp.sub('', stderr, count=count - cnt)
patterns = [ r'\b{}\b'.format(x) for x in
('exception', 'error', 'warning', 'fatal', 'traceback',
'fault', 'crash(?:ed)?', 'abort(?:ed)',
'uninitiali[zs]ed') ]
patterns += ['^==[0-9]+== ']
for pattern in patterns:
cp = re.compile(pattern, re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE)
hit =
if hit:
raise AssertionError('Suspicious output to stderr (matched "%s")' %
hit =
if hit:
raise AssertionError('Suspicious output to stdout (matched "%s")' %
def register_output(self, pattern, count=1, flags=re.MULTILINE):
'''Register *pattern* as false positive for output checking
This prevents the test from failing because the output otherwise
appears suspicious.
self.false_positives.append((pattern, flags, count))
# This is a terrible hack that allows us to access the fixtures from the
# pytest_runtest_call hook. Among a lot of other hidden assumptions, it probably
# relies on tests running sequential (i.e., don't dare to use e.g. the xdist
# plugin)
current_capfd = None
def save_cap_fixtures(request, capfd):
global current_capfd
capfd.false_positives = []
# Monkeypatch in a function to register false positives
type(capfd).register_output = register_output
if request.config.getoption('capture') == 'no':
capfd = None
current_capfd = capfd
bak = current_capfd
# Try to catch problems with this hack (e.g. when running tests
# simultaneously)
assert bak is current_capfd
current_capfd = None
def pytest_runtest_call(item):
capfd = current_capfd
if capfd is not None: