blob: 7c6acb68d9eecafcc0a0d70571f2fd18dc3d1632 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2008 Christophe Henry
// henry UNDERSCORE christophe AT hotmail DOT com
// This is an extended version of the state machine available in the boost::mpl library
// Distributed under the same license as the original.
// Copyright for the original version:
// Copyright 2005 David Abrahams and Aleksey Gurtovoy. Distributed
// under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <utility>
#include <boost/mpl/reverse_fold.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/greater.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/filter_view.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/pop_front.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/for_each.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_base_of.hpp>
#include <boost/msm/back/metafunctions.hpp>
#include <boost/msm/back/common_types.hpp>
namespace boost { namespace msm { namespace back
// Generates a singleton runtime lookup table that maps current state
// to a function that makes the SM take its transition on the given
// Event type.
template <class Fsm,class Stt, class Event,class CompilePolicy>
struct dispatch_table
// This is a table of these function pointers.
typedef HandledEnum (*cell)(Fsm&, int,int,Event const&);
typedef bool (*guard)(Fsm&, Event const&);
// class used to build a chain (or sequence) of transitions for a given event and start state
// (like an UML diamond). Allows transition conflicts.
template< typename Seq,typename AnEvent,typename State >
struct chain_row
typedef State current_state_type;
typedef AnEvent transition_event;
// helper for building a disable/enable_if-controlled execute function
struct execute_helper
template <class Sequence>
execute(Fsm& , int, int, Event const& , ::boost::mpl::true_ const & )
// if at least one guard rejected, this will be ignored, otherwise will generate an error
template <class Sequence>
execute(Fsm& fsm, int region_index , int state, Event const& evt,
::boost::mpl::false_ const & )
// try the first guard
typedef typename ::boost::mpl::front<Sequence>::type first_row;
HandledEnum res = first_row::execute(fsm,region_index,state,evt);
if (HANDLED_TRUE!=res)
// if the first rejected, move on to the next one
HandledEnum sub_res =
execute<typename ::boost::mpl::pop_front<Sequence>::type>(fsm,region_index,state,evt,
::boost::mpl::empty<typename ::boost::mpl::pop_front<Sequence>::type>::type::value>());
// if at least one guards rejects, the event will not generate a call to no_transition
if ((HANDLED_FALSE==sub_res) && (HANDLED_GUARD_REJECT==res) )
return sub_res;
return res;
// Take the transition action and return the next state.
static HandledEnum execute(Fsm& fsm, int region_index, int state, Event const& evt)
// forward to helper
return execute_helper::template execute<Seq>(fsm,region_index,state,evt,
::boost::mpl::bool_< ::boost::mpl::empty<Seq>::type::value>());
// nullary metafunction whose only job is to prevent early evaluation of _1
template< typename Entry >
struct make_chain_row_from_map_entry
typedef chain_row<typename Entry::second,Event,
typename Entry::first > type;
// Compute the maximum state value in the sm so we know how big
// to make the table
typedef typename generate_state_set<Stt>::type state_list;
BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, max_state = ( ::boost::mpl::size<state_list>::value));
// A function object for use with mpl::for_each that stuffs
// transitions into cells.
