blob: 64b01e5210af63346c01dc103e245d052e576693 [file] [log] [blame]
// (C) Copyright John Maddock 2006.
// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
// Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
// LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma once
#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <boost/assert.hpp>
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4996 4267 4244)
#include <boost/numeric/ublas/lu.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/ublas/vector.hpp>
#pragma warning(pop)
namespace boost{ namespace math{ namespace tools{
// Find x such that Ax = b
// Caution: this uses undocumented, and untested ublas code,
// however short of writing our own LU-decompostion code
// it's the only game in town.
template <class T>
boost::numeric::ublas::vector<T> solve(
const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<T>& A_,
const boost::numeric::ublas::vector<T>& b_)
//BOOST_ASSERT(A_.size() == b_.size());
boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<T> A(A_);
boost::numeric::ublas::vector<T> b(b_);
boost::numeric::ublas::permutation_matrix<> piv(b.size());
lu_factorize(A, piv);
lu_substitute(A, piv, b);
// iterate to reduce error:
boost::numeric::ublas::vector<T> delta(b.size());
for(unsigned i = 0; i < 1; ++i)
noalias(delta) = prod(A_, b);
delta -= b_;
lu_substitute(A, piv, delta);
b -= delta;
T max_error = 0;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < delta.size(); ++i)
T err = fabs(delta[i] / b[i]);
if(err > max_error)
max_error = err;
//std::cout << "Max change in LU error correction: " << max_error << std::endl;
return b;
}}} // namespaces