blob: 483d69e4c22f093b7a19d7c16e38dfc72dbdff71 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2008 Lubomir Bourdev and Hailin Jin
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
(See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
This directory contains GIL sample code.
We provide a Makefile that compiles all examples. You will need to change it to specify the correct path to boost, gil, and libjpeg. Some of the examples include the GIL numeric extension, which you can get from:
The makefile generates a separate executable for each test file. Each executable generates its output as "out-<example_name>.jpg". For example, the resize.cpp example generates the image out-resize.jpg
The following examples are included:
1. resize.cpp
Scales an image using bilinear or nearest-neighbor resampling
2. affine.cpp
Performs an arbitrary affine transformation on the image
3. convolution.cpp
Convolves the image with a Gaussian kernel
4. mandelbrot.cpp
Creates a synthetic image defining the Mandelbrot set
5. interleaved_ptr.cpp
Illustrates how to create a custom pixel reference and iterator.
Creates a GIL image view over user-supplied data without the need to cast to GIL pixel type
6. x_gradient.cpp
Horizontal gradient, from the tutorial
7. histogram.cpp
Algorithm to compute the histogram of an image
8. packed_pixel.cpp
Illustrates how to create a custom pixel model - a pixel whose channel size is not divisible by bytes
9. dynamic_image.cpp
Example of using images whose type is instantiated at run time