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<title>Boost.Python - &lt;boost/python/class.hpp&gt;,
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<h1 align="center"><a href="../index.html">Boost.Python</a></h1>
<h2 align="center">Headers &lt;boost/python/class.hpp&gt;,
<dl class="page-index">
<dt><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a></dt>
<dt><a href="#classes">Classes</a></dt>
<dl class="page-index">
<dt><a href="#class_-spec">Class template
<dl class="page-index">
<dt><a href="#class_-spec-synopsis">Class <code>class_</code>
<dt><a href="#class_-spec-ctors">Class <code>class_</code>
<dt><a href="#class_-spec-modifiers">Class <code>class_</code>
modifier functions</a></dt>
<dt><a href="#bases-spec">Class template <code>bases</code></a></dt>
<dl class="page-index">
<dt><a href="#bases-spec-synopsis">Class template
<code>bases</code> synopsis</a></dt>
<dt><a href="#examples">Example(s)</a></dt>
<h2><a name="introduction" id="introduction"></a>Introduction</h2>
<p><code>&lt;boost/python/class.hpp&gt;</code> defines the interface
through which users expose their C++ classes to Python. It declares the
<code>class_</code> class template, which is parameterized on the class
type being exposed. It also exposes the <code>init</code>,
<code>optional</code> and <code>bases</code> utility class templates, which
are used in conjunction with <code>class_</code>.</p>
<p><code>&lt;boost/python/class_fwd.hpp&gt;</code> contains a forward
declaration of the <code>class_</code> class template.</p>
<h2><a name="classes" id="classes"></a>Classes</h2>
<h3><a name="class_-spec" id="class_-spec"></a>Class template
<code>class_&lt;T,&nbsp;<font color="#007F00">Bases,&nbsp;HeldType,
<p>Creates a Python class associated with the C++ type passed as its first
parameter. Although it has four template parameters, only the first one is
required. The three optional arguments can actually be supplied
<font color="#007F00"><b>in any order</b></font>; Boost.Python determines
the role of the argument from its type.<br>
<table border="1" summary="class_ template parameters">
<th>Template Parameter</th>
<td>A class type.</td>
<td>The class being wrapped</td>
<td><code><font color="#007F00">Bases</font></code></td>
<td>A specialization of <a href=
"#bases-spec"><code>bases&lt;</code>...<code>&gt;</code></a> which
specifies previously-exposed C++ base classes of <code>T</code><a href=
<td>Registers <code>from_python</code> conversions from wrapped
<code>T</code> instances to each of its exposed direct and indirect
bases. For each polymorphic base <code>B</code>, registers conversions
from indirectly-held wrapped <code>B</code> instances to
<td><code><a href="#bases-spec">bases&lt;&gt;</a></code></td>
<td><code><font color="#007F00">HeldType</font></code></td>
<td>Must be <code>T</code>, a class derived from <code>T</code>, or a
<a href="Dereferenceable.html">Dereferenceable</a> type for which
<code><a href=
"pointee.html#pointee-spec">pointee</a>&lt;HeldType&gt;::type</code> is
<code>T</code> or a class derived from <code>T</code>.</td>
<td>Specifies the type that is actually embedded in a Python object
wrapping a <code>T</code> instance when <code>T</code>'s constructor is
called or when a <code>T</code> or <code>T*</code> is converted to
Python without the use of <a href=
<code>ptr</code></a>, <a href=
<code>ref</code></a>, or <a href="CallPolicies.html">Call Policies</a>
such as <code><a href=
More details <a href="#HeldType">below</a>.</td>
<td><code><font color="#007F00">NonCopyable</font></code></td>
<td>If supplied, must be <a href=
<td>Suppresses automatic registration of <code>to_python</code>
conversions which copy <code>T</code> instances. Required when
