blob: ad84947198be6720ec90b21e9805d940103db915 [file] [log] [blame]
.. Sequences/Classes//list_c |80
``list_c`` is an |Integral Sequence Wrapper| for |list|. As such, it shares
all |list| characteristics and requirements, and differs only in the way the
original sequence content is specified.
| Sequence form | Header |
| Variadic | ``#include <boost/mpl/list_c.hpp>`` |
| Numbered | ``#include <boost/mpl/list/list``\ *n*\ ``_c.hpp>`` |
Model of
* |Integral Sequence Wrapper|
* |Variadic Sequence|
* |Forward Sequence|
* |Extensible Sequence|
* |Front Extensible Sequence|
Expression semantics
|Semantics disclaimer...| |list|.
.. workaround substitution bug (should be replace:: list\ *n*\ _c<T,\ ||>)
.. |listn_c<T,...>| replace:: list\ *n*\ _c<T,\ *c*\ :sub:`1`,\ *c*\ :sub:`2`,... \ *c*\ :sub:`n`\ >
| Expression | Semantics |
| .. parsed-literal:: | A |list| of integral constant wrappers |
| | ``integral_c<T,``\ |c1|\ ``>``, |
| list_c<T,\ ||> | ``integral_c<T,``\ |c2|\ ``>``, ... |
| |listn_c<T,...>| | ``integral_c<T,``\ |cn|\ ``>``; |
| | see |Integral Sequence Wrapper|. |
| .. parsed-literal:: | Identical to ``list``\ *n*\ ``<`` |
| | ``integral_c<T,``\ |c1|\ ``>``, |
| list_c<T,\ ||>::type | ``integral_c<T,``\ |c2|\ ``>``, ... |
| |listn_c<T,...>|::type | ``integral_c<T,``\ |cn|\ ``>`` ``>``; |
| | see |Integral Sequence Wrapper|. |
| .. parsed-literal:: | Identical to ``T``; see |
| | |Integral Sequence Wrapper|. |
| list_c<T,\ ||>::value_type | |
| |listn_c<T,...>|::value_type | |
.. parsed-literal::
typedef list_c<int,1,2,3,5,7,12,19,31> fibonacci;
typedef push_front<fibonacci,int_<1> >::type fibonacci2;
BOOST_MPL_ASSERT_RELATION( front<fibonacci2>::type::value, ==, 1 );
See also
|Sequences|, |Integral Sequence Wrapper|, |list|, |integral_c|, |vector_c|, |set_c|, |range_c|
.. copyright:: Copyright © 2001-2009 Aleksey Gurtovoy and David Abrahams
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at