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[article Document To Test Formatting
[quickbook 1.4]
[copyright 2007 John Maddock, Joel de Guzman, Eric Niebler and Matias Capeletto]
[purpose Test Formatting Document]
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
(See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
[authors [Maddock, John], [de Guzman, Joel], [Niebler, Eric], [Capeletto, Matias] ]
[category math]
[/last-revision $Date: 2007-05-07 10:21:52 +0100 (Mon, 07 May 2007) $]
[include HTML4_symbols.qbk]
[/ Some composite templates]
[template super[x]'''<superscript>'''[x]'''</superscript>''']
[template sub[x]'''<subscript>'''[x]'''</subscript>''']
[template floor[x]'''&#x230A;'''[x]'''&#x230B;''']
[template floorlr[x][lfloor][x][rfloor]]
[template ceil[x] '''&#x2308;'''[x]'''&#x2309;''']
[section Introduction]
This document is purely a test case to test out HTML and PDF generation and style.
This is some body text.
int main()
double d = 2.345;
return d;
We can count in Greek too: [alpha], [beta], [gamma].
Try some superscrips and subscripts: x[super 2], x[sub i][super 3], [alpha][super 2],
[beta][super [alpha]], [floor x], [floor [alpha]], [ceil a].
[section Code Blocks]
[section Embedded code]
These should be syntax highlighted:
#include <iostream>
int main()
// Sample code
std::cout << "Hello, World\n";
return 0;
[section Code With a Very Long Line]
template <class RealType> RealType inline foo(const RealType& a, const RealType& b, const RealType& c, const RealType& d, const RealType& e, const RealType& f, const RealType& g, const RealType& h){ return 0; }
[section Imported code and callouts]
[import stub.cpp]
Here's some code with left-placed callouts:
And again with callouts placed exactly where we put them:
[section Larger example]
Now let's include a larger example, this may span several pages
and should not be chopped off half way through... some FO processors
get this wrong!
namespace boost{
template <class BidirectionalIterator>
class sub_match;
typedef sub_match<const char*> csub_match;
typedef sub_match<const wchar_t*> wcsub_match;
typedef sub_match<std::string::const_iterator> ssub_match;
typedef sub_match<std::wstring::const_iterator> wssub_match;
template <class BidirectionalIterator>
class sub_match : public std::pair<BidirectionalIterator, BidirectionalIterator>
typedef typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type value_type;
typedef typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::difference_type difference_type;
typedef BidirectionalIterator iterator;
bool matched;
difference_type length()const;
operator basic_string<value_type>()const;
basic_string<value_type> str()const;
int compare(const sub_match& s)const;
int compare(const basic_string<value_type>& s)const;
int compare(const value_type* s)const;
typedef implementation-private capture_sequence_type;
const capture_sequence_type& captures()const;
// comparisons to another sub_match:
template <class BidirectionalIterator>
bool operator == (const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& lhs,
const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator>
bool operator != (const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& lhs,
const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator>
bool operator < (const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& lhs,
const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator>
bool operator <= (const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& lhs,
const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator>
bool operator >= (const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& lhs,
const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator>
bool operator > (const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& lhs,
const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& rhs);
// comparisons to a basic_string:
template <class BidirectionalIterator, class traits, class Allocator>
bool operator == (const std::basic_string<iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type,
Allocator>& lhs,
const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator, class traits, class Allocator>
bool operator != (const std::basic_string<iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type,
Allocator>& lhs,
const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator, class traits, class Allocator>
bool operator < (const std::basic_string<iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type,
Allocator>& lhs,
const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator, class traits, class Allocator>
bool operator > (const std::basic_string<iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type,
Allocator>& lhs,
const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator, class traits, class Allocator>
bool operator >= (const std::basic_string<iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type,
Allocator>& lhs,
const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator, class traits, class Allocator>
bool operator <= (const std::basic_string<iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type,
Allocator>& lhs,
const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator, class traits, class Allocator>
bool operator == (const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& lhs,
const std::basic_string<iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type,
Allocator>& rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator, class traits, class Allocator>
bool operator != (const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& lhs,
const std::basic_string<iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type,
Allocator>& rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator, class traits, class Allocator>
bool operator < (const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& lhs,
const std::basic_string<iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type,
Allocator>& rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator, class traits, class Allocator>
bool operator > (const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& lhs,
const std::basic_string<iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type,
Allocator>& rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator, class traits, class Allocator>
bool operator >= (const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& lhs,
const std::basic_string<iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type,
Allocator>& rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator, class traits, class Allocator>
bool operator <= (const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& lhs,
const std::basic_string<iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type,
Allocator>& rhs);
// comparisons to a pointer to a character array:
template <class BidirectionalIterator>
bool operator == (typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type const* lhs,
const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator>
bool operator != (typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type const* lhs,
const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator>
bool operator < (typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type const* lhs,
const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator>
bool operator > (typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type const* lhs,
const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator>
bool operator >= (typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type const* lhs,
const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator>
