blob: 8de47fabb16fae137a7a17c01aa607dba47cb718 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Daniel Wallin 2006. Use, modification and distribution is
// subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#ifndef BOOST_DEDUCED_060920_HPP
# define BOOST_DEDUCED_060920_HPP
# include <boost/mpl/for_each.hpp>
# include "basics.hpp"
struct not_present_tag {};
not_present_tag not_present;
template <class E, class ArgPack>
struct assert_expected
assert_expected(E const& e, ArgPack const& args)
: expected(e)
, args(args)
template <class T>
bool check_not_present(T const&) const
return true;
template <class K>
bool check1(K const& k, not_present_tag const&, long) const
return check_not_present(args[k | not_present]);
template <class K, class Expected>
bool check1(K const& k, Expected const& expected, int) const
return test::equal(args[k], expected);
template <class K>
void operator()(K) const
boost::parameter::keyword<K> const& k = boost::parameter::keyword<K>::get();
assert(check1(k, expected[k], 0L));
E const& expected;
ArgPack const& args;
template <class E, class ArgPack>
void check0(E const& e, ArgPack const& args)
boost::mpl::for_each<E>(assert_expected<E,ArgPack>(e, args));
template <class P, class E, class A0>
void check(E const& e, A0 const& a0)
check0(e, P()(a0));
template <class P, class E, class A0, class A1>
void check(E const& e, A0 const& a0, A1 const& a1)
check0(e, P()(a0,a1));
template <class P, class E, class A0, class A1, class A2>
void check(E const& e, A0 const& a0, A1 const& a1, A2 const& a2)
check0(e, P()(a0,a1,a2));
#endif // BOOST_DEDUCED_060920_HPP