blob: 7d1e8da2c95caecd495c27628546d1c60ddd6deb [file] [log] [blame]
// (C) Copyright Olaf Krzikalla 2004-2006.
// (C) Copyright Ion Gaztanaga 2006-2009.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// See for documentation.
#include <boost/intrusive/detail/config_begin.hpp>
#include <boost/intrusive/unordered_set.hpp>
#include <boost/intrusive/detail/pointer_to_other.hpp>
#include "itestvalue.hpp"
#include "smart_ptr.hpp"
#include "common_functors.hpp"
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm> //std::sort std::find
#include <set>
#include <boost/detail/lightweight_test.hpp>
#include "test_macros.hpp"
#include "test_container.hpp"
namespace boost { namespace intrusive { namespace test {
template<class T, class O1, class O2, class O3, class O4, class O5, class O6>
template<class T, class ...Options>
struct is_unordered<boost::intrusive::unordered_multiset<T,
O1, O2, O3, O4, O5, O6
> >
static const bool value = true;
using namespace boost::intrusive;
struct my_tag;
template<class VoidPointer>
struct hooks
typedef unordered_set_base_hook<void_pointer<VoidPointer> > base_hook_type;
typedef unordered_set_base_hook
< link_mode<auto_unlink>
, void_pointer<VoidPointer>
, tag<my_tag>
, store_hash<true>
> auto_base_hook_type;
typedef unordered_set_member_hook
< void_pointer<VoidPointer>
, optimize_multikey<true>
> member_hook_type;
typedef unordered_set_member_hook
< link_mode<auto_unlink>, void_pointer<VoidPointer>
, store_hash<true>
, optimize_multikey<true>
> auto_member_hook_type;
static const std::size_t BucketSize = 8;
template<class ValueTraits, bool CacheBegin, bool CompareHash, bool Incremental>
struct test_unordered_multiset
typedef typename ValueTraits::value_type value_type;
static void test_all (std::vector<value_type>& values);
static void test_sort(std::vector<value_type>& values);
static void test_insert(std::vector<value_type>& values);
static void test_swap(std::vector<value_type>& values);
static void test_rehash(std::vector<value_type>& values, detail::true_);
static void test_rehash(std::vector<value_type>& values, detail::false_);
static void test_find(std::vector<value_type>& values);
static void test_impl();
static void test_clone(std::vector<value_type>& values);
template<class ValueTraits, bool CacheBegin, bool CompareHash, bool Incremental>
void test_unordered_multiset<ValueTraits, CacheBegin, CompareHash, Incremental>::
test_all (std::vector<typename ValueTraits::value_type>& values)
typedef typename ValueTraits::value_type value_type;
typedef unordered_multiset
< value_type
, value_traits<ValueTraits>
, constant_time_size<value_type::constant_time_size>
, cache_begin<CacheBegin>
, compare_hash<CompareHash>
, incremental<Incremental>
> unordered_multiset_type;
typedef typename unordered_multiset_type::bucket_traits bucket_traits;
typename unordered_multiset_type::bucket_type buckets [BucketSize];
unordered_multiset_type testset(bucket_traits(buckets, BucketSize));
testset.insert(values.begin(), values.end());
testset.insert(values.begin(), values.end());
test::test_common_unordered_and_associative_container(testset, values);
testset.insert(values.begin(), values.end());
test::test_unordered_associative_container(testset, values);
testset.insert(values.begin(), values.end());
test::test_non_unique_container(testset, values);
test_rehash(values, detail::bool_<Incremental>());
//test case due to an error in tree implementation:
template<class ValueTraits, bool CacheBegin, bool CompareHash, bool Incremental>
void test_unordered_multiset<ValueTraits, CacheBegin, CompareHash, Incremental>
typedef typename ValueTraits::value_type value_type;
typedef unordered_multiset
, value_traits<ValueTraits>