bool operator <= (typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type const* lhs,
const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator>
bool operator == (const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& lhs,
typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type const* rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator>
bool operator != (const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& lhs,
typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type const* rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator>
bool operator < (const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& lhs,
typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type const* rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator>
bool operator > (const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& lhs,
typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type const* rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator>
bool operator >= (const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& lhs,
typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type const* rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator>
bool operator <= (const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& lhs,
typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type const* rhs);
// comparisons to a single character:
template <class BidirectionalIterator>
bool operator == (typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type const& lhs,
const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator>
bool operator != (typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type const& lhs,
const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator>
bool operator < (typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type const& lhs,
const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator>
bool operator > (typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type const& lhs,
const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator>
bool operator >= (typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type const& lhs,
const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator>
bool operator <= (typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type const& lhs,
const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator>
bool operator == (const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& lhs,
typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type const& rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator>
bool operator != (const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& lhs,
typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type const& rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator>
bool operator < (const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& lhs,
typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type const& rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator>
bool operator > (const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& lhs,
typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type const& rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator>
bool operator >= (const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& lhs,
typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type const& rhs);
template <class BidirectionalIterator>
bool operator <= (const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& lhs,
typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type const& rhs);
// addition operators:
template <class BidirectionalIterator, class traits, class Allocator>
std::basic_string<typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type, traits, Allocator>
operator + (const std::basic_string<typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type,
Allocator>& s,
const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& m);
template <class BidirectionalIterator, class traits, class Allocator>
std::basic_string<typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type, traits, Allocator>
operator + (const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& m,
const std::basic_string<typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type,
Allocator>& s);
template <class BidirectionalIterator>
std::basic_string<typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type>
operator + (typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type const* s,
const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& m);
template <class BidirectionalIterator>
std::basic_string<typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type>
operator + (const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& m,
typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type const * s);
template <class BidirectionalIterator>
std::basic_string<typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type>
operator + (typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type const& s,
const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& m);
template <class BidirectionalIterator>
std::basic_string<typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type>
operator + (const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& m,
typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type const& s);
template <class BidirectionalIterator>
std::basic_string<typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type>
operator + (const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& m1,
const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& m2);
// stream inserter:
template <class charT, class traits, class BidirectionalIterator>
basic_ostream<charT, traits>&
operator << (basic_ostream<charT, traits>& os,
const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& m);
} // namespace boost
[section Basic Formatting]
[section Font Styles]
Here we go with some inline formatting:
['italic], [*bold], [_underline], [^teletype], [-strikethrough],
we can combine styles as well: ['[*bold italic]], [_[^teletype with underline]].
[section Replaceable Text]
Text that is intended to be user-replaceable is [~rendered like this].
[section Quotations]
Here we go: ["A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?]--Einstein
Note the proper left and right quote marks. Also, while you can simply use ordinary quote marks like "quoted", our quotation, above, will generate correct DocBook quotations (e.g. <quote>quoted</quote>).
Like all phrase elements, quotations may be nested. Example:
["Here's the rule for bargains: ["Do other men, for they would do you.] That's
the true business precept.]
[section Inline Code]
This text has inlined code `int main() { return 0; }` in it.
The code should be syntax highlighted.
[section Links]
Try this: [@ this is [*boost's] website....] it should
be visible as a link.
This is [@../../../boost/math/distributions.hpp a link to a header file (boost/math/distributions.hpp)],
it should be rewritable and point to the website when built as a PDF.
This is [@boost:libs/regex/index.html a link to another library's documentation (Boost.Regex)], using the boost: protocol,
it should be rewritten to point to the website when building a PDF.
This is [@boost:/libs/regex/index.html a link to another library's documentation (Boost.Regex)], using the boost:/ protocol,
it should be rewritten to point to the website when building a PDF.
This is [@../weighted_tail_quantile.hpp a relative link to a header file within the test source],
it should be rewritten to point to the website when building a PDF.
Although it might be on the website yet.
