blob: 36671fa24513a1fb2453904b53757d9bc12758a6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Boost lpath.hpp ---------------------------------------------------------//
// Copyright Beman Dawes 2005
// Use, modification, and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
// License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// See library home page at
#include <boost/filesystem/v2/path.hpp>
#include <cwchar> // for std::mbstate_t
#include <string>
#include <ios> // for std::streamoff
namespace std
// Note well: this specialization is meant only to support wide_test.cpp.
// It is not fully functional, fully correct, or efficient.
template<> struct char_traits<long>
typedef long char_type;
typedef long int_type;
typedef streamoff off_type;
typedef streampos pos_type;
typedef mbstate_t state_type;
static void assign(char_type& c1, const char_type& c2){c1=c2;}
static bool eq(const char_type& c1, const char_type& c2){return c1==c2;}
static bool lt(const char_type& c1, const char_type& c2){return c1<c2;}
static int compare(const char_type* s1, const char_type* s2, size_t n)
const char_type* e = s1 + n;
for ( ;s1 != e && *s1 == *s2; ++s1, ++s2 ) {}
return s1 == e ? 0 : (*s1<*s2 ? -1 : 1);
static size_t length(const char_type* s)
{ const char_type* b=s; for(;*s!=0L;++s){} return s-b; }
static const char_type* find(const char_type* /*s*/, size_t /*n*/, const char_type& /*a*/)
{ return 0; }
// copy semantics will do for wide_test
static char_type* move(char_type* s1, const char_type* s2, size_t n)
{ char_type* b=s1; for(const char_type* e=s1+n;s1!=e;++s1,++s2) *s1=*s2; return b; }
static char_type* copy(char_type* s1, const char_type* s2, size_t n)
{ char_type* b=s1; for(const char_type* e=s1+n;s1!=e;++s1,++s2) *s1=*s2; return b; }
static char_type* assign(char_type* s, size_t n, char_type a)
{ char_type* b=s; for(char_type* e=s+n;s!=e;++s) *s=a; return b; }
static int_type not_eof(const int_type& c);
static char_type to_char_type(const int_type& c);
static int_type to_int_type(const char_type& c);
static bool eq_int_type(const int_type& c1, const int_type& c2);
static int_type eof();
namespace user
typedef std::basic_string<long> lstring;
struct lpath_traits;
typedef boost::filesystem::basic_path<lstring, lpath_traits> lpath;
struct lpath_traits
typedef lstring internal_string_type;
typedef std::string external_string_type;
static external_string_type to_external( const lpath &,
const internal_string_type & src )
external_string_type tmp;
for ( internal_string_type::const_iterator it( src.begin() );
it != src.end(); ++it )
tmp += static_cast<external_string_type::value_type>(*it);
return tmp;
static internal_string_type to_internal( const external_string_type & src )
internal_string_type tmp;
for ( external_string_type::const_iterator it( src.begin() );
it != src.end(); ++it ) tmp += *it;
return tmp;
} // namespace user
namespace boost
namespace filesystem2
template<> struct is_basic_path<user::lpath>
{ static const bool value = true; };