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* Copyright (C) Tildeslash Ltd. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
* permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
* OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
* individual source file, and distribute linked combinations
* including the two.
* You must obey the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects
* for all of the code used other than OpenSSL.
#include <stdarg.h>
* General purpose <b>String</b> utility <b>class methods</b>.
* @see
* @file
* Test if the given string is defined. That is; not NULL nor the
* empty ("") string
* @param s The string to test
* @return true if s is defined, otherwise false
* @hideinitializer
#define STR_DEF(s) ((s) && *(s))
* Test if the given string is NULL or the empty ("") string
* @param s The string to test
* @return true if s is NULL or the empty string, otherwise false
* @hideinitializer
#define STR_UNDEF(s) (! STR_DEF(s))
* Removes everything from the first newline (CR|LF)
* @param s A string to be chomped
* @return The chomped string
char *Str_chomp(char *s);
* Remove leading and trailing white space [ \\t\\r\\n]
* from the string.
* @param s A string
* @return s with leading and trailing spaces removed
char *Str_trim(char *s);
* Remove leading white space [ \\t\\r\\n] from the string.
* @param s A string
* @return s with leading spaces removed
char *Str_ltrim(char *s);
* Remove trailing white space [ \\t\\r\\n] from the string
* @param s A string
* @return s with trailing spaces removed
char *Str_rtrim(char *s);
* Remove any enclosing quotes ["'] and white-space from the string
* @param s A string
* @return s with any enclosed quotes and white-space removed
char *Str_unquote(char *s);
* Converts the given string to lower case
* @param s A string
* @return s converted to lower case letters
char *Str_toLower(char *s);
* Converts the given string to upper case
* @param s A string
* @return s converted to upper case letters
char *Str_toUpper(char *s);
* Converts a number to a string. The given <code>s</code> buffer
* is returned with the string representation of <code>n</code>.
* @param n The number (long) to convert to a string
* @param s A buffer to write the string representation of <code>n</code>
* into. The buffer must be of size 43 bytes or more
* @return A pointer to <code>s</code>
char *Str_ton(long n, char s[43]);
* Parses the string argument as a signed decimal integer.
* @param s A string
* @return The integer represented by the string argument
* @exception NumberFormatException If the String does not contain a
* parsable int
int Str_parseInt(const char *s);
* Parses the string argument as a signed long long in base 10.
* @param s A string
* @return The long long represented by the string argument.
* @exception NumberFormatException If the String does not contain a
* parsable long long
long long int Str_parseLLong(const char *s);
* Parses the string argument as a double.
* @param s A string
* @return The double represented by the string argument.
* @exception NumberFormatException If the String does not contain a
* parsable double
double Str_parseDouble(const char *s);
* Replace all occurrences of the <code>old</code> char in
* <code>s</code> with the <code>new</code> char.
* @param s A string
* @param o The old char
* @param n The new char
* @return s where all occurrence of old are replaced with new
char *Str_replaceChar(char *s, char o, char n);
* Returns true if <i>a</i> starts with <i>b</i>. The test is
* <i>case-insensitive</i> but depends on that all characters
* in the two strings can be translated in the current locale.
* <code>b</code> is assumed to be the substring of <code>a</code>.
* This means that if <code>a</code> is shorter than <code>b</code>,
* this method returns false
* @param a The string to search for b in
* @param b The sub-string to test a against
* @return true if a starts with b, otherwise false
int Str_startsWith(const char *a, const char *b);
* Returns true if <i>a</i> ends with <i>b</i>. The test is
* <i>case-insensitive</i> but depends on that all characters
* in the two strings can be translated in the current locale.
* @param a The string to search for b in
* @param b The sub-string to test a against
* @return true if a ends with b, otherwise false
int Str_endsWith(const char *a, const char *b);
* Returns the first substring of <i>a</i> that match the string <code>b</code>.
* If any of the parameters are NULL or <code>b</code> is an empty string,
* NULL is returned. The test is <i>case-insensitive</i>.
* Example:
* <pre>
* Str_sub("Haystack with Needle", "needle") -> "Needle"
* Str_sub("foo bar baz", "bar") -> "bar baz"
* Str_sub("foo", "foo bar") -> NULL
* Str_sub("foo", "") -> NULL
* </pre>
* @param a The string to search for b in
* @param b The sub-string to search for in a
* @return A pointer to the start of the substring in a that contains b,
* otherwise NULL
char *Str_sub(const char *a, const char *b);
* Returns true if <i>s</i> contains any characters in the
* <code>charset</code>. Example:
* <pre>
* char *foo = "'bar' (baz)";
* Str_has("(')", foo) -> true
* Str_has(",;", foo) -> false
* Str_has(",;", NULL) -> false
* </pre>
* @param charset The characters to test <code>s</code> against
* @param s The string to test
* @return true if s contains chars in charset, otherwise false
int Str_has(const char *charset, const char *s);
* Returns true if <i>a</i> equals <i>b</i>. The test is
* <i>case-insensitive</i> but depends on that all characters
* in the two strings can be translated in the current locale.
* @param a The string to test for equality with <code>b</code>
* @param b The string to test for equality with <code>a</code>
* @return true if a equals b, otherwise false
int Str_isEqual(const char *a, const char *b);
* Returns true if <i>a</i> equals <i>b</i>. The
* test is <i>case-sensitive</i> and compares byte by byte
* @param a The string to test for equality with <code>b</code>
* @param b The string to test for equality with <code>a</code>
* @return true if a equals b, otherwise false
int Str_isByteEqual(const char *a, const char *b);
* Strcpy that copy only <code>n</code> char from the given
* string. The destination string, <code>dest</code>, is NUL
* terminated at length <code>n</code> or if <code>src</code> is
* shorter than <code>n</code> at the length of <code>src</code>
* @param dest The destination buffer
* @param src The string to copy to dest
* @param n The number of bytes to copy
* @return A pointer to dest
char *Str_copy(char *dest, const char *src, int n);
* Returns a copy of <code>s</code>. The caller must free the returned String.
