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.. Iterators/Concepts//Random Access Iterator |30
Random Access Iterator
A |Random Access Iterator| is a |Bidirectional Iterator| that provides
constant-time guarantees on moving the iterator an arbitrary number of positions
forward or backward and for measuring the distance to another iterator in the
same sequence.
Refinement of
|Bidirectional Iterator|
Expression requirements
In addition to the requirements defined in |Bidirectional Iterator|,
the following requirements must be met.
| Expression | Type | Complexity |
| ``next<i>::type`` | |Random Access Iterator| | Amortized constant time |
| ``prior<i>::type`` | |Random Access Iterator| | Amortized constant time |
| ``i::category`` | |Integral Constant|, convertible | Constant time |
| | to ``random_access_iterator_tag`` | |
| ``advance<i,n>::type`` | |Random Access Iterator| | Amortized constant time |
| ``distance<i,j>::type`` | |Integral Constant| | Amortized constant time |
Expression semantics
.. parsed-literal::
typedef advance<i,n>::type j;
See ``advance`` specification
.. ..........................................................................
.. parsed-literal::
typedef distance<i,j>::type n;
See ``distance`` specification
For any random access iterators ``i`` and ``j`` the following invariants always
* If ``advance<i,n>::type`` is well-defined, then
``advance< advance<i,n>::type, negate<n>::type >::type`` is a null operation.
See also
|Iterators|, |Bidirectional Iterator|, |Random Access Sequence|, |advance|, |distance|
.. copyright:: Copyright © 2001-2009 Aleksey Gurtovoy and David Abrahams
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at