, constant_time_size<value_type::constant_time_size>
, cache_begin<CacheBegin>
, compare_hash<CompareHash>
, incremental<Incremental>
> unordered_multiset_type;
typedef typename unordered_multiset_type::bucket_traits bucket_traits;
std::vector<value_type> values (5);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
values[i].value_ = i;
typename unordered_multiset_type::bucket_type buckets [BucketSize];
unordered_multiset_type testset(bucket_traits(buckets, BucketSize));
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
testset.insert (values[i]);
testset.erase (testset.iterator_to (values[0]));
testset.erase (testset.iterator_to (values[1]));
testset.insert (values[1]);
testset.erase (testset.iterator_to (values[2]));
testset.erase (testset.iterator_to (values[3]));
//test: constructor, iterator, clear, reverse_iterator, front, back, size:
template<class ValueTraits, bool CacheBegin, bool CompareHash, bool Incremental>
void test_unordered_multiset<ValueTraits, CacheBegin, CompareHash, Incremental>
::test_sort(std::vector<typename ValueTraits::value_type>& values)
typedef typename ValueTraits::value_type value_type;
typedef unordered_multiset
, value_traits<ValueTraits>
, constant_time_size<value_type::constant_time_size>
, cache_begin<CacheBegin>
, compare_hash<CompareHash>
, incremental<Incremental>
> unordered_multiset_type;
typedef typename unordered_multiset_type::bucket_traits bucket_traits;
typename unordered_multiset_type::bucket_type buckets [BucketSize];
unordered_multiset_type testset1(values.begin(), values.end(), bucket_traits(buckets, BucketSize));
{ int init_values [] = { 4, 5, 1, 2, 2, 3 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testset1.begin() ); }
{ int init_values [] = { 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testset1.begin() ); }
BOOST_TEST (testset1.empty());
//test: insert, const_iterator, const_reverse_iterator, erase, iterator_to:
template<class ValueTraits, bool CacheBegin, bool CompareHash, bool Incremental>
void test_unordered_multiset<ValueTraits, CacheBegin, CompareHash, Incremental>
::test_insert(std::vector<typename ValueTraits::value_type>& values)
typedef typename ValueTraits::value_type value_type;
typedef unordered_multiset
, value_traits<ValueTraits>
, constant_time_size<value_type::constant_time_size>
, cache_begin<CacheBegin>
, compare_hash<CompareHash>
, incremental<Incremental>
> unordered_multiset_type;
typedef typename unordered_multiset_type::bucket_traits bucket_traits;
typedef typename unordered_multiset_type::iterator iterator;
typename unordered_multiset_type::bucket_type buckets [BucketSize];
unordered_multiset_type testset(bucket_traits(buckets, BucketSize));
testset.insert(&values[0] + 2, &values[0] + 5);
const unordered_multiset_type& const_testset = testset;
{ int init_values [] = { 4, 5, 1 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, const_testset.begin() ); }
typename unordered_multiset_type::iterator i = testset.begin();
BOOST_TEST (i->value_ == 4);
i = testset.insert (values[0]);
BOOST_TEST (&*i == &values[0]);
i = testset.iterator_to (values[2]);
BOOST_TEST (&*i == &values[2]);
{ int init_values [] = { 5, 1, 3 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, const_testset.begin() ); }
testset.insert(&values[0], &values[0] + values.size());
{ int init_values [] = { 4, 5, 1, 2, 2, 3 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, const_testset.begin() ); }
BOOST_TEST (testset.erase(1) == 1);
BOOST_TEST (testset.erase(2) == 2);
BOOST_TEST (testset.erase(3) == 1);
BOOST_TEST (testset.erase(4) == 1);
BOOST_TEST (testset.erase(5) == 1);
BOOST_TEST (testset.empty() == true);
//Now with a single bucket
typename unordered_multiset_type::bucket_type single_bucket[1];
