blob: d3625f184825ef032456d1f2a35997da31bbcfea [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (C) Tildeslash Ltd. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
* permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
* OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
* individual source file, and distribute linked combinations
* including the two.
* You must obey the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects
* for all of the code used other than OpenSSL.
* A <b>List</b> is a sequence of zero or more elements. A List can be used
* as a LIFO (last in, first out) stack by using List_push() and List_pop()
* or as a FIFO (first in, first out) queue by using List_append() and
* List_pop(). These operations takes constant time.
* The List ADT representation is revealed in this interface for easy access
* by clients. The representation is trivial; a structure with two fields.
* The first field, <code>e</code>, is a pointer to an element added to the
* list and <code>next</code> points to the next node in the List or to NULL
* if there are no more nodes. In addition, the two variables <code>head</code>
* and <code>tail</code> are pointers to respectively the first and last node
* in the List. The variable <code>freelist</code> is used to retain popped
* list_t nodes for reuse.
* This class is reentrant but not thread-safe
* @see
* @file
#define T List_T
typedef struct T *T;
/** @cond hide */
typedef struct list_t {void *e; struct list_t *next;} *list_t;
struct T {
int length;
int timestamp;
list_t head, tail, freelist;
/** @endcond */
* Create a new List object.
* @return A List object
* @exception MemoryException if allocation failed
T List_new(void);
* Destroy a List object and release allocated resources. Call this
* method to release a List object allocated with List_new()
* @param L A List object reference
void List_free(T *L);
* Add <code>e</code> to the beginning of the List
* @param L A List object
* @param e An element to add to the beginning of the List
* @exception MemoryException if allocation failed
void List_push(T L, void *e);
* Remove the first element from the List
* @param L A List object
* @return The element removed from the beginning of the List
void *List_pop(T L);
* Append <code>e</code> to the end of the List
* @param L A List object
* @param e An element to append to the end of the List
void List_append(T L, void *e);
* Remove the first occurrence of the element <code>e</code> from the List
* @param L A List object
* @param e The element to remove from the list
* @return The element removed from the List or NULL if <code>e</code>
* was not found in the List
void *List_remove(T L, void *e);
* Concatenate <code>list</code> with this List. All nodes in
* <code>list</code> are appended to L. <code>list</code>
* is not changed
* @param L A List object
* @param list A List to append to the end of this List
void List_cat(T L, T list);
* Reverse the order of the elements in the List
* @param L A List object
void List_reverse(T L);
* Returns the number of elements in the List.
* @param L A List object
* @return Number of elements in the List
int List_length(T L);
* Clear this List so it contains no elements. The List will be empty after
* this call.
* @param L A List object
void List_clear(T L);
* Apply the visitor function, <code>apply</code> for each element in
* the List. Clients can pass an application specific pointer,
* <code>ap</code>, to List_map() and this pointer is passed along to the
* <code>apply</code> function at each call. It is a checked runtime error
* for <code>apply</code> to change the List.
* @param L A List object
* @param apply The function to apply
* @param ap An application-specific pointer. If such a pointer is
* not needed, just use NULL
* @exception AssertException if <code>apply</code> change the List
void List_map(T L, void (*apply)(void *e, void *ap), void *ap);
* Creates a N + 1 length array containing all the elements
* in this List. The last element in the array is NULL. The
* caller is responsible for deallocating the array.
* @param L A List object
* @return A pointer to the first element in the array
* @exception MemoryException if allocation failed
void **List_toArray(T L);
#undef T