blob: ae56fec41bd35998fe80c59fc1b4e5e3e88dcf3e [file] [log] [blame]
.. Sequences/Intrinsic Metafunctions//insert
.. parsed-literal::
typename Sequence
, typename Pos
, typename T
struct insert
typedef |unspecified| type;
typename Sequence
, typename T
struct insert
typedef |unspecified| type;
``insert`` is an |overloaded name|:
* ``insert<Sequence,Pos,T>`` performs an insertion of
type ``T`` at an arbitrary position ``Pos`` in ``Sequence``. ``Pos`` is ignored is
``Sequence`` is a model of |Extensible Associative Sequence|.
* ``insert<Sequence,T>`` is a shortcut notation for ``insert<Sequence,Pos,T>`` for the
case when ``Sequence`` is a model of |Extensible Associative Sequence|.
.. parsed-literal::
#include <boost/mpl/insert.hpp>
Model of
|Tag Dispatched Metafunction|
| Parameter | Requirement | Description |
| ``Sequence`` | |Extensible Sequence| or | A sequence to insert into. |
| | |Extensible Associative Sequence| | |
| ``Pos`` | |Forward Iterator| | An iterator in ``Sequence`` specifying the |
| | | insertion position. |
| ``T`` | Any type | The element to be inserted. |
Expression semantics
.. compound::
:class: expression-semantics
For any |Extensible Sequence| ``s``, iterator ``pos`` in ``s``, and arbitrary type ``x``:
.. parsed-literal::
typedef insert<s,pos,x>::type r;
:Return type:
|Extensible Sequence|
``pos`` is an iterator in ``s``.
``r`` is a sequence, |concept-identical| to ``s``, of the following elements:
[``begin<s>::type``, ``pos``), ``x``, [``pos``, ``end<s>::type``).
The relative order of the elements in ``r`` is the same as in ``s``.
.. parsed-literal::
at< r, distance< begin<s>::type,pos >::type >::type
is identical to ``x``;
.. parsed-literal::
size<r>::value == size<s>::value + 1;
.. compound::
:class: expression-semantics
For any |Extensible Associative Sequence| ``s``, iterator ``pos`` in ``s``,
and arbitrary type ``x``:
.. parsed-literal::
typedef insert<s,x>::type r;
:Return type:
|Extensible Associative Sequence|
``r`` is |concept-identical| and equivalent to ``s``, except that
``at< r, key_type<s,x>::type >::type`` is identical to ``value_type<s,x>::type``.
``size<r>::value == size<s>::value + 1``.
.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
.. parsed-literal::
typedef insert<s,pos,x>::type r;
:Return type:
|Extensible Associative Sequence|
``pos`` is an iterator in ``s``.
Equivalent to ``typedef insert<s,x>::type r``; ``pos`` is ignored.
| Sequence archetype | Complexity |
| |Extensible Associative Sequence| | Amortized constant time. |
| |Extensible Sequence| | Linear in the worst case, or amortized |
| | constant time. |
.. parsed-literal::
typedef vector_c<int,0,1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9> numbers;
typedef find< numbers,integral_c<int,3> >::type pos;
typedef insert< numbers,pos,integral_c<int,2> >::type range;
BOOST_MPL_ASSERT_RELATION( size<range>::value, ==, 10 );
BOOST_MPL_ASSERT(( equal< range,range_c<int,0,10> > ));
.. parsed-literal::
typedef map< mpl::pair<int,unsigned> > m;
typedef insert<m,mpl::pair<char,long> >::type m1;
BOOST_MPL_ASSERT_RELATION( size<m1>::value, ==, 2 );
BOOST_MPL_ASSERT(( is_same< at<m1,int>::type,unsigned > ));
BOOST_MPL_ASSERT(( is_same< at<m1,char>::type,long > ));
See also
|Extensible Sequence|, |Extensible Associative Sequence|, |insert_range|, |push_front|, |push_back|, |erase|
.. copyright:: Copyright © 2001-2009 Aleksey Gurtovoy and David Abrahams
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at