blob: 9e87ca23ca52ce40626e3c45dd007dd39c3c5d5b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2004-9 Trustees of Indiana University
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// read_graphviz_new.cpp -
// Initialize a model of the BGL's MutableGraph concept and an associated
// collection of property maps using a graph expressed in the GraphViz
// DOT Language.
// Based on the grammar found at:
// Jeremiah rewrite used grammar found at:
// and page 34 or
// See documentation for this code at:
// Author: Jeremiah Willcock
// Ronald Garcia
#include <boost/ref.hpp>
#include <boost/function/function2.hpp>
#include <boost/property_map/dynamic_property_map.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/detail/workaround.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/case_conv.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <exception> // for std::exception
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include <map>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/dll_import_export.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/graphviz.hpp>
namespace boost {
namespace read_graphviz_detail {
struct token {
enum token_type {
quoted_string, // Only used internally in tokenizer
token_type type;
std::string normalized_value; // May have double-quotes removed and/or some escapes replaced
token(token_type type, const std::string& normalized_value)
: type(type), normalized_value(normalized_value) {}
token(): type(invalid), normalized_value("") {}
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const token& t) {
switch (t.type) {
case token::kw_strict: o << "<strict>"; break;
case token::kw_graph: o << "<graph>"; break;
case token::kw_digraph: o << "<digraph>"; break;
case token::kw_node: o << "<node>"; break;
case token::kw_edge: o << "<edge>"; break;
case token::kw_subgraph: o << "<subgraph>"; break;
case token::left_brace: o << "<left_brace>"; break;
case token::right_brace: o << "<right_brace>"; break;
case token::semicolon: o << "<semicolon>"; break;
case token::equal: o << "<equal>"; break;
case token::left_bracket: o << "<left_bracket>"; break;
case token::right_bracket: o << "<right_bracket>"; break;
case token::comma: o << "<comma>"; break;
case token::colon: o << "<colon>"; break;
case token::dash_greater: o << "<dash-greater>"; break;
case token::dash_dash: o << "<dash-dash>"; break;
case token::plus: o << "<plus>"; break;
case token::left_paren: o << "<left_paren>"; break;
case token::right_paren: o << "<right_paren>"; break;
case token::at: o << "<at>"; break;
case token::identifier: o << "<identifier>"; break;
case token::quoted_string: o << "<quoted_string>"; break;
case token::eof: o << "<eof>"; break;
default: o << "<invalid type>"; break;
o << " '" << t.normalized_value << "'";
return o;
bad_graphviz_syntax lex_error(const std::string& errmsg, char bad_char) {
if (bad_char == '\0') {
return bad_graphviz_syntax(errmsg + " (at end of input)");
} else {
return bad_graphviz_syntax(errmsg + " (char is '" + bad_char + "')");
bad_graphviz_syntax parse_error(const std::string& errmsg, const token& bad_token) {
return bad_graphviz_syntax(errmsg + " (token is \"" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(bad_token) + "\")");
struct tokenizer {
std::string::const_iterator begin, end;
std::vector<token> lookahead;
// Precomputed regexes
boost::regex stuff_to_skip;
boost::regex basic_id_token;
boost::regex punctuation_token;
boost::regex number_token;
boost::regex quoted_string_token;
boost::regex xml_tag_token;
boost::regex cdata;
tokenizer(const std::string& str) : begin(str.begin()), end(str.end())
std::string end_of_token = "(?=(?:\\W))";
std::string whitespace = "(?:\\s+)";
std::string slash_slash_comment = "(?://.*$)";
std::string slash_star_comment = "(?:/\\*.*?\\*/)";