<code>T</code> has no publicly-accessible copy constructor.</td>
<td>An unspecified type other than
<h4><a name="HeldType" id="HeldType">HeldType Semantics</a></h4>
<li>If <code>HeldType</code> is derived from T, its exposed
constructor(s) must accept an initial <code>PyObject*</code> argument
which refers back to the Python object that contains the
<code>HeldType</code> instance, as shown in <a href=
"call_method.html#examples">this example</a>. This argument is not
included in the <em><a href=
"init.html#init-expressions">init-expression</a></em> passed to <a href=
"#class_-spec-modifiers"><code>def(init_expr)</code></a>, below, nor is
it passed explicitly by users when Python instances of <code>T</code> are
created. This idiom allows C++ virtual functions which will be overridden
in Python to access the Python object so the Python method can be
invoked. Boost.Python automatically registers additional converters which
allow wrapped instances of <code>T</code> to be passed to wrapped C++
functions expecting <code>HeldType</code> arguments.</li>
<li>Because Boost.Python will always allow wrapped instances of
<code>T</code> to be passed in place of <code>HeldType</code> arguments,
specifying a smart pointer for <code>HeldType</code> allows users to pass
Python <code>T</code> instances where a smart pointer-to-<code>T</code>
is expected. Smart pointers such as <code>std::auto_ptr&lt;&gt;</code> or
<code><a href=
which contain a nested type <code>element_type</code> designating the
referent type are automatically supported; additional smart pointer types
can be supported by specializing <a href=
<li>As in case 1 above, when <code>HeldType</code> is a smart pointer to
a class derived from <code>T</code>, the initial <code>PyObject*</code>
argument must be supplied by all of <code>HeldType</code>'s exposed
<li>Except in cases 1 and 3, users may optionally specify that T itself
gets initialized with a similar initial <code>PyObject*</code> argument
by specializing <a href=
<h4><a name="class_-spec-synopsis" id="class_-spec-synopsis"></a>Class
template <code>class_</code> synopsis</h4>
namespace boost { namespace python
template &lt;class T
<font color="#007F00"> , class Bases = bases&lt;&gt;
, class HeldType = T
, class NonCopyable = <i>unspecified</i>
</font> class class_ : public <a href="object.html#object-spec">object</a>
// Constructors with default __init__
class_(char const* name);
class_(char const* name, char const* docstring);
// Constructors, specifying non-default __init__
template &lt;class Init&gt;
class_(char const* name, Init);
template &lt;class Init&gt;
class_(char const* name, char const* docstring, Init);
// Exposing additional __init__ functions
template &lt;class Init&gt;
class_&amp; def(Init);
// defining methods
template &lt;class F&gt;
class_&amp; def(char const* name, F f);
template &lt;class Fn, class A1&gt;
class_&amp; def(char const* name, Fn fn, A1 const&amp;);
template &lt;class Fn, class A1, class A2&gt;
class_&amp; def(char const* name, Fn fn, A1 const&amp;, A2 const&amp;);
template &lt;class Fn, class A1, class A2, class A3&gt;
class_&amp; def(char const* name, Fn fn, A1 const&amp;, A2 const&amp;, A3 const&amp;);
// declaring method as static
class_&amp; staticmethod(char const* name);
// exposing operators
template &lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt;
class_&amp; def(<a href=
// Raw attribute modification
template &lt;class U&gt;
class_&amp; setattr(char const* name, U const&amp;);
// exposing data members
template &lt;class D&gt;
class_&amp; def_readonly(char const* name, D T::*pm);
template &lt;class D&gt;
class_&amp; def_readwrite(char const* name, D T::*pm);
