blob: 09a8f38136ae6d0645705dd2a78c6fa3a57aa884 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
<author>Daniel Veillard</author>
<documentation>For libxml2 implementation of Relax NG spec.</documentation>
<documentation>Test of node matches</documentation>
<element xmlns="">
<nsName ns=""/>
<foo xmlns=""/>
<foo xmlns="http://EXAMPLE.ORG"/>
<foo xmlns=""/>
<a:foo xmlns:a=""/>
<element name="top" xmlns="">
<element name="foo" ns="">
<nsName ns=""/>
<foo xmlns=""/>
<bar xmlns=""/>
<foo xmlns=""/>
<foo xmlns=""/>
<foo xmlns=""/>
<bar xmlns=""/>
<bar xmlns=""/>
<foo xmlns=""/>
<documentation>Test of indeterminism</documentation>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<element name="baz">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<element name="bar">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<element name="baz">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<element name="bar">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<element name="baz">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<element name="baz">
<element name="baz">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<element name="bar">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<element name="baz">
<element name="bar">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<element name="baz">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<element name="bar">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<element name="baz">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<element name="bar">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<element name="baz">
<element name="bar">
<element name="list" xmlns="">
<element name="label">
<element name="opt">
<element name="item">
<element name="list" xmlns="">
<element name="label">
<element name="opt">
<element name="item">
<element name="list" xmlns="">
<element name="label">
<element name="opt">
<element name="opt2">
<element name="item">
<documentation>Test of grammars merging</documentation>
<resource name="dbk.rng">
<grammar xmlns="">
<ref name="p"/>
<define name="p.ext">
<define name="p">
<element name="p">
<ref name="p.ext"/>
<element name="a">
<grammar xmlns="">
<include href="dbk.rng"/>
<define name="p.ext" combine="choice">
<element name="b">
<resource name="dbk.rng">
<grammar xmlns="">
<ref name="p"/>
<define name="p.ext">
<define name="p">
<element name="p">
<ref name="p.ext"/>
<element name="a">
<define name="c">
<element name="c">
<grammar xmlns="">
<include href="dbk.rng"/>
<define name="p.ext" combine="choice">
<ref name="c"/>
<parentRef name="d"/>
<element name="b">
<define name="d">
<element name="d">
<resource name="dbk.rng">
<grammar xmlns="">
<ref name="p"/>
<define name="p.ext">
<define name="p">
<element name="p">
<ref name="p.ext"/>
<element name="a">
<define name="c">
<element name="c">
<resource name="proof.rng">
<grammar xmlns="">
<ref name="e"/>
<define name="d">
<element name="d">
<define name="e">
<element name="e">
<define name="f">
<element name="f">
<grammar xmlns="">
<include href="dbk.rng"/>
<define name="p.ext" combine="choice">
<ref name="c"/>
<include href="proof.rng"/>
<start combine="choice">
<ref name="d"/>
<element name="b">
<define name="g">
<element name="g">
<resource name="dbk.rng">
<grammar xmlns="">
<ref name="p"/>
<define name="p.ext">
<define name="p">
<element name="p">
<ref name="p.ext"/>
<element name="a">
<define name="c">
<element name="c">
<resource name="proof.rng">
<grammar xmlns=""
<ref name="e"/>
<define name="d">
<element name="d">
<define name="e">
<element name="e">
<define name="f">
<element name="f">
<grammar xmlns="">
<include href="dbk.rng"/>
<define name="p.ext" combine="choice">
<ref name="c"/>
<include href="proof.rng"/>
<start combine="choice">
<ref name="d"/>
<element name="b">
<define name="g">
<element name="g">
<p xmlns:p="">
<p xmlns:p="">
<p xmlns:p="">
<p xmlns:p="">
<p xmlns:p="">
<resource name="ext.rng">
<grammar xmlns="">
<ref name="p"/>
<define name="p">
<element name="p">
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="top">
<ref name="include1"/>
<ref name="include2"/>
<define name="include1">
<include href="ext.rng">
<element name="a">
<ref name="p"/>
<define name="include2">
<include href="ext.rng">
<element name="b">
<ref name="p"/>
<documentation>Test of ID/IDREF</documentation>
<element name="top" xmlns=""
<element name="ref">
<attribute name="id">
<data type="ID"/>
<element name="xref">
<attribute name="link">
<data type="IDREF"/>
<xref link="id1"/>
<ref id="id1"/>
<xref link="id1"/>
<ref id="id1"/>
<xref link=" id1 "/>
<ref id=" id1 "/>
<xref link="id1 "/>
<xref link=" id1"/>
<ref id="id1"/>
<xref link="id1"/>
<ref id="id1"/>
<ref id="id1"/>
<element name="top" xmlns=""
<element name="ref">
<attribute name="id">
<data type="ID"/>
<element name="xref">
<attribute name="link">
<data type="IDREFS"/>
<xref link="id1"/>
<ref id="id1"/>
<xref link="id1"/>
<ref id="id1"/>
<xref link="id1 id1"/>
<ref id="id1"/>
<ref id="id1"/>
<xref link="id1"/>
<ref id="id2"/>
<xref link="id1 id2"/>
<ref id="id1"/>
<ref id="id2"/>
<xref link=" id2 id1 id2 "/>
<ref id="id1"/>
<ref id="id2"/>
<xref link="id1 id2"/>
<xref link="id1 id2"/>
<ref id="id1"/>
<ref id="id1"/>
<ref id="id1"/>
<documentation>Test of ENTITY/ENTITIES</documentation>
<element xmlns="" name="doc" datatypeLibrary="">
<data type="ENTITY"/>
<valid dtd="&#10;&lt;!DOCTYPE doc [&#10;&lt;!ENTITY foo SYSTEM 'whatever' NDATA jpeg&gt;&#10;]&gt;">
<valid dtd="&#10;&lt;!DOCTYPE doc [&#10;&lt;!ENTITY foo SYSTEM 'whatever' NDATA jpeg&gt;&#10;]&gt;">
<doc> foo </doc>
<invalid dtd="&#10;&lt;!DOCTYPE doc [&#10;&lt;!ENTITY foo SYSTEM 'whatever' NDATA jpeg&gt;&#10;]&gt;">
<doc>foo bar</doc>
<element xmlns="" name="doc" datatypeLibrary="">
<data type="ENTITIES"/>
<valid dtd="&#10;&lt;!DOCTYPE doc [&#10;&lt;!ENTITY foo SYSTEM 'whatever' NDATA jpeg&gt; &#10;&lt;!ENTITY bar SYSTEM 'whatever' NDATA jpeg&gt; &#10;]&gt;">
<doc> foo bar </doc>
<valid dtd="&#10;&lt;!DOCTYPE doc [&#10;&lt;!ENTITY foo SYSTEM 'whatever' NDATA jpeg&gt; &#10;&lt;!ENTITY bar SYSTEM 'whatever' NDATA jpeg&gt; &#10;]&gt;">
<doc> foo bar foo</doc>
<invalid dtd="&#10;&lt;!DOCTYPE doc [&#10;&lt;!ENTITY foo SYSTEM 'whatever' NDATA jpeg&gt;]&gt;">
<doc>foo bar</doc>
<documentation>Test of Mixed</documentation>
<element name="mix" xmlns="">
<element name="a">
<element name="b">
<element name="c">
<element name="d">