blob: 9bc842f2ea1898c5ef9fcd965199943e0cf69702 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2006 Douglas Gregor.
// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
// License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <boost/mpi/request.hpp>
#include <boost/mpi/status.hpp>
namespace boost { namespace mpi {
* request *
: m_handler(0), m_data()
m_requests[0] = MPI_REQUEST_NULL;
m_requests[1] = MPI_REQUEST_NULL;
status request::wait()
if (m_handler) {
// This request is a receive for a serialized type. Use the
// handler to wait for completion.
return *m_handler(this, ra_wait);
} else if (m_requests[1] == MPI_REQUEST_NULL) {
// This request is either a send or a receive for a type with an
// associated MPI datatype, or a serialized datatype that has been
// packed into a single message. Just wait on the one receive/send
// and return the status to the user.
status result;
BOOST_MPI_CHECK_RESULT(MPI_Wait, (&m_requests[0], &result.m_status));
return result;
} else {
// This request is a send of a serialized type, broken into two
// separate messages. Complete both sends at once.
MPI_Status stats[2];
int error_code = MPI_Waitall(2, m_requests, stats);
if (error_code == MPI_ERR_IN_STATUS) {
// Dig out which status structure has the error, and use that
// one when throwing the exception.
if (stats[0].MPI_ERROR == MPI_SUCCESS
boost::throw_exception(exception("MPI_Waitall", stats[1].MPI_ERROR));
boost::throw_exception(exception("MPI_Waitall", stats[0].MPI_ERROR));
} else if (error_code != MPI_SUCCESS) {
// There was an error somewhere in the MPI_Waitall call; throw
// an exception for it.
boost::throw_exception(exception("MPI_Waitall", error_code));
// No errors. Returns the first status structure.
status result;
result.m_status = stats[0];
return result;
optional<status> request::test()
if (m_handler) {
// This request is a receive for a serialized type. Use the
// handler to test for completion.
return m_handler(this, ra_test);
} else if (m_requests[1] == MPI_REQUEST_NULL) {
// This request is either a send or a receive for a type with an
// associated MPI datatype, or a serialized datatype that has been
// packed into a single message. Just test the one receive/send
// and return the status to the user if it has completed.
status result;
int flag = 0;
(&m_requests[0], &flag, &result.m_status));
return flag != 0? optional<status>(result) : optional<status>();
} else {
// This request is a send of a serialized type, broken into two
// separate messages. We only get a result if both complete.
MPI_Status stats[2];
int flag = 0;
int error_code = MPI_Testall(2, m_requests, &flag, stats);
if (error_code == MPI_ERR_IN_STATUS) {
// Dig out which status structure has the error, and use that
// one when throwing the exception.
if (stats[0].MPI_ERROR == MPI_SUCCESS
boost::throw_exception(exception("MPI_Testall", stats[1].MPI_ERROR));
boost::throw_exception(exception("MPI_Testall", stats[0].MPI_ERROR));
} else if (error_code != MPI_SUCCESS) {
// There was an error somewhere in the MPI_Testall call; throw
// an exception for it.
boost::throw_exception(exception("MPI_Testall", error_code));
// No errors. Returns the second status structure if the send has
// completed.
if (flag != 0) {
status result;
result.m_status = stats[1];
return result;
} else {
return optional<status>();
void request::cancel()
if (m_handler) {
m_handler(this, ra_cancel);
} else {
BOOST_MPI_CHECK_RESULT(MPI_Cancel, (&m_requests[0]));
if (m_requests[1] != MPI_REQUEST_NULL)
BOOST_MPI_CHECK_RESULT(MPI_Cancel, (&m_requests[1]));
} } // end namespace boost::mpi