// exposing static data members
template &lt;class D&gt;
class_&amp; def_readonly(char const* name, D const&amp; d);
template &lt;class D&gt;
class_&amp; def_readwrite(char const* name, D&amp; d);
// property creation
template &lt;class Get&gt;
void add_property(char const* name, Get const&amp; fget, char const* doc=0);
template &lt;class Get, class Set&gt;
void add_property(
char const* name, Get const&amp; fget, Set const&amp; fset, char const* doc=0);
template &lt;class Get&gt;
void add_static_property(char const* name, Get const&amp; fget);
template &lt;class Get, class Set&gt;
void add_static_property(char const* name, Get const&amp; fget, Set const&amp; fset);
// pickle support
template &lt;typename PickleSuite&gt;
self&amp; def_pickle(PickleSuite const&amp;);
self&amp; enable_pickling();
<h4><a name="class_-spec-ctors" id="class_-spec-ctors"></a>Class template
<code>class_</code> constructors</h4>
class_(char const* name);
class_(char const* name, char const* docstring);
template &lt;class Init&gt;
class_(char const* name, Init init_spec);
template &lt;class Init&gt;
class_(char const* name, char const* docstring, Init init_spec);
<dl class="function-semantics">
<dt><b>Requires:</b> <code>name</code> is an <a href=
"definitions.html#ntbs">ntbs</a> which conforms to Python's <a href=
naming rules</a>. If <code>docstring</code> is supplied, it must be an
<a href="definitions.html#ntbs">ntbs</a>. If <code>init_spec</code> is
supplied, it must be either the special enumeration constant
<code>no_init</code> or an <a href=
"init.html#init-expressions">init-expression</a> compatible with
<dt><b>Effects:</b> Constructs a <code>class_</code> object holding a
Boost.Python extension class named <code>name</code>. The
<code>name</code>d attribute of the <a href=
"scope.html#introduction">current scope</a> is bound to the new extension
<li>If supplied, the value of <code>docstring</code> is bound to the
<code>__doc__</code> attribute of the extension class.</li>
<li>If <code>init_spec</code> is <code>no_init</code>, a special
<code>__init__</code> function is generated which always raises a
Python exception. Otherwise, <code>this-&gt;def(init_spec)</code> is
<li>If <code>init_spec</code> is not supplied,
<code>this-&gt;def(init&lt;&gt;())</code> is called.</li>
<dt><b>Rationale:</b>Allowing the user to specify constructor arguments
in the <code>class_&lt;&gt;</code> constructor helps her to avoid the
common run-time errors which result from invoking wrapped member
functions without having exposed an <code>__init__</code> function which
creates the requisite <code>T</code> instance. Types which are not
default-constructible will cause a compile-time error unless
<code>Init</code> is supplied. The user must always supply
<code>name</code> as there is currently no portable method to derive the
text of the class name from its type.</dt>
<h4><a name="class_-spec-modifiers" id="class_-spec-modifiers"></a>Class
template <code>class_</code> modifier functions</h4>
template &lt;class Init&gt;
class_&amp; def(Init init_expr);
<dl class="function-semantics">
<dt><b>Requires:</b> <code>init_expr</code> is the result of an <a href=
"init.html#init-expressions">init-expression</a> compatible with
<dt><b>Effects:</b> For each <a href="init.html#init-expressions">valid
prefix</a> <em>P</em> of <code>Init</code>, adds an
<code>__init__(</code>...<code>)</code> function overload to the
extension class accepting <em>P</em> as arguments. Each overload
generated constructs an object of <code>HeldType</code> according to the
semantics described <a href="#HeldType">above</a>, using a copy of
<code>init_expr</code>'s <a href="CallPolicies.html">call policies</a>.