std::string hash_comment = "(?:^#.*?$)";
std::string backslash_newline = "(?:[\\\\][\\n])";
stuff_to_skip = "\\A(?:" + whitespace + "|" +
slash_slash_comment + "|" +
slash_star_comment + "|" +
hash_comment + "|" +
backslash_newline + ")*";
basic_id_token = "\\A([[:alpha:]_](?:\\w*))";
punctuation_token = "\\A([][{};=,:+()@]|[-][>-])";
number_token = "\\A([-]?(?:(?:\\.\\d+)|(?:\\d+(?:\\.\\d*)?)))";
quoted_string_token = "\\A(\"(?:[^\"\\\\]|(?:[\\\\].))*\")";
xml_tag_token = "\\A<(/?)(?:[^!?'\"]|(?:'[^']*?')|(?:\"[^\"]*?\"))*?(/?)>";
cdata = "\\A\\Q<![CDATA[\\E.*?\\Q]]>\\E";
void skip() {
boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator> results;
#ifndef NDEBUG
bool found =
boost::regex_search(begin, end, results, stuff_to_skip);
#ifndef NDEBUG
assert (found);
boost::sub_match<std::string::const_iterator> sm1 = results.suffix();
assert (sm1.second == end);
begin = sm1.first;
token get_token_raw() {
if (!lookahead.empty()) {
token t = lookahead.front();
return t;
if (begin == end) return token(token::eof, "");
// Look for keywords first
bool found;
boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator> results;
found = boost::regex_search(begin, end, results, basic_id_token);
if (found) {
std::string str = results[1].str();
std::string str_lower = boost::algorithm::to_lower_copy(str);
begin = results.suffix().first;
if (str_lower == "strict") {
return token(token::kw_strict, str);
} else if (str_lower == "graph") {
return token(token::kw_graph, str);
} else if (str_lower == "digraph") {
return token(token::kw_digraph, str);
} else if (str_lower == "node") {
return token(token::kw_node, str);
} else if (str_lower == "edge") {
return token(token::kw_edge, str);
} else if (str_lower == "subgraph") {
return token(token::kw_subgraph, str);
} else {
return token(token::identifier, str);
found = boost::regex_search(begin, end, results, punctuation_token);
if (found) {
std::string str = results[1].str();
begin = results.suffix().first;
switch (str[0]) {
case '[': return token(token::left_bracket, str);
case ']': return token(token::right_bracket, str);
case '{': return token(token::left_brace, str);
case '}': return token(token::right_brace, str);
case ';': return token(token::semicolon, str);
case '=': return token(token::equal, str);
case ',': return token(token::comma, str);
case ':': return token(token::colon, str);
case '+': return token(token::plus, str);
case '(': return token(token::left_paren, str);
case ')': return token(token::right_paren, str);
case '@': return token(token::at, str);
case '-': {
switch (str[1]) {
case '-': return token(token::dash_dash, str);
case '>': return token(token::dash_greater, str);
default: assert (!"Definition of punctuation_token does not match switch statement");
default: assert (!"Definition of punctuation_token does not match switch statement");
found = boost::regex_search(begin, end, results, number_token);
if (found) {
std::string str = results[1].str();
begin = results.suffix().first;
return token(token::identifier, str);
found = boost::regex_search(begin, end, results, quoted_string_token);
if (found) {
std::string str = results[1].str();
begin = results.suffix().first;
// Remove the beginning and ending quotes
assert (str.size() >= 2);
str.erase(str.end() - 1);
// Unescape quotes in the middle, but nothing else (see format spec)
for (size_t i = 0; i + 1 < str.size() /* May change */; ++i) {
if (str[i] == '\\' && str[i + 1] == '"') {
str.erase(str.begin() + i);
// Don't need to adjust i
} else if (str[i] == '\\' && str[i + 1] == '\n') {
str.erase(str.begin() + i);
str.erase(str.begin() + i);
--i; // Invert ++ that will be applied
return token(token::quoted_string, str);
if (*begin == '<') {
std::string::const_iterator saved_begin = begin;
