blob: 57587c3e06b5e1d09cdea55ef46bbacb080192a3 [file] [log] [blame]
// (C) Copyright Olaf Krzikalla 2004-2006.
// (C) Copyright Ion Gaztanaga 2006-2009.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// See for documentation.
#include <boost/intrusive/detail/config_begin.hpp>
#include <boost/intrusive/slist.hpp>
#include <boost/intrusive/detail/pointer_to_other.hpp>
#include "itestvalue.hpp"
#include "smart_ptr.hpp"
#include "common_functors.hpp"
#include <vector>
#include <boost/detail/lightweight_test.hpp>
#include "test_macros.hpp"
#include "test_container.hpp"
using namespace boost::intrusive;
struct my_tag;
template<class VoidPointer>
struct hooks
typedef slist_base_hook<void_pointer<VoidPointer> > base_hook_type;
typedef slist_base_hook< link_mode<auto_unlink>
, void_pointer<VoidPointer>, tag<my_tag> > auto_base_hook_type;
typedef slist_member_hook<void_pointer<VoidPointer>, tag<my_tag> > member_hook_type;
typedef slist_member_hook< link_mode<auto_unlink>
, void_pointer<VoidPointer> > auto_member_hook_type;
template<class ValueTraits, bool Linear, bool CacheLast>
struct test_slist
typedef typename ValueTraits::value_type value_type;
static void test_all(std::vector<value_type>& values);
static void test_front(std::vector<value_type>& values);
static void test_back(std::vector<value_type>& values, detail::bool_<true>);
static void test_back(std::vector<value_type>& values, detail::bool_<false>);
static void test_sort(std::vector<value_type>& values);
static void test_merge(std::vector<value_type>& values);
static void test_remove_unique(std::vector<value_type>& values);
static void test_insert(std::vector<value_type>& values);
static void test_shift(std::vector<value_type>& values);
static void test_swap(std::vector<value_type>& values);
static void test_slow_insert(std::vector<value_type>& values);
static void test_clone(std::vector<value_type>& values);
static void test_container_from_end(std::vector<value_type> &, detail::bool_<true>){}
static void test_container_from_end(std::vector<value_type> &values, detail::bool_<false>);
template<class ValueTraits, bool Linear, bool CacheLast>
void test_slist<ValueTraits, Linear, CacheLast>
::test_all (std::vector<typename ValueTraits::value_type>& values)
typedef typename ValueTraits::value_type value_type;
typedef slist
< value_type
, value_traits<ValueTraits>
, size_type<std::size_t>
, constant_time_size<value_type::constant_time_size>
, linear<Linear>
, cache_last<CacheLast>
> list_type;
list_type list(values.begin(), values.end());
list.insert(list.end(), values.begin(), values.end());
test::test_sequence_container(list, values);
test_back(values, detail::bool_<CacheLast>());
test_merge (values);
test_slow_insert (values);
test_container_from_end(values, detail::bool_<Linear>());
//test: push_front, pop_front, front, size, empty:
template<class ValueTraits, bool Linear, bool CacheLast>
void test_slist<ValueTraits, Linear, CacheLast>
::test_front(std::vector<typename ValueTraits::value_type>& values)
typedef typename ValueTraits::value_type value_type;
typedef slist
< value_type
, value_traits<ValueTraits>
, size_type<std::size_t>
, constant_time_size<value_type::constant_time_size>
, linear<Linear>
, cache_last<CacheLast>
> list_type;
list_type testlist;
BOOST_TEST (testlist.empty());
testlist.push_front (values[0]);
BOOST_TEST (testlist.size() == 1);
BOOST_TEST (&testlist.front() == &values[0]);
testlist.push_front (values[1]);
BOOST_TEST (testlist.size() == 2);
BOOST_TEST (&testlist.front() == &values[1]);
BOOST_TEST (testlist.size() == 1);
BOOST_TEST (&testlist.front() == &values[0]);
BOOST_TEST (testlist.empty());
//test: push_front, pop_front, front, size, empty:
template<class ValueTraits, bool Linear, bool CacheLast>
void test_slist<ValueTraits, Linear, CacheLast>
::test_back(std::vector<typename ValueTraits::value_type>& values, detail::bool_<true>)
