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.. Sequences/Concepts//Integral Sequence Wrapper |90
Integral Sequence Wrapper
An |Integral Sequence Wrapper| is a class template that provides a concise
interface for creating a corresponding sequence of |Integral Constant|\ s. In
particular, assuming that ``seq`` is a name of the wrapper's underlying
sequence and || are integral constants of an integral type ``T`` to
be stored in the sequence, the wrapper provides us with the following
.. line-block::
``seq_c<T``,\ ||\ ``>``
If ``seq`` is a |Variadic Sequence|, *numbered* wrapper forms are
also avaialable:
.. line-block::
``seq``\ *n*\ ``_c<T``,\ ||\ ``>``
Expression requirements
|In the following table...| ``seq`` is a placeholder token for the
|Integral Sequence Wrapper|'s underlying sequence's name.
.. |seq_c| replace:: ``seq_c<T``,\ ||
.. |seqn_c| replace:: ``seq``\ *n*\ ``_c<T``,\ ||
| Expression | Type | Complexity |
| |seq_c|\ ``>`` | |Forward Sequence| | Amortized constant time. |
| |seq_c|\ ``>::type`` | |Forward Sequence| | Amortized constant time. |
| |seq_c|\ ``>::value_type`` | An integral type | Amortized constant time. |
| |seqn_c|\ ``>`` | |Forward Sequence| | Amortized constant time. |
| |seqn_c|\ ``>::type`` | |Forward Sequence| | Amortized constant time. |
| |seqn_c|\ ``>::value_type`` | An integral type | Amortized constant time. |
Expression semantics
.. parsed-literal::
typedef seq_c<T,\ ||> s;
typedef seq\ *n*\ _c<T,\ ||> s;
``s`` is a sequence ``seq`` of integral constant wrappers ``integral_c<T,``\ |c1|\ ``>``,
``integral_c<T,``\ |c2|\ ``>``, ... ``integral_c<T,``\ |cn|\ ``>``.
``size<s>::value == n``.
.. .. parsed-literal::
BOOST_MPL_ASSERT_RELATION(( at_c<v,0>::type::value,==,\ |c1| ));
BOOST_MPL_ASSERT_RELATION(( at_c<v,1>::type::value,==,\ |c2| ));
BOOST_MPL_ASSERT_RELATION(( at_c<v,\ *n*>::type::value,==,\ |cn| ));
.. ..........................................................................
.. parsed-literal::
typedef seq_c<T,\ ||>::type s;
typedef seq\ *n*\ _c<T,\ ||>::type s;
``s`` is identical to
``seq``\ *n*\ ``<``\ ``integral_c<T,``\ |c1|\ ``>``,\ ``integral_c<T,``\ |c2|\ ``>``,
... ``integral_c<T,``\ |cn|\ ``>`` ``>``.
.. ..........................................................................
.. parsed-literal::
typedef seq_c<T,\ ||>::value_type t;
typedef seq\ *n*\ _c<T,\ ||>::value_type t;
``is_same<t,T>::value == true``.
* |vector_c|
* |list_c|
* |set_c|
See also
|Sequences|, |Variadic Sequence|, |Integral Constant|
.. copyright:: Copyright © 2001-2009 Aleksey Gurtovoy and David Abrahams
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at