int counter = 0;
do {
if (begin == end) throw_lex_error("Unclosed HTML string");
if (*begin != '<') {
found = boost::regex_search(begin, end, results, xml_tag_token);
if (found) {
begin = results.suffix().first;
if (results[1].str() == "/") { // Close tag
} else if (results[2].str() == "/") { // Empty tag
} else { // Open tag
found = boost::regex_search(begin, end, results, cdata);
if (found) {
begin = results.suffix().first;
throw_lex_error("Invalid contents in HTML string");
} while (counter > 0);
return token(token::identifier, std::string(saved_begin, begin));
} else {
throw_lex_error("Invalid character");
return token();
token peek_token_raw() {
if (lookahead.empty()) {
token t = get_token_raw();
return lookahead.front();
token get_token() { // Handle string concatenation
token t = get_token_raw();
if (t.type != token::quoted_string) return t;
std::string str = t.normalized_value;
while (peek_token_raw().type == token::plus) {
token t2 = get_token_raw();
if (t2.type != token::quoted_string) {
throw_lex_error("Must have quoted string after string concatenation");
str += t2.normalized_value;
return token(token::identifier, str); // Note that quoted_string does not get passed to the parser
void throw_lex_error(const std::string& errmsg) {
boost::throw_exception(lex_error(errmsg, (begin == end ? '\0' : *begin)));
struct edge_endpoint {
bool is_subgraph;
node_and_port node_ep;
subgraph_name subgraph_ep;
static edge_endpoint node(const node_and_port& ep) {
edge_endpoint r;
r.is_subgraph = false;
r.node_ep = ep;
return r;
static edge_endpoint subgraph(const subgraph_name& ep) {
edge_endpoint r;
r.is_subgraph = true;
r.subgraph_ep = ep;
return r;
struct node_or_subgraph_ref {
bool is_subgraph;
std::string name; // Name for subgraphs or nodes, "___root___" for root graph
static node_or_subgraph_ref noderef(const node_name& n) {
node_or_subgraph_ref r;
r.is_subgraph = false; = n;
return r;
static node_or_subgraph_ref subgraphref(const subgraph_name& n) {
node_or_subgraph_ref r;
r.is_subgraph = true; = n;
return r;
typedef std::vector<node_or_subgraph_ref> subgraph_member_list;
struct subgraph_info {
properties def_node_props;
properties def_edge_props;
subgraph_member_list members;
struct parser {
tokenizer the_tokenizer;
std::vector<token> lookahead;
parser_result& r;
std::map<subgraph_name, subgraph_info> subgraphs;
std::string current_subgraph_name;
int sgcounter; // Counter for anonymous subgraphs
std::set<std::pair<node_name, node_name> > existing_edges; // Used for checking in strict graphs
subgraph_info& current() {return subgraphs[current_subgraph_name];}
properties& current_graph_props() {return r.graph_props[current_subgraph_name];}
subgraph_member_list& current_members() {return current().members;}
parser(const std::string& gr, parser_result& result)
: the_tokenizer(gr), lookahead(), r(result), sgcounter(0) {
current_subgraph_name = "___root___";
current() = subgraph_info(); // Initialize root graph
token get() {
if (lookahead.empty()) {
token t = the_tokenizer.get_token();
return t;
} else {
token t = lookahead.front();
return t;
token peek() {
if (lookahead.empty()) {
return lookahead.front();
void error(const std::string& str) {
boost::throw_exception(parse_error(str, peek()));
void parse_graph(bool want_directed) {
bool is_strict = false;
bool is_directed = false;
std::string name;
if (peek().type == token::kw_strict) {get(); is_strict = true;}
switch (peek().type) {
case token::kw_graph: is_directed = false; break;
case token::kw_digraph: is_directed = true; break;
default: error("Wanted \"graph\" or \"digraph\"");
r.graph_is_directed = is_directed; // Used to check edges
r.graph_is_strict = is_strict;
if (want_directed != r.graph_is_directed) {
if (want_directed) {
} else {
switch (peek().type) {