typedef typename ValueTraits::value_type value_type;
typedef slist
< value_type
, value_traits<ValueTraits>
, size_type<std::size_t>
, constant_time_size<value_type::constant_time_size>
, linear<Linear>
, cache_last<CacheLast>
> list_type;
list_type testlist;
BOOST_TEST (testlist.empty());
testlist.push_back (values[0]);
BOOST_TEST (testlist.size() == 1);
BOOST_TEST (&testlist.front() == &values[0]);
BOOST_TEST (&testlist.back() == &values[0]);
BOOST_TEST(*testlist.previous(testlist.end()) == values[1]);
BOOST_TEST (&testlist.front() == &values[0]);
BOOST_TEST (&testlist.back() == &values[1]);
//test: push_front, pop_front, front, size, empty:
template<class ValueTraits, bool Linear, bool CacheLast>
void test_slist<ValueTraits, Linear, CacheLast>
::test_back(std::vector<typename ValueTraits::value_type>&, detail::bool_<false>)
//test: merge due to error in merge implementation:
template<class ValueTraits, bool Linear, bool CacheLast>
void test_slist<ValueTraits, Linear, CacheLast>
::test_merge (std::vector<typename ValueTraits::value_type>& values)
typedef typename ValueTraits::value_type value_type;
typedef slist
< value_type
, value_traits<ValueTraits>
, size_type<std::size_t>
, constant_time_size<value_type::constant_time_size>
, linear<Linear>
, cache_last<CacheLast>
> list_type;
list_type testlist1, testlist2;
testlist1.push_front (values[0]);
testlist2.push_front (values[4]);
testlist2.push_front (values[3]);
testlist2.push_front (values[2]);
testlist1.merge (testlist2);
int init_values [] = { 1, 3, 4, 5 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testlist1.begin() );
//test: merge due to error in merge implementation:
template<class ValueTraits, bool Linear, bool CacheLast>
void test_slist<ValueTraits, Linear, CacheLast>
::test_remove_unique (std::vector<typename ValueTraits::value_type>& values)
typedef typename ValueTraits::value_type value_type;
typedef slist
< value_type
, value_traits<ValueTraits>
, size_type<std::size_t>
, constant_time_size<value_type::constant_time_size>
, linear<Linear>
, cache_last<CacheLast>
> list_type;
list_type list(values.begin(), values.end());
int init_values [] = { 1, 3, 5 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, list.begin() );
std::vector<typename ValueTraits::value_type> values2(values);
list_type list(values.begin(), values.end());
list.insert_after(list.before_begin(), values2.begin(), values2.end());
int init_values [] = { 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, list.begin() );
int init_values2 [] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values2, list.begin() );
//test: constructor, iterator, sort, reverse:
template<class ValueTraits, bool Linear, bool CacheLast>
void test_slist<ValueTraits, Linear, CacheLast>
::test_sort(std::vector<typename ValueTraits::value_type>& values)
typedef typename ValueTraits::value_type value_type;
typedef slist
< value_type
, value_traits<ValueTraits>
, size_type<std::size_t>
, constant_time_size<value_type::constant_time_size>
, linear<Linear>
, cache_last<CacheLast>
> list_type;
list_type testlist (values.begin(), values.end());
{ int init_values [] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testlist.begin() ); }
testlist.sort (even_odd());
{ int init_values [] = { 2, 4, 1, 3, 5 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testlist.begin() ); }
{ int init_values [] = { 5, 3, 1, 4, 2 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testlist.begin() ); }
//test: assign, insert_after, const_iterator, erase_after, s_iterator_to, previous:
template<class ValueTraits, bool Linear, bool CacheLast>
void test_slist<ValueTraits, Linear, CacheLast>
::test_insert(std::vector<typename ValueTraits::value_type>& values)
typedef typename ValueTraits::value_type value_type;
typedef slist
< value_type
, value_traits<ValueTraits>
, size_type<std::size_t>
, constant_time_size<value_type::constant_time_size>
