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.. Sequences/Concepts//Forward Sequence |10
Forward Sequence
A |Forward Sequence| is an MPL concept representing a compile-time sequence of
elements. Sequence elements are
types, and are accessible through |iterators|. The |begin| and |end| metafunctions
provide iterators delimiting the range of the sequence
elements. A sequence guarantees that its elements are arranged in a definite,
but possibly unspecified, order. Every MPL sequence is a |Forward Sequence|.
* The *size* of a sequence is the number of elements it contains. The size is a
nonnegative number.
* A sequence is *empty* if its size is zero.
Expression requirements
For any |Forward Sequence| ``s`` the following expressions must be valid:
| Expression | Type | Complexity |
| ``begin<s>::type`` | |Forward Iterator| | Amortized constant time |
| ``end<s>::type`` | |Forward Iterator| | Amortized constant time |
| ``size<s>::type`` | |Integral Constant| | Unspecified |
| ``empty<s>::type`` | Boolean |Integral Constant| | Constant time |
| ``front<s>::type`` | Any type | Amortized constant time |
Expression semantics
| Expression | Semantics |
| ``begin<s>::type`` | An iterator to the first element of the sequence; see |begin|. |
| ``end<s>::type`` | A past-the-end iterator to the sequence; see |end|. |
| ``size<s>::type`` | The size of the sequence; see |size|. |
| ``empty<s>::type`` | |true if and only if| the sequence is empty; see |empty|. |
| ``front<s>::type`` | The first element in the sequence; see |front|. |
For any |Forward Sequence| ``s`` the following invariants always hold:
* [``begin<s>::type``, ``end<s>::type``) is always a valid range.
* An algorithm that iterates through the range [``begin<s>::type``, ``end<s>::type``)
will pass through every element of ``s`` exactly once.
* ``begin<s>::type`` is identical to ``end<s>::type`` if and only if ``s`` is empty.
* Two different iterations through ``s`` will access its elements in the same order.
* |vector|
* |map|
* |range_c|
* |iterator_range|
* |filter_view|
See also
|Sequences|, |Bidirectional Sequence|, |Forward Iterator|, |begin| / |end|, |size|, |empty|, |front|
.. copyright:: Copyright © 2001-2009 Aleksey Gurtovoy and David Abrahams
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at