blob: 9dd04b37b3b156867bdb277aebb4d68f3a3c6f80 [file] [log] [blame]
Boot time creation of mapped devices
It is possible to configure a device mapper device to act as the root
device for your system in two ways.
The first is to build an initial ramdisk which boots to a minimal
userspace which configures the device, then pivot_root(8) in to it.
The second is to possible when the device-mapper and any targets are
compiled into the kernel (not a module), one or more device-mappers may
be created and used as the root device at boot time with the parameters
given with the boot line dm=...
Multiple device-mappers can be stacked by specifying the number of
devices. A device can have multiple tables if the the number of tables
is specified.
<dm> ::= <num-mappers> <device-mapper>+
<device-mapper> ::= <head> "," <table>+
<head> ::= <name> <uuid> <mode> [<num-tables>]
<table> ::= <start> <length> <type> <options> ","
<mode> ::= "ro" | "rw"
<uuid> ::= xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx | "none"
<type> ::= "verity" | "bootcache" | ...
Each tables line may be as normal when using the dmsetup tool except for
two variations:
1. Any use of commas will be interpreted as a newline
2. Quotation marks cannot be escaped and cannot be used without
terminating the dm= argument.
Unless renamed by udev, the device node created will be dm-0 as the
first minor number for the device-mapper is used during early creation.
The <num-tables> field is optional and assumed to be 1.
An example of booting to a linear array made up of user-mode linux block
dm="1 lroot none rw 2, 0 4096 linear 98:16 0, 4096 4096 linear 98:32 0" \
This will boot to a rw dm-linear target of 8192 sectors split across two
block devices identified by their major:minor numbers. After boot, udev
will rename this target to /dev/mapper/lroot (depending on the rules).
No uuid was assigned.
An example of multiple device-mappers, with the dm="..." contents shown
here split on multiple lines for readability:
3 vboot none ro,
0 1768000 bootcache
cache_start=1768000 max_blocks=100000 size_limit=23 max_trace=20000,
vroot none ro,
0 1740800 verity payload=254:0 hashtree=254:0 hashstart=1740800 alg=sha1
vram none rw 2,
0 32768 linear 1:0 0,
32768 32768 linear 1:1 0,