unordered_multiset_type testset2(bucket_traits(single_bucket, 1));
testset2.insert(&values[0], &values[0] + values.size());
BOOST_TEST (testset2.erase(5) == 1);
BOOST_TEST (testset2.erase(2) == 2);
BOOST_TEST (testset2.erase(1) == 1);
BOOST_TEST (testset2.erase(4) == 1);
BOOST_TEST (testset2.erase(3) == 1);
BOOST_TEST (testset2.empty() == true);
{ int init_values [] = { 1, 4, 5 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, const_testset.begin() ); }
typename unordered_multiset_type::iterator i = testset.begin();
BOOST_TEST (i->value_ == 1);
i = testset.insert (values[0]);
BOOST_TEST (&*i == &values[0]);
i = testset.iterator_to (values[2]);
BOOST_TEST (&*i == &values[2]);
{ int init_values [] = { 1, 3, 5 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, const_testset.begin() ); }
testset.insert(&values[0], &values[0] + values.size());
{ int init_values [] = { 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, const_testset.begin() ); }
BOOST_TEST (testset.erase(1) == 1);
BOOST_TEST (testset.erase(2) == 2);
BOOST_TEST (testset.erase(3) == 1);
BOOST_TEST (testset.erase(4) == 1);
BOOST_TEST (testset.erase(5) == 1);
BOOST_TEST (testset.empty() == true);
//Now with a single bucket
typename unordered_multiset_type::bucket_type single_bucket[1];
unordered_multiset_type testset2(bucket_traits(single_bucket, 1));
testset2.insert(&values[0], &values[0] + values.size());
BOOST_TEST (testset2.erase(5) == 1);
BOOST_TEST (testset2.erase(2) == 2);
BOOST_TEST (testset2.erase(1) == 1);
BOOST_TEST (testset2.erase(4) == 1);
BOOST_TEST (testset2.erase(3) == 1);
BOOST_TEST (testset2.empty() == true);
//Now erase just one per loop
const int random_init[] = { 3, 2, 4, 1, 5, 2, 2 };
const unsigned int random_size = sizeof(random_init)/sizeof(random_init[0]);
typename unordered_multiset_type::bucket_type single_bucket[1];
for(unsigned int i = 0, max = random_size; i != max; ++i){
std::vector<typename ValueTraits::value_type> data (random_size);
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < random_size; ++j)
data[j].value_ = random_init[j];
unordered_multiset_type testset_new(bucket_traits(single_bucket, 1));
testset_new.insert(&data[0], &data[0]+max);
BOOST_TEST (testset_new.size() == (max -1));
typename unordered_multiset_type::bucket_type buckets [BucketSize];
const unsigned int NumBucketSize = BucketSize;
const unsigned int LoadFactor = 3;
const unsigned int NumIterations = NumBucketSize*LoadFactor;
std::vector<value_type> random_init(NumIterations);//Preserve memory
std::vector<value_type> set_tester;
//Initialize values
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NumIterations; ++i){
random_init[i].value_ = i*2;//(i/LoadFactor)*LoadFactor;
for(unsigned int initial_pos = 0; initial_pos != (NumIterations+1); ++initial_pos){
for(unsigned int final_pos = initial_pos; final_pos != (NumIterations+1); ++final_pos){
//Create intrusive container inserting values
unordered_multiset_type testset
( &random_init[0]
, &random_init[0] + random_init.size()
, bucket_traits(buckets, NumBucketSize));
BOOST_TEST (testset.size() == random_init.size());
//Obtain the iterator range to erase
iterator it_beg_pos = testset.begin();
for(unsigned int it_beg_pos_num = 0; it_beg_pos_num != initial_pos; ++it_beg_pos_num){
iterator it_end_pos(it_beg_pos);
for(unsigned int it_end_pos_num = 0; it_end_pos_num != (final_pos - initial_pos); ++it_end_pos_num){
//Erase the same values in both the intrusive and original vector
std::size_t erased_cnt = std::distance(it_beg_pos, it_end_pos);
//Erase values from the intrusive container
testset.erase(it_beg_pos, it_end_pos);
BOOST_TEST (testset.size() == (random_init.size()-(final_pos - initial_pos)));
//Now test...