struct init_cell
init_cell(dispatch_table* self_)
: self(self_)
// version for transition event not base of our event
template <class Transition>
void init_event_base_case(Transition const&, ::boost::mpl::true_ const &) const
typedef typename create_stt<Fsm>::type stt;
(get_state_id<stt,typename Transition::current_state_type>::value));
self->entries[state_id] = reinterpret_cast<cell>(&Transition::execute);
// version for transition event base of our event
template <class Transition>
void init_event_base_case(Transition const&, ::boost::mpl::false_ const &) const
typedef typename create_stt<Fsm>::type stt;
(get_state_id<stt,typename Transition::current_state_type>::value));
self->entries[state_id] = &Transition::execute;
// Cell initializer function object, used with mpl::for_each
template <class Transition>
typename ::boost::enable_if<typename has_not_real_row_tag<Transition>::type,void >::type
operator()(Transition const&,boost::msm::back::dummy<0> = 0) const
// version for not real rows. No problem because irrelevant for process_event
template <class Transition>
typename ::boost::disable_if<typename has_not_real_row_tag<Transition>::type,void >::type
operator()(Transition const& tr,boost::msm::back::dummy<1> = 0) const
//only if the transition event is a base of our event is the reinterpret_case safe
::boost::is_base_of<typename Transition::transition_event,Event>::type::value>() );
dispatch_table* self;
// Cell default-initializer function object, used with mpl::for_each
// initializes with call_no_transition, defer_transition or default_eventless_transition
// variant for non-anonymous transitions
template <class EventType,class Enable=void>
struct default_init_cell
default_init_cell(dispatch_table* self_,cell* tofill_entries_)
: self(self_),tofill_entries(tofill_entries_)
template <class State>
typename ::boost::enable_if<typename has_state_delayed_event<State,Event>::type,void>::type
operator()(boost::msm::wrap<State> const&,boost::msm::back::dummy<0> = 0)
typedef typename create_stt<Fsm>::type stt;
BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, state_id = (get_state_id<stt,State>::value));
cell call_no_transition = &Fsm::defer_transition;
tofill_entries[state_id] = call_no_transition;
template <class State>
typename ::boost::disable_if<typename has_state_delayed_event<State,Event>::type,void >::type
operator()(boost::msm::wrap<State> const&,boost::msm::back::dummy<1> = 0)
typedef typename create_stt<Fsm>::type stt;
BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, state_id = (get_state_id<stt,State>::value));
cell call_no_transition = &Fsm::call_no_transition;
tofill_entries[state_id] = call_no_transition;
dispatch_table* self;
cell* tofill_entries;
// variant for anonymous transitions
template <class EventType>
struct default_init_cell<EventType,
typename ::boost::enable_if<
typename is_completion_event<EventType>::type>::type>
default_init_cell(dispatch_table* self_,cell* tofill_entries_)
: self(self_),tofill_entries(tofill_entries_)
// this event is a compound one (not a real one, just one for use in event-less transitions)
// Note this event cannot be used as deferred!
template <class State>
void operator()(boost::msm::wrap<State> const&)
typedef typename create_stt<Fsm>::type stt;
BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, state_id = (get_state_id<stt,State>::value));
cell call_no_transition = &Fsm::default_eventless_transition;
tofill_entries[state_id] = call_no_transition;
dispatch_table* self;
cell* tofill_entries;
// initialize the dispatch table for a given Event and Fsm
// Initialize cells for no transition
::boost::mpl::for_each<typename generate_state_set<Stt>::type,
boost::msm::wrap< ::boost::mpl::placeholders::_1> >
// build chaining rows for rows coming from the same state and the current event
// first we build a map of sequence for every source
// in reverse order so that the frow's are handled first (UML priority)
typedef typename ::boost::mpl::reverse_fold<
// filter on event
<Stt, ::boost::is_base_of<transition_event< ::boost::mpl::placeholders::_>, Event> >,
// build a map
// if we already have a row on this source state
::boost::mpl::has_key< ::boost::mpl::placeholders::_1,
transition_source_type< ::boost::mpl::placeholders::_2> >,
// insert a new element in the value type
::boost::mpl::pair<transition_source_type< ::boost::mpl::placeholders::_2>,
::boost::mpl::at< ::boost::mpl::placeholders::_1,
transition_source_type< ::boost::mpl::placeholders::_2> >,
::boost::mpl::placeholders::_2 >
> >,
// first row on this source state, make a vector with 1 element
::boost::mpl::pair<transition_source_type< ::boost::mpl::placeholders::_2>,
make_vector< ::boost::mpl::placeholders::_2> > >
>::type map_of_row_seq;
// and then build chaining rows for all source states having more than 1 row
typedef typename ::boost::mpl::fold<
::boost::mpl::greater< ::boost::mpl::size<
::boost::mpl::second< ::boost::mpl::placeholders::_2> >,
::boost::mpl::int_<1> >,
// we need row chaining
::boost::mpl::push_back< ::boost::mpl::placeholders::_1,
make_chain_row_from_map_entry< ::boost::mpl::placeholders::_2> >,
// just one row, no chaining, we rebuild the row like it was before
::boost::mpl::push_back< ::boost::mpl::placeholders::_1,
get_first_element_pair_second< ::boost::mpl::placeholders::_2> >
> >::type chained_rows;
// Go back and fill in cells for matching transitions.
// The singleton instance.
static const dispatch_table instance;
public: // data members
cell entries[max_state];
}}} // boost::msm::back