case token::identifier: name = peek().normalized_value; get(); break;
case token::left_brace: break;
default: error("Wanted a graph name or left brace");
if (peek().type == token::left_brace) get(); else error("Wanted a left brace to start the graph");
if (peek().type == token::right_brace) get(); else error("Wanted a right brace to end the graph");
if (peek().type == token::eof) {} else error("Wanted end of file");
void parse_stmt_list() {
while (true) {
if (peek().type == token::right_brace) return;
if (peek().type == token::semicolon) get();
void parse_stmt() {
switch (peek().type) {
case token::kw_node:
case token::kw_edge:
case token::kw_graph: parse_attr_stmt(); break;
case token::kw_subgraph:
case token::left_brace:
case token::identifier: {
token id = get();
if (id.type == token::identifier && peek().type == token::equal) { // Graph property
if (peek().type != token::identifier) error("Wanted identifier as right side of =");
token id2 = get();
current_graph_props()[id.normalized_value] = id2.normalized_value;
} else {
edge_endpoint ep = parse_endpoint_rest(id);
if (peek().type == token::dash_dash || peek().type == token::dash_greater) { // Edge
} else {
if (!ep.is_subgraph) { // Only nodes can have attribute lists
// This node already exists because of its first mention
// (properties set to defaults by parse_node_and_port, called
// by parse_endpoint_rest)
properties this_node_props;
if (peek().type == token::left_bracket) {
for (properties::const_iterator i = this_node_props.begin();
i != this_node_props.end(); ++i) {
// Override old properties with same names
r.nodes[][i->first] = i->second;
} else {
default: error("Invalid start token for statement");
void parse_attr_stmt() {
switch (get().type) {
case token::kw_graph: parse_attr_list(current_graph_props()); break;
case token::kw_node: parse_attr_list(current().def_node_props); break;
case token::kw_edge: parse_attr_list(current().def_edge_props); break;
default: assert (!"Bad attr_stmt case");
edge_endpoint parse_endpoint() {
switch (peek().type) {
case token::kw_subgraph:
case token::left_brace:
case token::identifier: {
token first = get();
return parse_endpoint_rest(first);
default: {
error("Wanted \"subgraph\", \"{\", or identifier to start node or subgraph");
return edge_endpoint();
edge_endpoint parse_endpoint_rest(const token& first_token) {
switch (first_token.type) {
case token::kw_subgraph:
case token::left_brace: return edge_endpoint::subgraph(parse_subgraph(first_token));
default: return edge_endpoint::node(parse_node_and_port(first_token));
subgraph_name parse_subgraph(const token& first_token) {
std::string name;
bool is_anonymous = true;
if (first_token.type == token::kw_subgraph) {
if (peek().type == token::identifier) {
name = get().normalized_value;
is_anonymous = false;
if (is_anonymous) {
name = "___subgraph_" +
if (subgraphs.find(name) == subgraphs.end()) {
subgraphs[name] = current(); // Initialize properties and defaults
subgraphs[name].members.clear(); // Except member list
if (first_token.type == token::kw_subgraph && peek().type != token::left_brace) {
if (is_anonymous) error("Subgraph reference needs a name");
return name;
subgraph_name old_sg = current_subgraph_name;
current_subgraph_name = name;
if (peek().type == token::left_brace) get(); else error("Wanted left brace to start subgraph");
if (peek().type == token::right_brace) get(); else error("Wanted right brace to end subgraph");
current_subgraph_name = old_sg;
return name;
node_and_port parse_node_and_port(const token& name) {
// A node ID is a node name, followed optionally by a port angle and a
// port location (in either order); a port location is either :id,
// :id:id, or :(id,id); the last two forms are treated as equivalent
// although I am not sure about that.