BOOST_TEST ((random_init.size() - erased_cnt) == testset.size());
//Create an ordered copy of the intrusive container
set_tester.insert(set_tester.end(), testset.begin(), testset.end());
std::sort(set_tester.begin(), set_tester.end());
typename std::vector<value_type>::iterator it = set_tester.begin(), itend = set_tester.end();
typename std::vector<value_type>::iterator random_init_it(random_init.begin());
for( ; it != itend; ++it){
BOOST_TEST(*it == *random_init_it);
//test: insert (seq-version), swap, erase (seq-version), size:
template<class ValueTraits, bool CacheBegin, bool CompareHash, bool Incremental>
void test_unordered_multiset<ValueTraits, CacheBegin, CompareHash, Incremental>::
test_swap(std::vector<typename ValueTraits::value_type>& values)
typedef typename ValueTraits::value_type value_type;
typedef unordered_multiset
, value_traits<ValueTraits>
, constant_time_size<value_type::constant_time_size>
, cache_begin<CacheBegin>
, compare_hash<CompareHash>
, incremental<Incremental>
> unordered_multiset_type;
typedef typename unordered_multiset_type::bucket_traits bucket_traits;
typename unordered_multiset_type::bucket_type buckets [BucketSize];
typename unordered_multiset_type::bucket_type buckets2 [BucketSize];
unordered_multiset_type testset1(&values[0], &values[0] + 2, bucket_traits(buckets, BucketSize));
unordered_multiset_type testset2(bucket_traits(buckets2, BucketSize));
testset2.insert (&values[0] + 2, &values[0] + 6);
testset1.swap (testset2);
{ int init_values [] = { 4, 5, 1, 2 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testset1.begin() ); }
{ int init_values [] = { 2, 3 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testset2.begin() ); }
testset1.erase (testset1.iterator_to(values[4]), testset1.end());
BOOST_TEST (testset1.size() == 1);
// BOOST_TEST (&testset1.front() == &values[3]);
BOOST_TEST (&*testset1.begin() == &values[2]);
{ int init_values [] = { 1, 2, 4, 5 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testset1.begin() ); }
{ int init_values [] = { 2, 3 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testset2.begin() ); }
testset1.erase (testset1.iterator_to(values[5]), testset1.end());
BOOST_TEST (testset1.size() == 1);
// BOOST_TEST (&testset1.front() == &values[3]);
BOOST_TEST (&*testset1.begin() == &values[3]);
//test: rehash:
template<class ValueTraits, bool CacheBegin, bool CompareHash, bool Incremental>
void test_unordered_multiset<ValueTraits, CacheBegin, CompareHash, Incremental>
::test_rehash(std::vector<typename ValueTraits::value_type>& values, detail::true_)
typedef typename ValueTraits::value_type value_type;
typedef unordered_multiset
, value_traits<ValueTraits>
, constant_time_size<value_type::constant_time_size>
, cache_begin<CacheBegin>
, compare_hash<CompareHash>
, incremental<Incremental>
> unordered_multiset_type;
typedef typename unordered_multiset_type::bucket_traits bucket_traits;
//Build a uset
typename unordered_multiset_type::bucket_type buckets1 [BucketSize];
typename unordered_multiset_type::bucket_type buckets2 [BucketSize*2];
unordered_multiset_type testset1(&values[0], &values[0] + values.size(), bucket_traits(buckets1, BucketSize));
//Test current state
BOOST_TEST(testset1.split_count() == BucketSize/2);
{ int init_values [] = { 4, 5, 1, 2, 2, 3 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testset1.begin() ); }
//Incremental rehash step
BOOST_TEST (testset1.incremental_rehash() == true);
BOOST_TEST(testset1.split_count() == (BucketSize/2+1));
{ int init_values [] = { 5, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testset1.begin() ); }
//Rest of incremental rehashes should lead to the same sequence
for(std::size_t split_bucket = testset1.split_count(); split_bucket != BucketSize; ++split_bucket){
BOOST_TEST (testset1.incremental_rehash() == true);
BOOST_TEST(testset1.split_count() == (split_bucket+1));
{ int init_values [] = { 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testset1.begin() ); }
//This incremental rehash should fail because we've reached the end of the bucket array
BOOST_TEST (testset1.incremental_rehash() == false);
BOOST_TEST(testset1.split_count() == BucketSize);
{ int init_values [] = { 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testset1.begin() ); }
//Try incremental hashing specifying a new bucket traits pointing to the same array
