| |
| /* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 2.4.1. */ |
| |
| /* Skeleton interface for Bison's Yacc-like parsers in C |
| |
| Copyright (C) 1984, 1989, 1990, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 |
| Free Software Foundation, Inc. |
| |
| This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
| it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
| the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
| (at your option) any later version. |
| |
| This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| GNU General Public License for more details. |
| |
| You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
| along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ |
| |
| /* As a special exception, you may create a larger work that contains |
| part or all of the Bison parser skeleton and distribute that work |
| under terms of your choice, so long as that work isn't itself a |
| parser generator using the skeleton or a modified version thereof |
| as a parser skeleton. Alternatively, if you modify or redistribute |
| the parser skeleton itself, you may (at your option) remove this |
| special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting |
| Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public |
| License without this special exception. |
| |
| This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in |
| version 2.2 of Bison. */ |
| |
| |
| /* Tokens. */ |
| #ifndef YYTOKENTYPE |
| # define YYTOKENTYPE |
| /* Put the tokens into the symbol table, so that GDB and other debuggers |
| know about them. */ |
| enum yytokentype { |
| IF = 258, |
| ELSE = 259, |
| THEN = 260, |
| OR = 261, |
| FAILED = 262, |
| SET = 263, |
| LOGFILE = 264, |
| FACILITY = 265, |
| DAEMON = 266, |
| SYSLOG = 267, |
| MAILSERVER = 268, |
| HTTPD = 269, |
| ALLOW = 270, |
| ADDRESS = 271, |
| INIT = 272, |
| READONLY = 273, |
| CLEARTEXT = 274, |
| MD5HASH = 275, |
| SHA1HASH = 276, |
| CRYPT = 277, |
| DELAY = 278, |
| PEMFILE = 279, |
| ENABLE = 280, |
| DISABLE = 281, |
| HTTPDSSL = 282, |
| IDFILE = 285, |
| STATEFILE = 286, |
| SEND = 287, |
| EXPECT = 288, |
| CYCLE = 290, |
| COUNT = 291, |
| REMINDER = 292, |
| PIDFILE = 293, |
| START = 294, |
| STOP = 295, |
| PATHTOK = 296, |
| HOST = 297, |
| HOSTNAME = 298, |
| PORT = 299, |
| TYPE = 300, |
| UDP = 301, |
| TCP = 302, |
| TCPSSL = 303, |
| PROTOCOL = 304, |
| CONNECTION = 305, |
| ALERT = 306, |
| NOALERT = 307, |
| MAILFORMAT = 308, |
| UNIXSOCKET = 309, |
| SIGNATURE = 310, |
| TIMEOUT = 311, |
| RETRY = 312, |
| RESTART = 313, |
| CHECKSUM = 314, |
| EVERY = 315, |
| NOTEVERY = 316, |
| DEFAULT = 317, |
| HTTP = 318, |
| FTP = 320, |
| SMTP = 321, |
| POP = 322, |
| IMAP = 323, |
| CLAMAV = 324, |
| NNTP = 325, |
| NTP3 = 326, |
| MYSQL = 327, |
| DNS = 328, |
| SSH = 329, |
| DWP = 330, |
| LDAP2 = 331, |
| LDAP3 = 332, |
| RDATE = 333, |
| RSYNC = 334, |
| TNS = 335, |
| PGSQL = 336, |
| SIP = 338, |
| LMTP = 339, |
| GPS = 340, |
| RADIUS = 341, |
| MEMCACHE = 342, |
| STRING = 343, |
| PATH = 344, |
| MAILADDR = 345, |
| MAILFROM = 346, |
| MAILREPLYTO = 347, |
| MAILSUBJECT = 348, |
| MAILBODY = 349, |
| SERVICENAME = 350, |
| STRINGNAME = 351, |
| NUMBER = 352, |
| PERCENT = 353, |
| LOGLIMIT = 354, |
| CLOSELIMIT = 355, |
| DNSLIMIT = 356, |
| REPLYLIMIT = 358, |
| STARTLIMIT = 360, |
| WAITLIMIT = 361, |
| REAL = 364, |
| CHECKPROC = 365, |
| CHECKFILE = 367, |
| CHECKDIR = 368, |
| CHECKHOST = 369, |
