blob: 6f82d9368948856e8123b7193bbfc8230986f96f [file] [log] [blame]
* Device Tree for the ST-Ericsson Nomadik S8815 board
* Produced by Calao Systems
/include/ "ste-nomadik-stn8815.dtsi"
/ {
model = "Calao Systems USB-S8815";
compatible = "calaosystems,usb-s8815";
chosen {
bootargs = "root=/dev/ram0 console=ttyAMA1,115200n8 earlyprintk";
/* This is where the interrupt is routed on the S8815 board */
external-bus@34000000 {
ethernet@300 {
interrupt-parent = <&gpio3>;
interrupts = <8 0x1>;
/* Custom board node with GPIO pins to active etc */
usb-s8815 {
/* The S8815 is using this very GPIO pin for the SMSC91x IRQs */
ethernet-gpio {
gpios = <&gpio3 8 0x1>;
/* This will bias the MMC/SD card detect line */
mmcsd-gpio {
gpios = <&gpio3 16 0x1>;