//This incremental rehash should fail because the new size is not twice the original
BOOST_TEST(testset1.incremental_rehash(bucket_traits(buckets1, BucketSize)) == false);
BOOST_TEST(testset1.split_count() == BucketSize);
{ int init_values [] = { 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testset1.begin() ); }
//This incremental rehash should success because the new size is twice the original
//and split_count is the same as the old bucket count
BOOST_TEST(testset1.incremental_rehash(bucket_traits(buckets1, BucketSize*2)) == true);
BOOST_TEST(testset1.split_count() == BucketSize);
{ int init_values [] = { 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testset1.begin() ); }
//This incremental rehash should also success because the new size is half the original
//and split_count is the same as the new bucket count
BOOST_TEST(testset1.incremental_rehash(bucket_traits(buckets1, BucketSize)) == true);
BOOST_TEST(testset1.split_count() == BucketSize);
{ int init_values [] = { 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testset1.begin() ); }
//Try incremental hashing specifying a new bucket traits pointing to the same array
//This incremental rehash should fail because the new size is not twice the original
BOOST_TEST(testset1.incremental_rehash(bucket_traits(buckets2, BucketSize)) == false);
BOOST_TEST(testset1.split_count() == BucketSize);
{ int init_values [] = { 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testset1.begin() ); }
//This incremental rehash should success because the new size is twice the original
//and split_count is the same as the old bucket count
BOOST_TEST(testset1.incremental_rehash(bucket_traits(buckets2, BucketSize*2)) == true);
BOOST_TEST(testset1.split_count() == BucketSize);
{ int init_values [] = { 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testset1.begin() ); }
//This incremental rehash should also success because the new size is half the original
//and split_count is the same as the new bucket count
BOOST_TEST(testset1.incremental_rehash(bucket_traits(buckets1, BucketSize)) == true);
BOOST_TEST(testset1.split_count() == BucketSize);
{ int init_values [] = { 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testset1.begin() ); }
//Full shrink rehash
testset1.rehash(bucket_traits(buckets1, 4));
BOOST_TEST (testset1.size() == values.size());
BOOST_TEST (testset1.incremental_rehash() == false);
{ int init_values [] = { 4, 5, 1, 2, 2, 3 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testset1.begin() ); }
//Full shrink rehash again
testset1.rehash(bucket_traits(buckets1, 2));
BOOST_TEST (testset1.size() == values.size());
BOOST_TEST (testset1.incremental_rehash() == false);
{ int init_values [] = { 2, 2, 4, 3, 5, 1 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testset1.begin() ); }
//Full growing rehash
testset1.rehash(bucket_traits(buckets1, BucketSize));
BOOST_TEST (testset1.size() == values.size());
BOOST_TEST (testset1.incremental_rehash() == false);
{ int init_values [] = { 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testset1.begin() ); }
//Incremental rehash shrinking
//First incremental rehashes should lead to the same sequence
for(std::size_t split_bucket = testset1.split_count(); split_bucket > 6; --split_bucket){
BOOST_TEST (testset1.incremental_rehash(false) == true);
BOOST_TEST(testset1.split_count() == (split_bucket-1));
{ int init_values [] = { 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testset1.begin() ); }
//Incremental rehash step
BOOST_TEST (testset1.incremental_rehash(false) == true);
BOOST_TEST(testset1.split_count() == (BucketSize/2+1));
{ int init_values [] = { 5, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testset1.begin() ); }
//Incremental rehash step 2
BOOST_TEST (testset1.incremental_rehash(false) == true);
BOOST_TEST(testset1.split_count() == (BucketSize/2));
{ int init_values [] = { 4, 5, 1, 2, 2, 3 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testset1.begin() ); }
//This incremental rehash should fail because we've reached the half of the bucket array
BOOST_TEST(testset1.incremental_rehash(false) == false);
BOOST_TEST(testset1.split_count() == BucketSize/2);
{ int init_values [] = { 4, 5, 1, 2, 2, 3 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testset1.begin() ); }