, linear<Linear>
, cache_last<CacheLast>
> list_type;
list_type testlist;
testlist.assign (&values[0] + 2, &values[0] + 5);
const list_type& const_testlist = testlist;
{ int init_values [] = { 3, 4, 5 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, const_testlist.begin() ); }
typename list_type::iterator i = ++testlist.begin();
BOOST_TEST (i->value_ == 4);
testlist.insert_after (i, values[0]);
{ int init_values [] = { 3, 4, 1, 5 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, const_testlist.begin() ); }
i = testlist.iterator_to (values[4]);
BOOST_TEST (&*i == &values[4]);
i = list_type::s_iterator_to (values[4]);
BOOST_TEST (&*i == &values[4]);
i = testlist.previous (i);
BOOST_TEST (&*i == &values[0]);
testlist.erase_after (i);
BOOST_TEST (&*i == &values[0]);
{ int init_values [] = { 3, 4, 1 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, const_testlist.begin() ); }
//test: insert, const_iterator, erase, siterator_to:
template<class ValueTraits, bool Linear, bool CacheLast>
void test_slist<ValueTraits, Linear, CacheLast>
::test_slow_insert (std::vector<typename ValueTraits::value_type>& values)
typedef typename ValueTraits::value_type value_type;
typedef slist
< value_type
, value_traits<ValueTraits>
, size_type<std::size_t>
, constant_time_size<value_type::constant_time_size>
, linear<Linear>
, cache_last<CacheLast>
> list_type;
list_type testlist;
testlist.push_front (values[4]);
testlist.insert (testlist.begin(), &values[0] + 2, &values[0] + 4);
const list_type& const_testlist = testlist;
{ int init_values [] = { 3, 4, 5 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, const_testlist.begin() ); }
typename list_type::iterator i = ++testlist.begin();
BOOST_TEST (i->value_ == 4);
testlist.insert (i, values[0]);
{ int init_values [] = { 3, 1, 4, 5 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, const_testlist.begin() ); }
i = testlist.iterator_to (values[4]);
BOOST_TEST (&*i == &values[4]);
i = list_type::s_iterator_to (values[4]);
BOOST_TEST (&*i == &values[4]);
i = testlist.erase (i);
BOOST_TEST (i == testlist.end());
{ int init_values [] = { 3, 1, 4 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, const_testlist.begin() ); }
testlist.erase (++testlist.begin(), testlist.end());
BOOST_TEST (testlist.size() == 1);
BOOST_TEST (testlist.front().value_ == 3);
template<class ValueTraits, bool Linear, bool CacheLast>
void test_slist<ValueTraits, Linear, CacheLast>
::test_shift(std::vector<typename ValueTraits::value_type>& values)
typedef typename ValueTraits::value_type value_type;
typedef slist
< value_type
, value_traits<ValueTraits>
, size_type<std::size_t>
, constant_time_size<value_type::constant_time_size>
, linear<Linear>
, cache_last<CacheLast>
> list_type;
list_type testlist;
const int num_values = (int)values.size();
std::vector<int> expected_values(num_values);
//Shift forward all possible positions 3 times
for(int s = 1; s <= num_values; ++s){
for(int i = 0; i < s*3; ++i){
testlist.insert_after(testlist.before_begin(), &values[0], &values[0] + s);
for(int j = 0; j < s; ++j){
expected_values[(j + s - i%s) % s] = (j + 1);
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE_EXPECTED(expected_values, testlist.begin())
//Shift backwards all possible positions
for(int i = 0; i < s*3; ++i){
testlist.insert_after(testlist.before_begin(), &values[0], &values[0] + s);
for(int j = 0; j < s; ++j){
expected_values[(j + i) % s] = (j + 1);
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE_EXPECTED(expected_values, testlist.begin())
//test: insert_after (seq-version), swap, splice_after:
template<class ValueTraits, bool Linear, bool CacheLast>
void test_slist<ValueTraits, Linear, CacheLast>
::test_swap(std::vector<typename ValueTraits::value_type>& values)
typedef typename ValueTraits::value_type value_type;
typedef slist
< value_type
, value_traits<ValueTraits>
, size_type<std::size_t>