node_and_port id; = name.normalized_value;
switch (peek().type) {
case token::at: {
if (peek().type != token::identifier) error("Wanted identifier as port angle");
if (id.angle != "") error("Duplicate port angle");
id.angle = get().normalized_value;
goto parse_more;
case token::colon: {
if (!id.location.empty()) error("Duplicate port location");
switch (peek().type) {
case token::identifier: {
switch (peek().type) {
case token::colon: {
if (peek().type != token::identifier) error("Wanted identifier as port location");
goto parse_more;
default: goto parse_more;
case token::left_paren: {
if (peek().type != token::identifier) error("Wanted identifier as first element of port location");
if (peek().type != token::comma) error("Wanted comma between parts of port location");
if (peek().type != token::identifier) error("Wanted identifier as second element of port location");
if (peek().type != token::right_paren) error("Wanted right parenthesis to close port location");
goto parse_more;
default: error("Wanted identifier or left parenthesis as start of port location");
default: break;
if (r.nodes.find( == r.nodes.end()) { // First mention
r.nodes[] = current().def_node_props;
return id;
void parse_edge_stmt(const edge_endpoint& lhs) {
std::vector<edge_endpoint> nodes_in_chain(1, lhs);
while (true) {
bool leave_loop = true;
switch (peek().type) {
case token::dash_dash: {
if (r.graph_is_directed) error("Using -- in directed graph");
leave_loop = false;
case token::dash_greater: {
if (!r.graph_is_directed) error("Using -> in undirected graph");
leave_loop = false;
default: leave_loop = true; break;
if (leave_loop) break;
properties this_edge_props = current().def_edge_props;
if (peek().type == token::left_bracket) parse_attr_list(this_edge_props);
assert (nodes_in_chain.size() >= 2); // Should be in node parser otherwise
for (size_t i = 0; i + 1 < nodes_in_chain.size(); ++i) {
do_orig_edge(nodes_in_chain[i], nodes_in_chain[i + 1], this_edge_props);
// Do an edge from the file, the edge may need to be expanded if it connects to a subgraph
void do_orig_edge(const edge_endpoint& src, const edge_endpoint& tgt, const properties& props) {
std::set<node_and_port> sources = get_recursive_members(src);
std::set<node_and_port> targets = get_recursive_members(tgt);
for (std::set<node_and_port>::const_iterator i = sources.begin(); i != sources.end(); ++i) {
for (std::set<node_and_port>::const_iterator j = targets.begin(); j != targets.end(); ++j) {
do_edge(*i, *j, props);
// Get nodes in an edge_endpoint, recursively
std::set<node_and_port> get_recursive_members(const edge_endpoint& orig_ep) {
std::set<node_and_port> result;
std::vector<edge_endpoint> worklist(1, orig_ep);
std::set<subgraph_name> done;
while (!worklist.empty()) {
edge_endpoint ep = worklist.back();
if (ep.is_subgraph) {
if (done.find(ep.subgraph_ep) == done.end()) {
std::map<subgraph_name, subgraph_info>::const_iterator
info_i = subgraphs.find(ep.subgraph_ep);
if (info_i != subgraphs.end()) {
const subgraph_member_list& members = info_i->second.members;
for (subgraph_member_list::const_iterator i = members.begin();
i != members.end(); ++i) {
node_or_subgraph_ref ref = *i;
if (ref.is_subgraph) {
} else {
node_and_port np; =;
} else {
return result;
// Do a fixed-up edge, with only nodes as endpoints
void do_edge(const node_and_port& src, const node_and_port& tgt, const properties& props) {
if (r.graph_is_strict) {
if ( == return;
std::pair<node_name, node_name> tag(,;
if (existing_edges.find(tag) != existing_edges.end()) {
return; // Parallel edge
edge_info e;
e.source = src; = tgt;
e.props = props;
void parse_attr_list(properties& props) {
while (true) {
if (peek().type == token::left_bracket) get(); else error("Wanted left bracket to start attribute list");
while (true) {
switch (peek().type) {
case token::right_bracket: break;
case token::identifier: {
std::string lhs = get().normalized_value;
std::string rhs = "true";
if (peek().type == token::equal) {
if (peek().type != token::identifier) error("Wanted identifier as value of attributed");
rhs = get().normalized_value;
props[lhs] = rhs;
default: error("Wanted identifier as name of attribute");
if (peek().type == token::comma) {get(); continue;}
if (peek().type == token::right_bracket) get(); else error("Wanted right bracket to end attribute list");
if (peek().type != token::left_bracket) break;
void parse_graphviz_from_string(const std::string& str, parser_result& result, bool want_directed) {
parser p(str, result);
// Some debugging stuff
