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.. Data Types/Concepts//Integral Constant
Integral Constant
An |Integral Constant| is a holder class for a compile-time value of an
integral type. Every |Integral Constant| is also a nullary |Metafunction|,
returning itself. An integral constant *object* is implicitly convertible to the
corresponding run-time value of the wrapped integral type.
Expression requirements
|In the following table...| ``n`` is a model of |Integral Constant|.
| Expression | Type | Complexity |
| ``n::tag`` | ``integral_c_tag`` | Constant time. |
| ``n::value_type`` | An integral type | Constant time. |
| ``n::value`` | An integral constant expression | Constant time. |
| ``n::type`` | |Integral Constant| | Constant time. |
| ``next<n>::type`` | |Integral Constant| | Constant time. |
| ``prior<n>::type`` | |Integral Constant| | Constant time. |
| ``n::value_type const c = n()`` | | Constant time. |
Expression semantics
| Expression | Semantics |
| ``n::tag`` | ``n``\ 's tag type; ``n::tag::value`` is ``n``\ 's |
| | *conversion rank*. |
| ``n::value_type`` | A cv-unqualified type of ``n::value``. |
| ``n::value`` | The value of the wrapped integral constant. |
| ``n::type`` | ``is_same<n::type,n>::value == true``. |
| ``next<n>::type`` | An |Integral Constant| ``c`` of type ``n::value_type`` |
| | such that ``c::value == n::value + 1``. |
| ``prior<n>::type`` | An |Integral Constant| ``c`` of type ``n::value_type`` |
| | such that ``c::value == n::value - 1``. |
| ``n::value_type const c = n()`` | ``c == n::value``. |
* |bool_|
* |int_|
* |long_|
* |char_|
* |integral_c|
See also
|Data Types|, |Integral Sequence Wrapper|, |integral_c|
.. copyright:: Copyright © 2001-2009 Aleksey Gurtovoy and David Abrahams
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at