, constant_time_size<value_type::constant_time_size>
, linear<Linear>
, cache_last<CacheLast>
> list_type;
list_type testlist1 (&values[0], &values[0] + 2);
list_type testlist2;
testlist2.insert_after (testlist2.before_begin(), &values[0] + 2, &values[0] + 5);
{ int init_values [] = { 3, 4, 5 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testlist1.begin() ); }
{ int init_values [] = { 1, 2 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testlist2.begin() ); }
testlist2.splice_after (testlist2.begin(), testlist1);
{ int init_values [] = { 1, 3, 4, 5, 2 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testlist2.begin() ); }
BOOST_TEST (testlist1.empty());
testlist1.splice_after (testlist1.before_begin(), testlist2, ++testlist2.begin());
{ int init_values [] = { 4 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testlist1.begin() ); }
{ int init_values [] = { 1, 3, 5, 2 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testlist2.begin() ); }
testlist1.splice_after (testlist1.begin(), testlist2,
testlist2.before_begin(), ++++testlist2.begin());
{ int init_values [] = { 4, 1, 3, 5 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testlist1.begin() ); }
{ int init_values [] = { 2 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testlist2.begin() ); }
{ //Now test swap when testlist2 is empty
list_type testlist1 (&values[0], &values[0] + 2);
list_type testlist2;
BOOST_TEST (testlist1.empty());
{ int init_values [] = { 1, 2 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testlist2.begin() ); }
{ //Now test swap when testlist1 is empty
list_type testlist2 (&values[0], &values[0] + 2);
list_type testlist1;
BOOST_TEST (testlist2.empty());
{ int init_values [] = { 1, 2 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testlist1.begin() ); }
{ //Now test when both are empty
list_type testlist1, testlist2;
BOOST_TEST (testlist1.empty() && testlist2.empty());
list_type testlist1 (&values[0], &values[0] + 2);
list_type testlist2 (&values[0] + 3, &values[0] + 5);
{ int init_values [] = { 3, 2 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testlist1.begin() ); }
{ int init_values [] = { 5, 2 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testlist1.begin() ); }
{ int init_values [] = { 4, 3 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testlist2.begin() ); }
list_type testlist1 (&values[0], &values[1]);
{ int init_values [] = { 1 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testlist1.begin() ); }
{ int init_values [] = { 1 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testlist1.begin() ); }
{ int init_values [] = { 3 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testlist1.begin() ); }
{ int init_values [] = { 1 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testlist1.begin() ); }
template<class ValueTraits, bool Linear, bool CacheLast>
void test_slist<ValueTraits, Linear, CacheLast>
::test_clone(std::vector<typename ValueTraits::value_type>& values)
typedef typename ValueTraits::value_type value_type;
typedef slist
< value_type
, value_traits<ValueTraits>
, size_type<std::size_t>
, constant_time_size<value_type::constant_time_size>
, linear<Linear>
, cache_last<CacheLast>
> list_type;
list_type testlist1 (&values[0], &values[0] + values.size());
list_type testlist2;
testlist2.clone_from(testlist1, test::new_cloner<value_type>(), test::delete_disposer<value_type>());
BOOST_TEST (testlist2 == testlist1);
BOOST_TEST (testlist2.empty());
template<class ValueTraits, bool Linear, bool CacheLast>
void test_slist<ValueTraits, Linear, CacheLast>
::test_container_from_end(std::vector<typename ValueTraits::value_type>& values
typedef typename ValueTraits::value_type value_type;
typedef slist
< value_type
, value_traits<ValueTraits>
, size_type<std::size_t>
, constant_time_size<value_type::constant_time_size>
, linear<Linear>
, cache_last<CacheLast>
> list_type;