template<class ValueTraits, bool CacheBegin, bool CompareHash, bool Incremental>
void test_unordered_multiset<ValueTraits, CacheBegin, CompareHash, Incremental>
::test_rehash(std::vector<typename ValueTraits::value_type>& values, detail::false_)
typedef typename ValueTraits::value_type value_type;
typedef unordered_multiset
, value_traits<ValueTraits>
, constant_time_size<value_type::constant_time_size>
, cache_begin<CacheBegin>
, compare_hash<CompareHash>
, incremental<Incremental>
> unordered_multiset_type;
typedef typename unordered_multiset_type::bucket_traits bucket_traits;
typename unordered_multiset_type::bucket_type buckets1 [BucketSize];
typename unordered_multiset_type::bucket_type buckets2 [2];
typename unordered_multiset_type::bucket_type buckets3 [BucketSize*2];
unordered_multiset_type testset1(&values[0], &values[0] + 6, bucket_traits(buckets1, BucketSize));
BOOST_TEST (testset1.size() == values.size());
{ int init_values [] = { 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testset1.begin() ); }
testset1.rehash(bucket_traits(buckets2, 2));
BOOST_TEST (testset1.size() == values.size());
{ int init_values [] = { 4, 2, 2, 5, 3, 1 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testset1.begin() ); }
testset1.rehash(bucket_traits(buckets3, BucketSize*2));
BOOST_TEST (testset1.size() == values.size());
{ int init_values [] = { 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testset1.begin() ); }
//Now rehash reducing the buckets
testset1.rehash(bucket_traits(buckets3, 2));
BOOST_TEST (testset1.size() == values.size());
{ int init_values [] = { 4, 2, 2, 5, 3, 1 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testset1.begin() ); }
//Now rehash increasing the buckets
testset1.rehash(bucket_traits(buckets3, BucketSize*2));
BOOST_TEST (testset1.size() == values.size());
{ int init_values [] = { 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
TEST_INTRUSIVE_SEQUENCE( init_values, testset1.begin() ); }
//test: find, equal_range (lower_bound, upper_bound):
template<class ValueTraits, bool CacheBegin, bool CompareHash, bool Incremental>
void test_unordered_multiset<ValueTraits, CacheBegin, CompareHash, Incremental>::
test_find(std::vector<typename ValueTraits::value_type>& values)
typedef typename ValueTraits::value_type value_type;
typedef unordered_multiset
, value_traits<ValueTraits>
, constant_time_size<value_type::constant_time_size>
, cache_begin<CacheBegin>
, compare_hash<CompareHash>
, incremental<Incremental>
> unordered_multiset_type;
typedef typename unordered_multiset_type::bucket_traits bucket_traits;
typename unordered_multiset_type::bucket_type buckets[BucketSize];
unordered_multiset_type testset(values.begin(), values.end(), bucket_traits(buckets, BucketSize));
typedef typename unordered_multiset_type::iterator iterator;
value_type cmp_val;
cmp_val.value_ = 2;
iterator i = testset.find (cmp_val);
BOOST_TEST (i->value_ == 2);
BOOST_TEST ((++i)->value_ == 2);
std::pair<iterator,iterator> range = testset.equal_range (cmp_val);
BOOST_TEST (range.first->value_ == 2);
BOOST_TEST (range.second->value_ == 3);
BOOST_TEST (std::distance (range.first, range.second) == 2);
cmp_val.value_ = 7;
BOOST_TEST (testset.find (cmp_val) == testset.end());
template<class ValueTraits, bool CacheBegin, bool CompareHash, bool Incremental>
void test_unordered_multiset<ValueTraits, CacheBegin, CompareHash, Incremental>
::test_clone(std::vector<typename ValueTraits::value_type>& values)
typedef typename ValueTraits::value_type value_type;
typedef unordered_multiset
, value_traits<ValueTraits>
, constant_time_size<value_type::constant_time_size>
, cache_begin<CacheBegin>
, compare_hash<CompareHash>
, incremental<Incremental>
> unordered_multiset_type;
typedef typename unordered_multiset_type::bucket_traits bucket_traits;
//Test with equal bucket arrays
typename unordered_multiset_type::bucket_type buckets1 [BucketSize];
typename unordered_multiset_type::bucket_type buckets2 [BucketSize];
unordered_multiset_type testset1 (values.begin(), values.end(), bucket_traits(buckets1, BucketSize));
unordered_multiset_type testset2 (bucket_traits(buckets2, BucketSize));
testset2.clone_from(testset1, test::new_cloner<value_type>(), test::delete_disposer<value_type>());
//Ordering is not guarantee in the cloning so insert data in a set and test
