blob: 9b7c8841aaf12e8f7d78d2b81f1ff84d7407b055 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright David Abrahams 2006. Distributed under the Boost
# Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
# file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
import docutils ;
import path ;
sources = building.rst ;
bases = $(sources:S=) ;
# This is a path relative to the html/ subdirectory where the
# generated output will eventually be moved.
stylesheet = "--stylesheet=../../../rst.css" ;
for local b in $(bases)
html $(b) : $(b).rst :
<docutils-html>"-gdt --source-url="./$(b).rst" --link-stylesheet --traceback --trim-footnote-reference-space --footnote-references=superscript "$(stylesheet)
alias htmls : $(bases) ;
stage . : $(bases) ;