list_type testlist1 (&values[0], &values[0] + values.size());
BOOST_TEST (testlist1 == list_type::container_from_end_iterator(testlist1.end()));
BOOST_TEST (testlist1 == list_type::container_from_end_iterator(testlist1.cend()));
template<class VoidPointer, bool constant_time_size>
class test_main_template
int operator()()
typedef testvalue<hooks<VoidPointer> , constant_time_size> value_type;
std::vector<value_type> data (5);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
data[i].value_ = i + 1;
test_slist < typename detail::get_base_value_traits
< value_type
, typename hooks<VoidPointer>::base_hook_type
, false
, false
test_slist < typename detail::get_member_value_traits
< value_type
, member_hook< value_type
, typename hooks<VoidPointer>::member_hook_type
, &value_type::node_
, false
, false
//Now linear slists
test_slist < typename detail::get_base_value_traits
< value_type
, typename hooks<VoidPointer>::base_hook_type
, true
, false
test_slist < typename detail::get_member_value_traits
< value_type
, member_hook< value_type
, typename hooks<VoidPointer>::member_hook_type
, &value_type::node_
, true
, false
//Now the same but caching the last node
test_slist < typename detail::get_base_value_traits
< value_type
, typename hooks<VoidPointer>::base_hook_type
, false
, true
test_slist < typename detail::get_member_value_traits
< value_type
, member_hook< value_type
, typename hooks<VoidPointer>::member_hook_type
, &value_type::node_
, false
, true
//Now linear slists
test_slist < typename detail::get_base_value_traits
< value_type
, typename hooks<VoidPointer>::base_hook_type
, true
, true
test_slist < typename detail::get_member_value_traits
< value_type
, member_hook< value_type
, typename hooks<VoidPointer>::member_hook_type
, &value_type::node_
, true
, true
return 0;
template<class VoidPointer>
class test_main_template<VoidPointer, false>
int operator()()
typedef testvalue<hooks<VoidPointer> , false> value_type;
std::vector<value_type> data (5);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
data[i].value_ = i + 1;
test_slist < typename detail::get_base_value_traits
< value_type
, typename hooks<VoidPointer>::base_hook_type
, false
, false
test_slist < typename detail::get_member_value_traits
< value_type
, member_hook< value_type
, typename hooks<VoidPointer>::member_hook_type
, &value_type::node_
, false
, false
test_slist < typename detail::get_base_value_traits
< value_type
, typename hooks<VoidPointer>::auto_base_hook_type
, false
, false
test_slist < typename detail::get_member_value_traits
< value_type
, member_hook< value_type
, typename hooks<VoidPointer>::auto_member_hook_type
, &value_type::auto_node_
, false
, false
test_slist < typename detail::get_base_value_traits
< value_type
, typename hooks<VoidPointer>::base_hook_type
, true
, false
test_slist < typename detail::get_member_value_traits
< value_type
, member_hook< value_type
, typename hooks<VoidPointer>::member_hook_type
, &value_type::node_
, true
, false
//Now cache last
test_slist < typename detail::get_base_value_traits
< value_type
, typename hooks<VoidPointer>::base_hook_type
, false
, true
test_slist < typename detail::get_member_value_traits
< value_type
, member_hook< value_type
, typename hooks<VoidPointer>::member_hook_type
, &value_type::node_
, false
, true
test_slist < typename detail::get_base_value_traits
< value_type
, typename hooks<VoidPointer>::base_hook_type
, true
, true
test_slist < typename detail::get_member_value_traits
< value_type
, member_hook< value_type
, typename hooks<VoidPointer>::member_hook_type
, &value_type::node_
, true
, true
return 0;
int main(int, char* [])
test_main_template<void*, false>()();
test_main_template<smart_ptr<void>, false>()();
test_main_template<void*, true>()();
test_main_template<smart_ptr<void>, true>()();
return boost::report_errors();
#include <boost/intrusive/detail/config_end.hpp>