| CHECKSYSTEM = 370, |
| CHECKFIFO = 371, |
| CHILDREN = 373, |
| SYSTEM = 374, |
| STATUS = 375, |
| RESOURCE = 376, |
| MEMORY = 377, |
| TOTALMEMORY = 378, |
| LOADAVG1 = 379, |
| LOADAVG5 = 380, |
| LOADAVG15 = 381, |
| SWAP = 382, |
| MODE = 383, |
| ACTIVE = 384, |
| PASSIVE = 385, |
| MANUAL = 386, |
| CPU = 387, |
| TOTALCPU = 388, |
| CPUUSER = 389, |
| CPUSYSTEM = 390, |
| CPUWAIT = 391, |
| GROUP = 392, |
| REQUEST = 393, |
| DEPENDS = 394, |
| BASEDIR = 395, |
| SLOT = 396, |
| EVENTQUEUE = 397, |
| SECRET = 398, |
| HOSTHEADER = 399, |
| UID = 400, |
| GID = 401, |
| MMONIT = 402, |
| INSTANCE = 403, |
| USERNAME = 404, |
| PASSWORD = 405, |
| TIMESTAMP = 406, |
| CHANGED = 407, |
| SECOND = 408, |
| MINUTE = 409, |
| HOUR = 410, |
| DAY = 411, |
| SSLAUTO = 412, |
| SSLV2 = 413, |
| SSLV3 = 414, |
| TLSV1 = 415, |
| CERTMD5 = 416, |
| BYTE = 417, |
| KILOBYTE = 418, |
| MEGABYTE = 419, |
| GIGABYTE = 420, |
| INODE = 421, |
| SPACE = 422, |
| PERMISSION = 423, |
| SIZE = 424, |
| MATCH = 425, |
| NOT = 426, |
| IGNORE = 427, |
| ACTION = 428, |
| UPTIME = 429, |
| EXEC = 430, |
| UNMONITOR = 431, |
| ICMP = 432, |
| ICMPECHO = 433, |
| NONEXIST = 434, |
| EXIST = 435, |
| INVALID = 436, |
| DATA = 437, |
| RECOVERED = 438, |
| PASSED = 439, |
| SUCCEEDED = 440, |
| URL = 441, |
| CONTENT = 442, |
| PID = 443, |
| PPID = 444, |
| FSFLAG = 445, |
| REGISTER = 446, |
| CREDENTIALS = 447, |
| URLOBJECT = 448, |
| TARGET = 449, |
| TIMESPEC = 450, |
| MAXFORWARD = 451, |
| FIPS = 452, |
| NOTEQUAL = 453, |
| EQUAL = 454, |
| LESS = 455, |
| GREATER = 456 |
| }; |
| #endif |
| /* Tokens. */ |
| #define IF 258 |
| #define ELSE 259 |
| #define THEN 260 |
| #define OR 261 |
| #define FAILED 262 |
| #define SET 263 |
| #define LOGFILE 264 |
| #define FACILITY 265 |
| #define DAEMON 266 |
| #define SYSLOG 267 |
| #define MAILSERVER 268 |
| #define HTTPD 269 |
| #define ALLOW 270 |
| #define ADDRESS 271 |
| #define INIT 272 |
| #define READONLY 273 |
| #define CLEARTEXT 274 |
| #define MD5HASH 275 |
| #define SHA1HASH 276 |
| #define CRYPT 277 |
| #define DELAY 278 |
| #define PEMFILE 279 |
| #define ENABLE 280 |
| #define DISABLE 281 |
| #define HTTPDSSL 282 |
| #define CLIENTPEMFILE 283 |
| #define IDFILE 285 |
| #define STATEFILE 286 |
| #define SEND 287 |
| #define EXPECT 288 |
| #define EXPECTBUFFER 289 |
| #define CYCLE 290 |
| #define COUNT 291 |
| #define REMINDER 292 |
| #define PIDFILE 293 |
| #define START 294 |
| #define STOP 295 |
| #define PATHTOK 296 |
| #define HOST 297 |
| #define HOSTNAME 298 |
| #define PORT 299 |
| #define TYPE 300 |
| #define UDP 301 |
| #define TCP 302 |
| #define TCPSSL 303 |
| #define PROTOCOL 304 |
| #define CONNECTION 305 |
| #define ALERT 306 |
| #define NOALERT 307 |
| #define MAILFORMAT 308 |
| #define UNIXSOCKET 309 |
| #define SIGNATURE 310 |
| #define TIMEOUT 311 |
| #define RETRY 312 |
| #define RESTART 313 |
| #define CHECKSUM 314 |
| #define EVERY 315 |
| #define NOTEVERY 316 |
| #define DEFAULT 317 |
| #define HTTP 318 |
| #define APACHESTATUS 319 |
| #define FTP 320 |
| #define SMTP 321 |
| #define POP 322 |
| #define IMAP 323 |
| #define CLAMAV 324 |
| #define NNTP 325 |
| #define NTP3 326 |
| #define MYSQL 327 |
| #define DNS 328 |
| #define SSH 329 |
| #define DWP 330 |
| #define LDAP2 331 |
| #define LDAP3 332 |
| #define RDATE 333 |
| #define RSYNC 334 |
| #define TNS 335 |
| #define PGSQL 336 |
| #define POSTFIXPOLICY 337 |
| #define SIP 338 |
| #define LMTP 339 |
