blob: b6c13366b65b022c8594103fde519191f8827cc0 [file] [log] [blame]
// (C) Copyright John Maddock 2006.
// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
// Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
// LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <pch.hpp>
#include <boost/math/concepts/real_concept.hpp>
#include <boost/math/special_functions/gamma.hpp>
#include <boost/test/test_exec_monitor.hpp>
#include <boost/test/results_collector.hpp>
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
#include <boost/test/floating_point_comparison.hpp>
#include <boost/math/tools/stats.hpp>
#include <boost/math/tools/test.hpp>
#include <boost/math/constants/constants.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_floating_point.hpp>
#include <boost/array.hpp>
#include "functor.hpp"
#include "handle_test_result.hpp"
#if !defined(TEST_FLOAT) && !defined(TEST_DOUBLE) && !defined(TEST_LDOUBLE) && !defined(TEST_REAL_CONCEPT)
# define TEST_FLOAT
# define TEST_DOUBLE
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~
// This file tests the incomplete gamma function inverses
// gamma_p_inva and gamma_q_inva. There are two sets of tests:
// 2) TODO: Accuracy tests use values generated with NTL::RR at
// 1000-bit precision and our generic versions of these functions.
// 3) Round trip sanity checks, use the test data for the forward
// functions, and verify that we can get (approximately) back
// where we started.
// Note that when this file is first run on a new platform many of
// these tests will fail: the default accuracy is 1 epsilon which
// is too tight for most platforms. In this situation you will
// need to cast a human eye over the error rates reported and make
// a judgement as to whether they are acceptable. Either way please
// report the results to the Boost mailing list. Acceptable rates of
// error are marked up below as a series of regular expressions that
// identify the compiler/stdlib/platform/data-type/test-data/test-function
// along with the maximum expected peek and RMS mean errors for that
// test.
void expected_results()
// Define the max and mean errors expected for
// various compilers and platforms.
const char* largest_type;
if(boost::math::policies::digits<double, boost::math::policies::policy<> >() == boost::math::policies::digits<long double, boost::math::policies::policy<> >())
largest_type = "(long\\s+)?double";
largest_type = "long double";
largest_type = "(long\\s+)?double";
// Linux:
"[^|]*", // compiler
"[^|]*", // stdlib
"linux", // platform
largest_type, // test type(s)
"[^|]*", // test data group
"[^|]*", 800, 200); // test function
// Catch all cases come last:
"[^|]*", // compiler
"[^|]*", // stdlib
"[^|]*", // platform
"real_concept", // test type(s)
"[^|]*", // test data group
"[^|]*", 3000, 1000); // test function
"[^|]*", // compiler
"[^|]*", // stdlib
"[^|]*", // platform
largest_type, // test type(s)
"[^|]*", // test data group
"[^|]*", 300, 100); // test function
// this one has to come last in case double *is* the widest
// float type:
"[^|]*", // compiler
"[^|]*", // stdlib
"[^|]*", // platform
"float|double", // test type(s)
"[^|]*", // test data group
"[^|]*", 10, 5); // test function
// Finish off by printing out the compiler/stdlib/platform names,
// we do this to make it easier to mark up expected error rates.
std::cout << "Tests run with " << BOOST_COMPILER << ", "
<< BOOST_STDLIB << ", " << BOOST_PLATFORM << std::endl;
#define BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_EX(a, b, prec, i) \
unsigned int failures = boost::unit_test::results_collector.results( boost::unit_test::framework::current_test_case().p_id ).p_assertions_failed;\
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(a, b, prec); \
if(failures != boost::unit_test::results_collector.results( boost::unit_test::framework::current_test_case().p_id ).p_assertions_failed)\
std::cerr << "Failure was at row " << i << std::endl;\
std::cerr << std::setprecision(35); \
std::cerr << "{ " << data[i][0] << " , " << data[i][1] << " , " << data[i][2];\
std::cerr << " , " << data[i][3] << " , " << data[i][4] << " , " << data[i][5] << " } " << std::endl;\
template <class T>
void do_test_gamma_2(const T& data, const char* type_name, const char* test_name)
// test gamma_p_inva(T, T) against data:
using namespace std;
typedef typename T::value_type row_type;
typedef typename row_type::value_type value_type;
std::cout << test_name << " with type " << type_name << std::endl;
// These sanity checks test for a round trip accuracy of one half
// of the bits in T, unless T is type float, in which case we check
// for just one decimal digit. The problem here is the sensitivity
// of the functions, not their accuracy. This test data was generated
// for the forward functions, which means that when it is used as
// the input to the inverses then it is necessarily inexact. This rounding
// of the input is what makes the data unsuitable for use as an accuracy check,
// and also demonstrates that you can't in general round-trip these functions.