std::multiset<typename ValueTraits::value_type>
src(testset1.begin(), testset1.end());
std::multiset<typename ValueTraits::value_type>
dst(testset2.begin(), testset2.end());
BOOST_TEST (src.size() == dst.size() && std::equal(src.begin(), src.end(), dst.begin()));
BOOST_TEST (testset2.empty());
//Test with bigger source bucket arrays
typename unordered_multiset_type::bucket_type buckets1 [BucketSize*2];
typename unordered_multiset_type::bucket_type buckets2 [BucketSize];
unordered_multiset_type testset1 (values.begin(), values.end(), bucket_traits(buckets1, BucketSize*2));
unordered_multiset_type testset2 (bucket_traits(buckets2, BucketSize));
testset2.clone_from(testset1, test::new_cloner<value_type>(), test::delete_disposer<value_type>());
//Ordering is not guarantee in the cloning so insert data in a set and test
std::multiset<typename ValueTraits::value_type>
src(testset1.begin(), testset1.end());
std::multiset<typename ValueTraits::value_type>
dst(testset2.begin(), testset2.end());
BOOST_TEST (src.size() == dst.size() && std::equal(src.begin(), src.end(), dst.begin()));
BOOST_TEST (testset2.empty());
//Test with smaller source bucket arrays
typename unordered_multiset_type::bucket_type buckets1 [BucketSize];
typename unordered_multiset_type::bucket_type buckets2 [BucketSize*2];
unordered_multiset_type testset1 (values.begin(), values.end(), bucket_traits(buckets1, BucketSize));
unordered_multiset_type testset2 (bucket_traits(buckets2, BucketSize*2));
testset2.clone_from(testset1, test::new_cloner<value_type>(), test::delete_disposer<value_type>());
//Ordering is not guaranteed in the cloning so insert data in a set and test
std::multiset<typename ValueTraits::value_type>
src(testset1.begin(), testset1.end());
std::multiset<typename ValueTraits::value_type>
dst(testset2.begin(), testset2.end());
BOOST_TEST (src.size() == dst.size() && std::equal(src.begin(), src.end(), dst.begin()));
BOOST_TEST (testset2.empty());
template<class VoidPointer, bool constant_time_size, bool Incremental>
class test_main_template
int operator()()
typedef testvalue<hooks<VoidPointer> , constant_time_size> value_type;
static const int random_init[6] = { 3, 2, 4, 1, 5, 2 };
std::vector<testvalue<hooks<VoidPointer> , constant_time_size> > data (6);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
data[i].value_ = random_init[i];
test_unordered_multiset < typename detail::get_base_value_traits
< value_type
, typename hooks<VoidPointer>::base_hook_type
, true
, false
, Incremental
test_unordered_multiset < typename detail::get_member_value_traits
< value_type
, member_hook< value_type
, typename hooks<VoidPointer>::member_hook_type
, &value_type::node_
, false
, false
, Incremental
return 0;
template<class VoidPointer, bool Incremental>
class test_main_template<VoidPointer, false, Incremental>
int operator()()
typedef testvalue<hooks<VoidPointer> , false> value_type;
static const int random_init[6] = { 3, 2, 4, 1, 5, 2 };
std::vector<testvalue<hooks<VoidPointer> , false> > data (6);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
data[i].value_ = random_init[i];
test_unordered_multiset < typename detail::get_base_value_traits
< value_type
, typename hooks<VoidPointer>::base_hook_type
, false
, false
, Incremental
test_unordered_multiset < typename detail::get_member_value_traits
< value_type
, member_hook< value_type
, typename hooks<VoidPointer>::member_hook_type
, &value_type::node_
, true
, false
, Incremental
test_unordered_multiset < typename detail::get_base_value_traits
< value_type
, typename hooks<VoidPointer>::auto_base_hook_type
, false
, false
, Incremental
test_unordered_multiset < typename detail::get_member_value_traits
< value_type
, member_hook< value_type
, typename hooks<VoidPointer>::auto_member_hook_type
, &value_type::auto_node_
, false
, true
, Incremental
return 0;
int main( int, char* [] )
test_main_template<void*, false, true>()();
test_main_template<smart_ptr<void>, false, true>()();
test_main_template<void*, true, true>()();
test_main_template<smart_ptr<void>, true, true>()();
test_main_template<void*, false, false>()();
test_main_template<smart_ptr<void>, false, false>()();
test_main_template<void*, true, true>()();
test_main_template<smart_ptr<void>, true, false>()();
return boost::report_errors();
#include <boost/intrusive/detail/config_end.hpp>