| <testcase> |
| <info> |
| <keywords> |
| HTTP |
| cookies |
| cookiejar |
| </keywords> |
| </info> |
| # Server-side |
| <reply> |
| <data> |
| HTTP/1.1 200 OK
| Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2010 14:49:00 GMT
| Server: test-server/fake
| Content-Length: 4
| Content-Type: text/html
| Funny-head: yesyes
| Set-Cookie: foobar=name; domain=anything.com; path=/ ; secure
| Set-Cookie:ismatch=this ; domain=; path=/silly/
| Set-Cookie: sec1value=secure1 ; domain=; path=/secure1/ ; secure
| Set-Cookie: sec2value=secure2 ; domain=; path=/secure2/ ; secure=
| Set-Cookie: sec3value=secure3 ; domain=; path=/secure3/ ; secure=
| Set-Cookie: sec4value=secure4 ; secure=; domain=; path=/secure4/ ; |
| Set-Cookie: sec5value=secure5 ; secure; domain=; path=/secure5/ ; |
| Set-Cookie: sec6value=secure6 ; secure ; domain=; path=/secure6/ ; |
| Set-Cookie: sec7value=secure7 ; secure ; domain=; path=/secure7/ ; |
| Set-Cookie: sec8value=secure8 ; secure= ; domain=; path=/secure8/ ; |
| Set-Cookie: secure=very1 ; secure=; domain=; path=/secure9/; |
| Set-Cookie: httpo1=value1 ; domain=; path=/p1/; httponly |
| Set-Cookie: httpo2=value2 ; domain=; path=/p2/; httponly= |
| Set-Cookie: httpo3=value3 ; httponly; domain=; path=/p3/; |
| Set-Cookie: httpo4=value4 ; httponly=; domain=; path=/p4/; |
| Set-Cookie: httponly=myvalue1 ; domain=; path=/p4/; httponly |
| Set-Cookie: httpandsec=myvalue2 ; domain=; path=/p4/; httponly; secure |
| Set-Cookie: httpandsec2=myvalue3; domain=; path=/p4/; httponly=; secure |
| Set-Cookie: httpandsec3=myvalue4 ; domain=; path=/p4/; httponly; secure= |
| Set-Cookie: httpandsec4=myvalue5 ; domain=; path=/p4/; httponly=; secure= |
| Set-Cookie: httpandsec5=myvalue6 ; domain=; path=/p4/; secure; httponly= |
| Set-Cookie: httpandsec6=myvalue7 ; domain=; path=/p4/; secure=; httponly= |
| Set-Cookie: httpandsec7=myvalue8 ; domain=; path=/p4/; secure; httponly |
| Set-Cookie: httpandsec8=myvalue9; domain=; path=/p4/; secure=; httponly
| Set-Cookie: partmatch=present; domain= ; path=/;
| Set-Cookie:eat=this; domain=moo.foo.moo;
| Set-Cookie: eat=this-too; domain=.foo.moo;
| Set-Cookie: nodomainnovalue
| Set-Cookie: nodomain=value; expires=Fri Feb 2 11:56:27 GMT 2035
| Set-Cookie: novalue; domain=reallysilly
| Set-Cookie: test=yes; domain=foo.com; expires=Sat Feb 2 11:56:27 GMT 2030
| Set-Cookie: test2=yes; domain=se; expires=Sat Feb 2 11:56:27 GMT 2030
| Set-Cookie: magic=yessir; path=/silly/; HttpOnly
| Set-Cookie: blexp=yesyes; domain=.0.0.1; domain=.0.0.1; expiry=totally bad; |
| boo |
| </data> |
| </reply> |
| |
| # Client-side |
| <client> |
| <server> |
| http |
| </server> |
| <name> |
| HTTP with weirdly formatted cookies and cookiejar storage |
| </name> |
| # Explicitly set the time zone to a known good one, in case the user is |
| # using one of the 'right' zones that take into account leap seconds |
| # which causes the cookie expiry times to be different. |
| <setenv> |
| TZ=GMT |
| </setenv> |
| <command> |
| http://%HOSTIP:%HTTPPORT/we/want/31 -b none -c log/jar31.txt |
| </command> |
| </client> |
| |
| # Verify data after the test has been "shot" |
| <verify> |
| <strip> |
| ^User-Agent:.* |
| </strip> |
| <protocol> |
| GET /we/want/31 HTTP/1.1
| Accept: */*
| </protocol> |
| <file name="log/jar31.txt" mode="text"> |
| # Netscape HTTP Cookie File |
| # http://curl.haxx.se/rfc/cookie_spec.html |
| # This file was generated by libcurl! Edit at your own risk. |
| |
| . TRUE /silly/ FALSE 0 ismatch this |
| . TRUE /secure1/ TRUE 0 sec1value secure1 |
| . TRUE /secure2/ TRUE 0 sec2value secure2 |
| . TRUE /secure3/ TRUE 0 sec3value secure3 |
| . TRUE /secure4/ TRUE 0 sec4value secure4 |
| . TRUE /secure5/ TRUE 0 sec5value secure5 |
| . TRUE /secure6/ TRUE 0 sec6value secure6 |
| . TRUE /secure7/ TRUE 0 sec7value secure7 |
| . TRUE /secure8/ TRUE 0 sec8value secure8 |
| . TRUE /secure9/ TRUE 0 secure very1 |
| #HttpOnly_. TRUE /p1/ FALSE 0 httpo1 value1 |
| #HttpOnly_. TRUE /p2/ FALSE 0 httpo2 value2 |
| #HttpOnly_. TRUE /p3/ FALSE 0 httpo3 value3 |
| #HttpOnly_. TRUE /p4/ FALSE 0 httpo4 value4 |
| #HttpOnly_. TRUE /p4/ FALSE 0 httponly myvalue1 |
| #HttpOnly_. TRUE /p4/ TRUE 0 httpandsec myvalue2 |
| #HttpOnly_. TRUE /p4/ TRUE 0 httpandsec2 myvalue3 |
| #HttpOnly_. TRUE /p4/ TRUE 0 httpandsec3 myvalue4 |
| #HttpOnly_. TRUE /p4/ TRUE 0 httpandsec4 myvalue5 |
| #HttpOnly_. TRUE /p4/ TRUE 0 httpandsec5 myvalue6 |
| #HttpOnly_. TRUE /p4/ TRUE 0 httpandsec6 myvalue7 |
| #HttpOnly_. TRUE /p4/ TRUE 0 httpandsec7 myvalue8 |
| #HttpOnly_. TRUE /p4/ TRUE 0 httpandsec8 myvalue9 |
| . TRUE / FALSE 0 partmatch present |
| FALSE /we/want/ FALSE 2054030187 nodomain value |
| #HttpOnly_127.0.0.1 FALSE /silly/ FALSE 0 magic yessir |
| .0.0.1 TRUE /we/want/ FALSE 0 blexp yesyes |
| </file> |
| </verify> |
| </testcase> |