| #define GPS 340 |
| #define RADIUS 341 |
| #define MEMCACHE 342 |
| #define STRING 343 |
| #define PATH 344 |
| #define MAILADDR 345 |
| #define MAILFROM 346 |
| #define MAILREPLYTO 347 |
| #define MAILSUBJECT 348 |
| #define MAILBODY 349 |
| #define SERVICENAME 350 |
| #define STRINGNAME 351 |
| #define NUMBER 352 |
| #define PERCENT 353 |
| #define LOGLIMIT 354 |
| #define CLOSELIMIT 355 |
| #define DNSLIMIT 356 |
| #define KEEPALIVELIMIT 357 |
| #define REPLYLIMIT 358 |
| #define REQUESTLIMIT 359 |
| #define STARTLIMIT 360 |
| #define WAITLIMIT 361 |
| #define GRACEFULLIMIT 362 |
| #define CLEANUPLIMIT 363 |
| #define REAL 364 |
| #define CHECKPROC 365 |
| #define CHECKFILESYS 366 |
| #define CHECKFILE 367 |
| #define CHECKDIR 368 |
| #define CHECKHOST 369 |
| #define CHECKSYSTEM 370 |
| #define CHECKFIFO 371 |
| #define CHECKPROGRAM 372 |
| #define CHILDREN 373 |
| #define SYSTEM 374 |
| #define STATUS 375 |
| #define RESOURCE 376 |
| #define MEMORY 377 |
| #define TOTALMEMORY 378 |
| #define LOADAVG1 379 |
| #define LOADAVG5 380 |
| #define LOADAVG15 381 |
| #define SWAP 382 |
| #define MODE 383 |
| #define ACTIVE 384 |
| #define PASSIVE 385 |
| #define MANUAL 386 |
| #define CPU 387 |
| #define TOTALCPU 388 |
| #define CPUUSER 389 |
| #define CPUSYSTEM 390 |
| #define CPUWAIT 391 |
| #define GROUP 392 |
| #define REQUEST 393 |
| #define DEPENDS 394 |
| #define BASEDIR 395 |
| #define SLOT 396 |
| #define EVENTQUEUE 397 |
| #define SECRET 398 |
| #define HOSTHEADER 399 |
| #define UID 400 |
| #define GID 401 |
| #define MMONIT 402 |
| #define INSTANCE 403 |
| #define USERNAME 404 |
| #define PASSWORD 405 |
| #define TIMESTAMP 406 |
| #define CHANGED 407 |
| #define SECOND 408 |
| #define MINUTE 409 |
| #define HOUR 410 |
| #define DAY 411 |
| #define SSLAUTO 412 |
| #define SSLV2 413 |
| #define SSLV3 414 |
| #define TLSV1 415 |
| #define CERTMD5 416 |
| #define BYTE 417 |
| #define KILOBYTE 418 |
| #define MEGABYTE 419 |
| #define GIGABYTE 420 |
| #define INODE 421 |
| #define SPACE 422 |
| #define PERMISSION 423 |
| #define SIZE 424 |
| #define MATCH 425 |
| #define NOT 426 |
| #define IGNORE 427 |
| #define ACTION 428 |
| #define UPTIME 429 |
| #define EXEC 430 |
| #define UNMONITOR 431 |
| #define ICMP 432 |
| #define ICMPECHO 433 |
| #define NONEXIST 434 |
| #define EXIST 435 |
| #define INVALID 436 |
| #define DATA 437 |
| #define RECOVERED 438 |
| #define PASSED 439 |
| #define SUCCEEDED 440 |
| #define URL 441 |
| #define CONTENT 442 |
| #define PID 443 |
| #define PPID 444 |
| #define FSFLAG 445 |
| #define REGISTER 446 |
| #define CREDENTIALS 447 |
| #define URLOBJECT 448 |
| #define TARGET 449 |
| #define TIMESPEC 450 |
| #define MAXFORWARD 451 |
| #define FIPS 452 |
| #define NOTEQUAL 453 |
| #define EQUAL 454 |
| #define LESS 455 |
| #define GREATER 456 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| #if ! defined YYSTYPE && ! defined YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED |
| typedef union YYSTYPE |
| { |
| |
| /* Line 1676 of yacc.c */ |
| #line 260 "src/p.y" |
| |
| URL_T url; |
| float real; |
| int number; |
| char *string; |
| |
| |
| |
| /* Line 1676 of yacc.c */ |
| #line 463 "src/y.tab.h" |
| } YYSTYPE; |
| # define YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1 |
| # define yystype YYSTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */ |
| # define YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED 1 |
| #endif |
| |
| extern YYSTYPE yylval; |
| |
| |