If the longest <a href="init.html#init-expressions">valid prefix</a> of
<code>Init</code> contains <em>N</em> types and <code>init_expr</code>
holds <em>M</em> keywords, an initial sequence of the keywords are used
for all but the first <em>N</em> - <em>M</em> arguments of each
<dt><b>Returns:</b> <code>*this</code></dt>
<dt><b>Rationale:</b> Allows users to easily expose a class' constructor
to Python.</dt>
template &lt;class F&gt;
class_&amp; def(char const* name, Fn fn);
template &lt;class Fn, class A1&gt;
class_&amp; def(char const* name, Fn fn, A1 const&amp; a1);
template &lt;class Fn, class A1, class A2&gt;
class_&amp; def(char const* name, Fn fn, A1 const&amp; a1, A2 const&amp; a2);
template &lt;class Fn, class A1, class A2, class A3&gt;
class_&amp; def(char const* name, Fn fn, A1 const&amp; a1, A2 const&amp; a2, A3 const&amp; a3);
<dl class="function-semantics">
<dt><b>Requires:</b> <code>name</code> is an <a href=
"definitions.html#ntbs">ntbs</a> which conforms to Python's <a href=
naming rules</a>.</dt>
<li>If <code>a1</code> is the result of an <a href=
only the second form is allowed and fn must be a pointer to function
or pointer to member function whose <a href="definitions.html#arity">
arity</a> is the same as A1's <a href=
<dt><b>Effects:</b> For each prefix <em>P</em> of
<code>Fn</code>'s sequence of argument types, beginning with the
one whose length is <code>A1</code>'s <a href=
arity</em></a>, adds a
<code><em>name</em>(</code>...<code>)</code> method overload to
the extension class. Each overload generated invokes
<code>a1</code>'s call-expression with <em>P</em>, using a copy
of <code>a1</code>'s <a href="CallPolicies.html">call
policies</a>. If the longest valid prefix of <code>A1</code>
contains <em>N</em> types and <code>a1</code> holds <em>M</em>
keywords, an initial sequence of the keywords are used for all
but the first <em>N</em> - <em>M</em> arguments of each
<li>Otherwise, a single method overload is built around fn, which
must not be null:
<li>If fn is a function pointer, its first argument must be of
the form <code>U</code>, <code>U <em>cv</em>&amp;</code>, <code>U
<em>cv</em>*</code>, or <code>U <em>cv</em>* const&amp;</code>,
where <code>T*</code> is convertible to <code>U*</code>, and
<code>a1</code>-<code>a3</code>, if supplied, may be selected in
any order from the table below.</li>
<li>Otherwise, if fn is a member function pointer, its target
must be <code>T</code> or one of its public base classes, and
<code>a1</code>-<code>a3</code>, if supplied, may be selected in
any order from the table below.</li>
<li>Otherwise, <code>Fn</code> must be [derived from]
<code><a href="object.html#object-spec">object</a></code>, and
<code>a1-a2</code>, if supplied, may be selcted in any order from
the first two rows of the table below. To be useful,
<code>fn</code> should be <a href=
<table border="1" summary="def() optional arguments">
<th>Memnonic Name</th>
<th>Requirements/Type properties</th>
<td>Any <a href="definitions.html#ntbs">ntbs</a>.</td>
<td>Value will be bound to the <code>__doc__</code> attribute
of the resulting method overload. If an earlier overload
supplied a docstring, two newline characters and the new
docstring are appended to it.</td>
<td>A model of <a href=
<td>A copy will be used as the call policies of the resulting
method overload.</td>
<td>The result of a <a href=
specifying no more arguments than the <a href=
"definitions.html#arity">arity</a> of <code>fn</code>.</td>
<td>A copy will be used as the call policies of the resulting
method overload.</td>
<dt><b>Returns:</b> <code>*this</code></dt>
class_&amp; staticmethod(char const* name);
<dl class="function-semantics">
<dt><b>Requires:</b> <code>name</code> is an <a href=
"definitions.html#ntbs">ntbs</a> which conforms to Python's <a href=
naming rules</a>, and corresponds to a method whose overloads have all
