blob: bcd95e4a82661bccba86bdde72dd217746d6f30e [file] [log] [blame]
// (C) Copyright 2006 Douglas Gregor <doug.gregor -at->
// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
// License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// Authors: Douglas Gregor
/** @file environment.cpp
* This file reflects the Boost.MPI "environment" class into Python
* methods at module level.
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/mpi.hpp>
using namespace boost::python;
using namespace boost::mpi;
namespace boost { namespace mpi { namespace python {
extern const char* environment_init_docstring;
extern const char* environment_finalize_docstring;
extern const char* environment_abort_docstring;
extern const char* environment_initialized_docstring;
extern const char* environment_finalized_docstring;
* The environment used by the Boost.MPI Python module. This will be
* zero-initialized before it is used.
static environment* env;
bool mpi_init(list python_argv, bool abort_on_exception)
// If MPI is already initialized, do nothing.
if (environment::initialized())
return false;
// Convert Python argv into C-style argc/argv.
int my_argc = extract<int>(python_argv.attr("__len__")());
char** my_argv = new char*[my_argc];
for (int arg = 0; arg < my_argc; ++arg)
my_argv[arg] = strdup(extract<const char*>(python_argv[arg]));
// Initialize MPI
int mpi_argc = my_argc;
char** mpi_argv = my_argv;
env = new environment(mpi_argc, mpi_argv, abort_on_exception);
// If anything changed, convert C-style argc/argv into Python argv
if (mpi_argv != my_argv)
PySys_SetArgv(mpi_argc, mpi_argv);
for (int arg = 0; arg < my_argc; ++arg)
delete [] my_argv;
return true;
void mpi_finalize()
if (env) {
delete env;
env = 0;
void export_environment()
using boost::python::arg;
def("init", mpi_init, (arg("argv"), arg("abort_on_exception") = true),
def("finalize", mpi_finalize, environment_finalize_docstring);
// Setup initialization and finalization code
if (!environment::initialized()) {
// MPI_Init from sys.argv
object sys = object(handle<>(PyImport_ImportModule("sys")));
mpi_init(extract<list>(sys.attr("argv")), true);
// Setup MPI_Finalize call when the program exits
object atexit = object(handle<>(PyImport_ImportModule("atexit")));
object finalize = scope().attr("finalize");
def("abort", &environment::abort, arg("errcode"),
def("initialized", &environment::initialized,
def("finalized", &environment::finalized,
scope().attr("max_tag") = environment::max_tag();
scope().attr("collectives_tag") = environment::collectives_tag();
scope().attr("processor_name") = environment::processor_name();
if (optional<int> host_rank = environment::host_rank())
scope().attr("host_rank") = *host_rank;
scope().attr("host_rank") = object();
if (optional<int> io_rank = environment::io_rank())
scope().attr("io_rank") = *io_rank;
scope().attr("io_rank") = object();
} } } // end namespace boost::mpi::python