blob: 698fc8b7929c3f656c0090bf4ceab0f51a486486 [file] [log] [blame]
// (C) Copyright 2008 CodeRage, LLC (turkanis at coderage dot com)
// (C) Copyright 2005-2007 Jonathan Turkanis
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// See for documentation.
#include <boost/config.hpp>
# error std::locale not supported on this platform
# include <map>
# include <boost/iostreams/detail/ios.hpp> // failure.
# include <boost/iostreams/filter/test.hpp>
# include <boost/mpl/vector.hpp>
# include <boost/test/test_tools.hpp>
# include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
# include "../example/finite_state_filter.hpp"
using boost::unit_test::test_suite;
namespace io = boost::iostreams;
const std::string posix = // 'unix' is sometimes a macro.
"When I was one-and-twenty\n"
"I heard a wise man say,\n"
"'Give crowns and pounds and guineas\n"
"But not your heart away;\n"
"Give pearls away and rubies\n"
"But keep your fancy free.'\n"
"But I was one-and-twenty,\n"
"No use to talk to me.\n"
"When I was one-and-twenty\n"
"I heard him say again,\n"
"'The heart out of the bosom\n"
"Was never given in vain;\n"
"'Tis paid with sighs a plenty\n"
"And sold for endless rue.'\n"
"And I am two-and-twenty,\n"
"And oh, 'tis true, 'tis true.";
const std::string dos =
"When I was one-and-twenty\r\n"
"I heard a wise man say,\r\n"
"'Give crowns and pounds and guineas\r\n"
"But not your heart away;\r\n"
"Give pearls away and rubies\r\n"
"But keep your fancy free.'\r\n"
"But I was one-and-twenty,\r\n"
"No use to talk to me.\r\n"
"When I was one-and-twenty\r\n"
"I heard him say again,\r\n"
"'The heart out of the bosom\r\n"
"Was never given in vain;\r\n"
"'Tis paid with sighs a plenty\r\n"
"And sold for endless rue.'\r\n"
"And I am two-and-twenty,\r\n"
"And oh, 'tis true, 'tis true.";
const std::string comments =
"When I was /*one-and-twenty\n"
"I he*/ard a wise/ man say,\n"
"'Give cr//*owns *and po**/unds and guineas\n"
"But n*/ot yo*/ur he/*a*/rt /**/away;\n";
const std::string no_comments =
"When I was "
"ard a wise/ man say,\n"
"'Give cr/unds and guineas\n"
"But n*/ot yo*/ur hert away;\n";
struct identity_fsm
: io::finite_state_machine<identity_fsm, char>
void on_any(char c) { push(c); }
typedef boost::mpl::vector0<> transition_table;
struct dos2unix_fsm : io::finite_state_machine<dos2unix_fsm> {
BOOST_IOSTREAMS_FSM(dos2unix_fsm) // Define skip and push.
typedef dos2unix_fsm self;
typedef boost::mpl::vector<
row<initial_state, is<'\r'>, initial_state, &self::skip>,
row<initial_state, is_any, initial_state, &self::push>
> transition_table;
struct unix2dos_fsm : io::finite_state_machine<unix2dos_fsm> {
BOOST_IOSTREAMS_FSM(unix2dos_fsm) // Define skip and push.
typedef unix2dos_fsm self;
void on_lf(char) { push('\r'); push('\n'); }
typedef boost::mpl::vector<
row<initial_state, is<'\n'>, initial_state, &self::on_lf>,
row<initial_state, is_any, initial_state, &self::push>
> transition_table;
struct uncommenting_fsm : io::finite_state_machine<uncommenting_fsm> {
BOOST_IOSTREAMS_FSM(uncommenting_fsm) // Define skip and push.
typedef uncommenting_fsm self;
static const int no_comment = initial_state;
static const int pre_comment = no_comment + 1;
static const int comment = pre_comment + 1;
static const int post_comment = comment + 1;
void push_slash(char c) { push('/'); push(c); }
typedef boost::mpl::vector<
row<no_comment, is<'/'>, pre_comment, &self::skip>,
row<no_comment, is_any, no_comment, &self::push>,
row<pre_comment, is<'*'>, comment, &self::skip>,
row<pre_comment, is<'/'>, pre_comment, &self::push>,
row<pre_comment, is_any, no_comment, &self::push_slash>,
row<comment, is<'*'>, post_comment, &self::skip>,
row<comment, is_any, comment, &self::skip>,
row<post_comment, is<'/'>, no_comment, &self::skip>,
row<post_comment, is<'*'>, post_comment, &self::skip>,
row<post_comment, is_any, comment, &self::skip>
> transition_table;
void finite_state_filter_test()
using namespace std;
typedef io::finite_state_filter<identity_fsm> identity_filter;
typedef io::finite_state_filter<dos2unix_fsm> dos2unix_filter;
typedef io::finite_state_filter<unix2dos_fsm> unix2dos_filter;
typedef io::finite_state_filter<uncommenting_fsm> uncommenting_filter;
// Test identity_filter.
io::test_input_filter(identity_filter(), dos, dos)
io::test_output_filter(identity_filter(), dos, dos)
// Test dos2unix_filter.
io::test_input_filter(dos2unix_filter(), dos, posix)
io::test_output_filter(dos2unix_filter(), dos, posix)
// Test unix2dos_filter.
io::test_input_filter(unix2dos_filter(), posix, dos)
io::test_output_filter(unix2dos_filter(), posix, dos)
// Test uncommenting_filter.
io::test_input_filter(uncommenting_filter(), comments, no_comments)
io::test_output_filter(uncommenting_filter(), comments, no_comments)
test_suite* init_unit_test_suite(int, char* [])
test_suite* test = BOOST_TEST_SUITE("example test");
return test;
#endif // #ifdef BOOST_NO_STD_LOCALE //---------------------------------------//