* @param s A String to duplicate
* @return A pointer to the duplicated string, NULL if s is NULL
* @exception MemoryException if allocation failed
char *Str_dup(const char *s);
* Strdup that duplicates only n char from the given string The caller
* must free the returned String. If s is shorter than n characters long,
* all characters of s are copied. I.e. the same as calling Str_dup(s).
* @param s A string to duplicate
* @param n The number of bytes to copy from s
* @return A pointer to the duplicated string, NULL if s is NULL
* @exception MemoryException if allocation failed
* @exception AssertException if n is less than 0
char *Str_ndup(const char *s, long n);
* Copy <code>n</code> bytes from a variable number of strings. The
* destination string, <code>dest</code>, is 0 terminated at length
* <code>n</code> or if number of bytes to copy is shorter than
* <code>n</code> at the combined length of the given strings.
* Example:
* <pre>
* char dest[10 + 1];
* Str_join(dest, 10, "012", "3456789", "foo") -> "0123456789"
* Str_join(dest, 4, "a", "b", "cd", "ghi", "jklmnopq") -> "abcd"
* Str_join(dest, 10) -> ""
* </pre>
* <i><small>It is an unchecked runtime error not to provide at least one
* parameter in a variable argument list. This macro for the _Str_join()
* function ensures that at least one parameter exist in the argument list
* and its last parameter is NULL. </small></i>
* @param dest The destination buffer
* @param n The number of bytes to copy
* @return A pointer to dest
* @exception AssertException if <code>dest</code> is null
* @hideinitializer
#define Str_join(dest, n, ...) _Str_join((dest), (n), ##__VA_ARGS__, 0)
/** Copy n bytes from a variable number of strings. @see Str_join() */
char *_Str_join(char *dest, int n, ...);
* Creates a new String by merging a formated string and a variable
* argument list. The caller must free the returned String.
* @param s A format string
* @return The new String or NULL if the string could not be created
* @exception MemoryException if memory allocation fails
char *Str_cat(const char *s, ...) __attribute__((format (printf, 1, 2)));
* Creates a new String by merging a formated string and a variable
* argument list. The caller must free the returned String.
* @param s A format string
* @param ap A variable argument lists
* @return a new String concating s and va_list or NULL on error
* @exception MemoryException if memory allocation fails
char *Str_vcat(const char *s, va_list ap);
* Truncate <code>s</code> at <code>n</code> and add a trailing ellipsis
* to the end of <code>s</code>. If <code>s</code> is shorter than
* <code>n</code> or has no space for the trail, <code>s</code> is left
* untouched otherwise this function modifies <code>s</code>.
* <pre>
* Example:
* char s[] = "Hello World!";
* Str_trunc(s, strlen(s)); -> "Hello World!"
* Str_trunc(s, 5); -> "Hello..."
* Str_trunc(s, 0); -> "..."
* </pre>
* @param s String to truncate at n
* @param n number of bytes from where s is truncated
* @return A pointer to s
* @exception AssertException if n is less than 0
char *Str_trunc(char *s, int n);
* Cut string <code>s</code> short at <code>t</code>. That is,
* remove all bytes in <code>s</code> from and including
* <code>t</code> to the end of the string. If <code>t</code>
* is not found in <code>s</code>, <code>s</code> is not modified.
* <pre>
* Example:
* char s[] = "<text>Hello World</text>";
* Str_curtail(s, "</text>"); -> "<text>Hello World"
* Str_curtail(s, ">"); -> "<text"
* Str_curtail(s, "@"); -> "<text"
* </pre>
* @param s String to curtail
* @param t The sub-string to shorten the string <code>s</code> from
* @return A pointer to s
char *Str_curtail(char *s, char *t);
* Returns true if the string <code>s</code> has length equal to or
* larger than <code>limit</code>, otherwise false.
* @param s String to test
* @param limit The limit in bytes to test s against
* @return true if <code>s.length >= limit</code> otherwise false
* @exception AssertException if limit is less than 0
int Str_lim(const char *s, int limit);
* Returns true if the regular expression <code>pattern</code> match
* the <code>subject</code> string, otherwise false. This function
* supports POSIX regular expression for <code>pattern</code>. See
* re_format(7) for details. For example, to test for a valid email
* address,
* <pre>
* Str_match("^[^@ ]+@([-a-zA-Z0-9]+\\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}$", "foo@bar.baz") -> true
* </pre>
* @param pattern the regular expression
* @param subject the string to match agains pattern
* @return true if subject match pattern, otherwise false
* @exception AssertException if pattern is invalid or cannot be
* compiled.
int Str_match(const char *pattern, const char *subject);
* UNIX ELF hash algorithm. May be used as the <code>hash</code>
* function in a Table or a Set.
* @param x A String
* @return A hash value for the String
* @see Table.h and Set.h
unsigned int Str_hash(const void *x);
* Compare case sensitive two strings. Facade function for strcmp(3)
* that can be used as the comparison function in a Table or a Set
* @param x A String
* @param y A String
* @return 0 if x and y are equal otherwise a non-zero integer
* @see Table.h and Set.h
int Str_cmp(const void *x, const void *y);