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const node_and_port& n) {
o <<;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n.location.size(); ++i) {
o << ":" << n.location[i];
if (!n.angle.empty()) o << "@" << n.angle;
return o;
// Can't be operator<< because properties is just an std::map
std::string props_to_string(const properties& props) {
std::string result = "[";
for (properties::const_iterator i = props.begin(); i != props.end(); ++i) {
if (i != props.begin()) result += ", ";
result += i->first + "=" + i->second;
result += "]";
return result;
void translate_results_to_graph(const parser_result& r, ::boost::detail::graph::mutate_graph* mg) {
typedef boost::detail::graph::node_t vertex;
typedef boost::detail::graph::edge_t edge;
for (std::map<node_name, properties>::const_iterator i = r.nodes.begin(); i != r.nodes.end(); ++i) {
// std::cerr << i->first << " " << props_to_string(i->second) << std::endl;
for (properties::const_iterator j = i->second.begin(); j != i->second.end(); ++j) {
mg->set_node_property(j->first, i->first, j->second);
for (std::vector<edge_info>::const_iterator i = r.edges.begin(); i != r.edges.end(); ++i) {
const edge_info& ei = *i;
// std::cerr << ei.source << " -> " << << " " << props_to_string(ei.props) << std::endl;
edge e = edge::new_edge();
for (properties::const_iterator j = ei.props.begin(); j != ei.props.end(); ++j) {
mg->set_edge_property(j->first, e, j->second);
std::map<subgraph_name, properties>::const_iterator root_graph_props_i = r.graph_props.find("___root___");
assert (root_graph_props_i != r.graph_props.end()); // Should not happen
const properties& root_graph_props = root_graph_props_i->second;
// std::cerr << "ending graph " << props_to_string(root_graph_props) << std::endl;
for (properties::const_iterator i = root_graph_props.begin(); i != root_graph_props.end(); ++i) {
mg->set_graph_property(i->first, i->second);
} // end namespace read_graphviz_detail
namespace detail {
namespace graph {
BOOST_GRAPH_DECL bool read_graphviz_new(const std::string& str, boost::detail::graph::mutate_graph* mg) {
read_graphviz_detail::parser_result parsed_file;
read_graphviz_detail::parse_graphviz_from_string(str, parsed_file, mg->is_directed());
read_graphviz_detail::translate_results_to_graph(parsed_file, mg);
return true;
} // end namespace graph
} // end namespace detail
} // end namespace boost
// GraphViz format notes (tested using "dot version 1.13 (v16) (Mon August 23,
// 2004)", grammar from references in read_graphviz_new.hpp):
// Subgraphs don't nest (all a0 subgraphs are the same thing), but a node or
// subgraph can have multiple parents (sources online say that the layout
// algorithms can't handle non-tree structures of clusters, but it seems to
// read them the same from the file). The containment relation is required to
// be a DAG, though; it appears that a node or subgraph can't be moved into an
// ancestor of a subgraph where it already was (we don't enforce that but do a
// DFS when finding members to prevent cycles). Nodes get their properties by
// when they are first mentioned, and can only have them overridden after that
// by explicit properties on that particular node. Closing and reopening the
// same subgraph name adds to its members, and graph properties and node/edge
// defaults are preserved in that subgraph. The members of a subgraph used in
// an edge are gathered when the edge is read, even if new members are added to
// the subgraph later. Ports are allowed in a lot more places in the grammar
// than Dot uses. For example, declaring a node seems to ignore ports, and I
// don't think it's possible to set properties on a particular port. Adding an
// edge between two ports on the same node seems to make Dot unhappy (crashed
// for me).
// Test graph for GraphViz behavior on strange combinations of subgraphs and
// such. I don't have anywhere else to put this file.
#if 0
dIGRaph foo {
node [color=blue]
subgraph a -> b
subgraph a {c}
subgraph a -> d
subgraph a {node [color=red]; e}
subgraph a -> f
subgraph a {g} -> h
subgraph a {node [color=green]; i} -> j
subgraph a {node [color=yellow]}
subgraph a0 {node [color=black]; subgraph a1 {node [color=white]}}
node [color=pink] zz
subgraph a0 {x1}
subgraph a0 {subgraph a1 {x2}}
subgraph a0 -> x3
subgraph a0 {subgraph a1 -> x3}
subgraph a0 {subgraph a0 {node [color=xxx]; x2} x7}
x2 [color=yyy]
subgraph cluster_ax {foo; subgraph a0}
subgraph a0 {foo2}
subgraph cluster_ax {foo3}
// subgraph a0 -> subgraph a0
subgraph cluster_a2 {y1}
// y1:n -> y1:(s,3)@se
y1@se [color=green]
y1@n [color=red]