[section Footnotes]
Here's one [footnote A sample footnote].
And here's another [footnote Another sample footnote].
[section Blockquote]
Lets indent the next paragraph:
[:Here we go!!!]
[section Headings]
Now try rendering some heading styles:
[h1 Heading 1]
[h2 Heading 2]
[h3 Heading 3]
[h4 Heading 4]
[h5 Heading 5]
[h6 Heading 6]
[section Blurbs]
[section Preformatted text]
Here's some sample program output:
'''F test for equal standard deviations
Sample 1:
Number of Observations = 240
Sample Standard Deviation = 65.549
Sample 2:
Number of Observations = 240
Sample Standard Deviation = 61.854
Test Statistic = 1.123
CDF of test statistic: = 8.148e-001
Upper Critical Value at alpha: = 1.238e+000
Upper Critical Value at alpha/2: = 1.289e+000
Lower Critical Value at alpha: = 8.080e-001
Lower Critical Value at alpha/2: = 7.756e-001
Results for Alternative Hypothesis and alpha = 0.0500
Alternative Hypothesis Conclusion
Standard deviations are unequal (two sided test) REJECTED
Standard deviation 1 is less than standard deviation 2 REJECTED
Standard deviation 1 is greater than standard deviation 2 REJECTED'''
[section Admonishments]
There are four admonishments supported by Docbook XML:
[note This is a note]
[tip This is a tip]
[important This is important]
[caution This is a caution]
[warning This is a warning
They can contain more than one paragraph.
[section Blurbs]
[blurb [*An eye catching advertisement or note...]
These should be rendered in a manner similar to admonishments.
They can contain more than one paragraph.
[section Lists and Tables]
[section Lists]
A numbered list:
# One
# Two
# Three
# Three.a
# Three.b
# Three.c
# Four
# Four.a
# Four.a.i
# Four.a.ii
# Five
An unordered list:
* First
* Second
* Third
A mixture of the two:
# 1
* 1.a
# 1.a.1
# 1.a.2
* 1.b
# 2
* 2.a
* 2.b
# 2.b.1
# 2.b.2
* 2.b.2.a
* 2.b.2.b
[section Variable Lists]
[variablelist A Variable List
[[term 1] [The definition of term 1]]
[[term 2] [The definition of term 2]]
[[term 3] [The definition of term 3]]
[section Tables]
Here's a big table with code and other tricky things:
[table Notes on the Implementation of the Beta Distribution
[[Function][Implementation Notes]]
[f(x;[alpha],[beta]) = x[super[alpha] - 1] (1 - x)[super[beta] -1] / B([alpha], [beta])
Implemented using ibeta_derivative(a, b, x).]]
[[cdf][Using the incomplete beta function ibeta(a, b, x)]]
[[cdf complement][ibetac(a, b, x)]]
[[quantile][Using the inverse incomplete beta function ibeta_inv(a, b, p)]]
[[quantile from the complement][ibetac_inv(a, b, q)]]
[[variance][`a * b / (a+b)^2 * (a + b + 1)`]]
[[mode][`(a-1) / (a + b + 2)`]]
[[skewness][`2 (b-a) sqrt(a+b+1)/(a+b+2) * sqrt(a * b)`]]
[[kurtosis excess][ [$images/beta_dist_kurtosis.png] ]]
[[kurtosis][`kurtosis + 3`]]
[[parameter estimation][ ]]
from mean and variance][`mean * (( (mean * (1 - mean)) / variance)- 1)`]]
from mean and variance][`(1 - mean) * (((mean * (1 - mean)) /variance)-1)`]]
[[The member functions `estimate_alpha` and `estimate_beta`
from cdf and probability x
and *either* `alpha` or `beta`]
[Implemented in terms of the inverse incomplete beta functions
ibeta_inva, and ibeta_invb respectively.]]
[[`estimate_alpha`][`ibeta_inva(beta, x, probability)`]]
[[`estimate_beta`][`ibeta_invb(alpha, x, probability)`]]
[section Images]
These are tricky enough that they warrent their own section.
Let's start with a PNG file that's set to 120dpi, it should render at
a sensible size in both html and PDF forms. It should print OK too!
Now try again with a sample SVG image:
[include test_HTML4_symbols.qbk]
[include remez.qbk]
[section:array Array Example Boostbook XML Documentation]
[xinclude array.xml]
[xinclude array1.xml]
[xinclude array2.xml]
[xinclude array3.xml]
[xinclude array4.xml]
[section:accumulators Accumulators Example Doxygen Documentation]
[xinclude statsdoc.xml]