// It is however a useful sanity check.
value_type precision = static_cast<value_type>(ldexp(1.0, 1-boost::math::policies::digits<value_type, boost::math::policies::policy<> >()/2)) * 100;
if(boost::math::policies::digits<value_type, boost::math::policies::policy<> >() < 50)
precision = 1; // 1% or two decimal digits, all we can hope for when the input is truncated to float
for(unsigned i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i)
// These inverse tests are thrown off if the output of the
// incomplete gamma is too close to 1: basically there is insuffient
// information left in the value we're using as input to the inverse
// to be able to get back to the original value.
if(data[i][5] == 0)
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(boost::math::gamma_p_inva(data[i][1], data[i][5]), boost::math::tools::max_value<value_type>());
else if((1 - data[i][5] > 0.001) && (fabs(data[i][5]) > 2 * boost::math::tools::min_value<value_type>()))
value_type inv = boost::math::gamma_p_inva(data[i][1], data[i][5]);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_EX(data[i][0], inv, precision, i);
else if(1 == data[i][5])
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(boost::math::gamma_p_inva(data[i][1], data[i][5]), boost::math::tools::min_value<value_type>());
else if(data[i][5] > 2 * boost::math::tools::min_value<value_type>())
// not enough bits in our input to get back to x, but we should be in
// the same ball park:
value_type inv = boost::math::gamma_p_inva(data[i][1], data[i][5]);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_EX(data[i][0], inv, 100, i);
if(data[i][3] == 0)
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(boost::math::gamma_q_inva(data[i][1], data[i][3]), boost::math::tools::min_value<value_type>());
else if((1 - data[i][3] > 0.001)
&& (fabs(data[i][3]) > 2 * boost::math::tools::min_value<value_type>())
&& (fabs(data[i][3]) > 2 * boost::math::tools::min_value<double>()))
value_type inv = boost::math::gamma_q_inva(data[i][1], data[i][3]);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_EX(data[i][0], inv, precision, i);
else if(1 == data[i][3])
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(boost::math::gamma_q_inva(data[i][1], data[i][3]), boost::math::tools::max_value<value_type>());
else if(data[i][3] > 2 * boost::math::tools::min_value<value_type>())
// not enough bits in our input to get back to x, but we should be in
// the same ball park:
value_type inv = boost::math::gamma_q_inva(data[i][1], data[i][3]);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_EX(data[i][0], inv, 100, i);
std::cout << std::endl;
template <class T>
void do_test_gamma_inva(const T& data, const char* type_name, const char* test_name)
typedef typename T::value_type row_type;
typedef typename row_type::value_type value_type;
typedef value_type (*pg)(value_type, value_type);
pg funcp = boost::math::gamma_p_inva<value_type, value_type>;
pg funcp = boost::math::gamma_p_inva;
boost::math::tools::test_result<value_type> result;
std::cout << "Testing " << test_name << " with type " << type_name
<< "\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";
// test gamma_p_inva(T, T) against data:
result = boost::math::tools::test(
bind_func(funcp, 0, 1),
handle_test_result(result, data[result.worst()], result.worst(), type_name, "boost::math::gamma_p_inva", test_name);
// test gamma_q_inva(T, T) against data:
funcp = boost::math::gamma_q_inva<value_type, value_type>;
funcp = boost::math::gamma_q_inva;
result = boost::math::tools::test(
bind_func(funcp, 0, 1),
handle_test_result(result, data[result.worst()], result.worst(), type_name, "boost::math::gamma_q_inva", test_name);
template <class T>
void test_gamma(T, const char* name)
// The actual test data is rather verbose, so it's in a separate file
// First the data for the incomplete gamma function, each
// row has the following 6 entries:
// Parameter a, parameter z,
// Expected tgamma(a, z), Expected gamma_q(a, z)
// Expected tgamma_lower(a, z), Expected gamma_p(a, z)
# include "igamma_med_data.ipp"
do_test_gamma_2(igamma_med_data, name, "Running round trip sanity checks on incomplete gamma medium sized values");
# include "igamma_small_data.ipp"
do_test_gamma_2(igamma_small_data, name, "Running round trip sanity checks on incomplete gamma small values");
# include "igamma_big_data.ipp"
do_test_gamma_2(igamma_big_data, name, "Running round trip sanity checks on incomplete gamma large values");
# include "igamma_inva_data.ipp"
do_test_gamma_inva(igamma_inva_data, name, "Incomplete gamma inverses.");
int test_main(int, char* [])
test_gamma(0.1F, "float");
test_gamma(0.1, "double");
test_gamma(0.1L, "long double");
test_gamma(boost::math::concepts::real_concept(0.1), "real_concept");
std::cout << "<note>The long double tests have been disabled on this platform "
"either because the long double overloads of the usual math functions are "
"not available at all, or because they are too inaccurate for these tests "
"to pass.</note>" << std::cout;
return 0;