been defined.</dt>
<dt><b>Effects:</b> Replaces the existing named attribute <i>x</i> with
the result of invoking <code>staticmethod(</code><i>x</i><code>)</code>
in Python. Specifies that the corresponding method is static and
therefore no object instance will be passed to it. This is equivalent to
the Python statement:</dt>
setattr(self, name, staticmethod(getattr(self, name)))
<dt><b>Note:</b> Attempting to invoke <code>def(name,...)</code> after
invoking <code>staticmethod(name)</code> will <a href=
"definitions.html#raise">raise</a> a RuntimeError.</dt>
<dt><b>Returns:</b> <code>*this</code></dt>
template &lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt;
class_&amp; def(<a href=
<dl class="function-semantics">
<dt><b>Effects:</b> Adds a Python <a href=
"">special method</a> as
described <a href="operators.html">here</a>.</dt>
<dt><b>Returns:</b> <code>*this</code></dt>
template &lt;class U&gt;
class_&amp; setattr(char const* name, U const&amp; u);
<dl class="function-semantics">
<dt><b>Requires:</b> <code>name</code> is an <a href=
"definitions.html#ntbs">ntbs</a> which conforms to Python's <a href=
naming rules</a>.</dt>
<dt><b>Effects:</b> Converts u to Python and adds it to the attribute
dictionary of the extension class:</dt>
<code><a href=
name, <a href=
<dt><b>Returns:</b> <code>*this</code></dt>
template &lt;class Get&gt;
void add_property(char const* name, Get const&amp; fget, char const* doc=0);
template &lt;class Get, class Set&gt;
void add_property(
char const* name, Get const&amp; fget, Set const&amp; fset, char const* doc=0);
<dl class="function-semantics">
<dt><b>Requires:</b> <code>name</code> is an <a href=
"definitions.html#ntbs">ntbs</a> which conform to Python's <a href=
naming rules</a>.</dt>
<dt><b>Effects:</b> Creates a new Python <a href=
class instance, passing <code><a href=
"object.html#object-spec-ctors">object</a>(fget)</code> (and
<code><a href="object.html#object-spec-ctors">object</a>(fset)</code> in
the second form) with an (optional) docstring <code>doc</code> to its
constructor, then adds that property to the Python class object under
construction with the given attribute <code>name</code>.</dt>
<dt><b>Returns:</b> <code>*this</code></dt>
<dt><b>Rationale:</b> Allows users to easily expose functions that can be
invoked from Python with attribute access syntax.</dt>
template &lt;class Get&gt;
void add_static_property(char const* name, Get const&amp; fget);
template &lt;class Get, class Set&gt;
void add_static_property(char const* name, Get const&amp; fget, Set const&amp; fset);
<dl class="function-semantics">
<dt><b>Requires:</b> <code>name</code> is an <a href=
"definitions.html#ntbs">ntbs</a> which conforms to Python's <a href=
naming rules</a>.</dt>
<dt><b>Effects:</b> Creates a Boost.Python.StaticProperty object, passing
<code><a href="object.html#object-spec-ctors">object</a>(fget)</code>
(and <code><a href=
"object.html#object-spec-ctors">object</a>(fset)</code> in the second
form) to its constructor, then adds that property to the Python class
under construction with the given attribute <code>name</code>.
StaticProperty is a special subclass of Python's <a href=
class which can be called without an initial <code>self</code>
<dt><b>Returns:</b> <code>*this</code></dt>
<dt><b>Rationale:</b> Allows users to easily expose functions that can be
invoked from Python with static attribute access syntax.</dt>
template &lt;class D&gt;
class_&amp; def_readonly(char const* name, D T::*pm, char const* doc=0);
template &lt;class D&gt;
class_&amp; def_readonly(char const* name, D const&amp; d);
<dl class="function-semantics">
<dt><b>Requires:</b> <code>name</code> is an <a href=
"definitions.html#ntbs">ntbs</a> which conforms to Python's <a href=
naming rules</a>. <code>doc</code> is also an ntbs.</dt>
this-&gt;add_property(name, <a href=
