blob: 297e9a5584f507d8988df11bc7f5e3224d2bb7d5 [file] [log] [blame]
// (C) Copyright Ion Gaztanaga 2009. Distributed under the Boost
// Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
// LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// See for documentation.
#include <boost/interprocess/detail/config_begin.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/detail/workaround.hpp>
#include <boost/detail/workaround.hpp>
#error "This header can't be used in Windows operating systems"
#include <boost/interprocess/creation_tags.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/exceptions.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/detail/utilities.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/detail/os_file_functions.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/interprocess_fwd.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/exceptions.hpp>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <cstddef>
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
#include <string>
//!Describes a class representing a native xsi shared memory.
namespace boost {
namespace interprocess {
//!A class that wraps XSI (System V) shared memory.
//!Unlike shared_memory_object, xsi_shared_memory needs a valid
//!path and a 8 bit key to identify a shared memory create
//!when all processes destroy all their xsi_shared_memory
//!objects and mapped regions for the same shared memory
//!or the processes end/crash.
//!Warning: XSI shared memory and interprocess portable
//!shared memory (boost::interprocess::shared_memory_object)
//!can't communicate between them.
class xsi_shared_memory
/// @cond
//Non-copyable and non-assignable
xsi_shared_memory(xsi_shared_memory &);
xsi_shared_memory &operator=(xsi_shared_memory &);
/// @endcond
//!Default constructor.
//!Represents an empty xsi_shared_memory.
//!Creates a new XSI shared memory with a key obtained from a call to ftok (with path
//!"path" and id "id"), of size "size" and permissions "perm".
//!If the shared memory previously exists, throws an error.
xsi_shared_memory(create_only_t, const char *path, boost::uint8_t id, std::size_t size, int perm = 0666)
{ this->priv_open_or_create(detail::DoCreate, path, id, perm, size); }
//!Tries to create a new XSI shared memory with a key obtained from a call to ftok (with path
//!"path" and id "id"), of size "size" and permissions "perm".
//!If the shared memory previously exists, it tries to open it.
//!Otherwise throws an error.
xsi_shared_memory(open_or_create_t, const char *path, boost::uint8_t id, std::size_t size, int perm = 0666)
{ this->priv_open_or_create(detail::DoOpenOrCreate, path, id, perm, size); }
//!Tries to open a XSI shared memory with a key obtained from a call to ftok (with path
//!"path" and id "id") and permissions "perm".
//!If the shared memory does not previously exist, it throws an error.
xsi_shared_memory(open_only_t, const char *path, boost::uint8_t id, int perm = 0666)
{ this->priv_open_or_create(detail::DoOpen, path, id, perm, 0); }
//!Moves the ownership of "moved"'s shared memory object to *this.
//!After the call, "moved" does not represent any shared memory object.
//!Does not throw
xsi_shared_memory(BOOST_INTERPROCESS_RV_REF(xsi_shared_memory) moved)
{ this->swap(moved); }
//!Moves the ownership of "moved"'s shared memory to *this.
//!After the call, "moved" does not represent any shared memory.
//!Does not throw
xsi_shared_memory &operator=(BOOST_INTERPROCESS_RV_REF(xsi_shared_memory) moved)
xsi_shared_memory tmp(boost::interprocess::move(moved));
return *this;
//!Swaps two xsi_shared_memorys. Does not throw
void swap(xsi_shared_memory &other);
//!Destroys *this. The shared memory won't be destroyed, just
//!this connection to it. Use remove() to destroy the shared memory.
//!Returns the path used to
//!obtain the key.
const char *get_path() const;
//!Returns the shared memory ID that
//!identifies the shared memory
int get_shmid() const;
//!Returns access
int get_permissions() const;
//!Returns the mapping handle.
//!Never throws
mapping_handle_t get_mapping_handle() const;
//!Erases the XSI shared memory object identified by shmid
//!from the system.
//!Returns false on error. Never throws
static bool remove(int shmid);
/// @cond
//!Closes a previously opened file mapping. Never throws.
bool priv_open_or_create( detail::create_enum_t type
, const char *filename
, boost::uint8_t id
, int perm
, std::size_t size);
int m_shmid;
/// @endcond
/// @cond
inline xsi_shared_memory::xsi_shared_memory()
: m_shmid(-1)
inline xsi_shared_memory::~xsi_shared_memory()
inline int xsi_shared_memory::get_shmid() const
{ return m_shmid; }
inline void xsi_shared_memory::swap(xsi_shared_memory &other)
std::swap(m_shmid, other.m_shmid);
inline mapping_handle_t xsi_shared_memory::get_mapping_handle() const
{ mapping_handle_t mhnd = { m_shmid, true}; return mhnd; }
inline bool xsi_shared_memory::priv_open_or_create
(detail::create_enum_t type, const char *filename, boost::uint8_t id, int perm, std::size_t size)
key_t key;
key = ::ftok(filename, id);
if(((key_t)-1) == key){
error_info err = system_error_code();
throw interprocess_exception(err);
perm &= 0x01FF;
int shmflg = perm;
case detail::DoOpen:
shmflg |= 0;
case detail::DoCreate:
shmflg |= IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL;
case detail::DoOpenOrCreate:
shmflg |= IPC_CREAT;
error_info err = other_error;
throw interprocess_exception(err);
int ret = ::shmget(key, size, shmflg);
int shmid = ret;
if((type == detail::DoOpen) && (-1 != ret)){
//Now get the size
::shmid_ds xsi_ds;
ret = ::shmctl(ret, IPC_STAT, &xsi_ds);
size = xsi_ds.shm_segsz;
if(-1 == ret){
error_info err = system_error_code();
throw interprocess_exception(err);
m_shmid = shmid;
return true;
inline bool xsi_shared_memory::remove(int shmid)
{ return -1 != ::shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, 0); }
} //namespace interprocess {
} //namespace boost {
#include <boost/interprocess/detail/config_end.hpp>