"data_members.html#make_getter-spec">make_getter</a>(pm), doc);
this-&gt;add_static_property(name, <a href=
<dt><b>Returns:</b> <code>*this</code></dt>
<dt><b>Rationale:</b> Allows users to easily expose a class' data member
or free variable such that it can be inspected from Python with a natural
template &lt;class D&gt;
class_&amp; def_readwrite(char const* name, D T::*pm, char const* doc=0);
template &lt;class D&gt;
class_&amp; def_readwrite(char const* name, D&amp; d);
<dl class="function-semantics">
this-&gt;add_property(name, <a href=
"data_members.html#make_getter-spec">make_getter</a>(pm), <a href=
"data_members.html#make_setter-spec">make_setter</a>(pm), doc);
this-&gt;add_static_property(name, <a href=
"data_members.html#make_getter-spec">make_getter</a>(d), <a href=
<dt><b>Returns:</b> <code>*this</code></dt>
<dt><b>Rationale:</b> Allows users to easily expose a class' data or free
variable member such that it can be inspected and set from Python with a
natural syntax.</dt>
template &lt;typename PickleSuite&gt;
class_&amp; def_pickle(PickleSuite const&amp;);
<dl class="function-semantics">
<dt><b>Requires:</b> PickleSuite must be publically derived from <a href=
<dt><b>Effects:</b> Defines a legal combination of the special attributes
and methods: <code>__getinitargs__</code>, <code>__getstate__</code>,
<code>__setstate__</code>, <code>__getstate_manages_dict__</code>,
<code>__safe_for_unpickling__</code>, <code>__reduce__</code></dt>
<dt><b>Returns:</b> <code>*this</code></dt>
<dt><b>Rationale:</b> Provides an <a href="pickle.html">easy to use
high-level interface</a> for establishing complete pickle support for the
wrapped class. The user is protected by compile-time consistency
class_&amp; enable_pickling();
<dl class="function-semantics">
<dt><b>Effects:</b> Defines the <code>__reduce__</code> method and the
<code>__safe_for_unpickling__</code> attribute.</dt>
<dt><b>Returns:</b> <code>*this</code></dt>
<dt><b>Rationale:</b> Light-weight alternative to
<code>def_pickle()</code>. Enables implementation of <a href=
"pickle.html">pickle support</a> from Python.</dt>
<h3><a name="bases-spec" id="bases-spec"></a>Class template
<code>bases&lt;T1, T2,</code>...<code>TN&gt;</code></h3>
<p>An <a href="../../../mpl/doc/refmanual/forward-sequence.html">MPL
sequence</a> which can be used in
<code>class_&lt;</code>...<code>&gt;</code> instantiations indicate a list
of base classes.</p>
<h4><a name="bases-spec-synopsis" id="bases-spec-synopsis"></a>Class
template <code>bases</code> synopsis</h4>
namespace boost { namespace python
template &lt;T1 = <i>unspecified</i>,...T<i>n</i> = <i>unspecified</i>&gt;
struct bases
<h2><a name="examples" id="examples"></a>Example(s)</h2>
<p>Given a C++ class declaration:</p>
class Foo : public Bar, public Baz
Foo(int x, char const* y);
std::string const&amp; name() { return m_name; }
void name(char const*);
double value; // public data
</pre>A corresponding Boost.Python extension class can be created with:
using namespace boost::python;
class_&lt;Foo,bases&lt;Bar,Baz&gt; &gt;("Foo",
"This is Foo's docstring."
"It describes our Foo extension class",
init&lt;int,char const*&gt;(args("x","y"), "__init__ docstring")
.def("get_name", &amp;Foo::get_name, return_internal_reference&lt;&gt;())
.def("set_name", &amp;Foo::set_name)
.def_readwrite("value", &amp;Foo::value)
<a name="footnote_1" id="footnote_1">[1]</a> By "previously-exposed" we
mean that the for each <code>B</code> in <code>bases</code>, an instance of
<code>class_&lt;B<font color="#007F00">, ...</font>&gt;</code> must have
already been constructed.
class_&lt;Derived, bases&lt;Base&gt; &gt;("Derived");
<!--webbot bot="Timestamp" S-Type="EDITED" S-Format="%d %B, %Y" startspan -->
1 November, 2005 <!--webbot bot="Timestamp" endspan i-checksum="39359" -->
<p><i>&copy; Copyright <a href="">Dave
Abrahams</a> 2002.</i></p>