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<title>Boost.Python - &lt;boost/python/def_visitor.hpp&gt;</title>
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<h1 align="center"><a href="../index.html"><font size="7">Boost.Python</font></a></h1>
<h2 align="center">Header &lt;boost/python/def_visitor.hpp&gt;</h2>
<dl class="page-index">
<dt><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a>
<dt><a href="#classes">Classes</a>
<dl class="page-index">
<dt><a href="#def_visitor-spec">Class <code>def_visitor</code></a>
<dd> <a href="#def_visitor-synopsis">Class <code>def_visitor</code>
<dd> <a href="#def_visitor-requirements">Class <code>def_visitor</code>
<dt><a href="#examples">Example</a>
<h2><a name="introduction"></a>Introduction</h2>
<p><code>&lt;boost/python/def_visitor.hpp&gt;</code> provides a generic visitation
interface through which the <a href="class.html">class_</a> <b>def</b> member
functionality can be extended non-intrusively to avoid cluttering the <a href="class.html">class_</a>
interface. It declares the <code>def_visitor&lt;T&gt; </code>class template,
which is parameterized on the derived type <tt>DerivedVisitor</tt>, which provides
the actual <b>def</b> functionality through its <b>visit</b> member functions.
<h2><a name="classes"></a>Classes</h2>
<h3><a name="def_visitor-spec"></a>Class template <code>def_visitor&lt;DerivedVisitor&gt;</code></h3>
<p>The class def_visitor is a base class paramaterized by its derived class. The
def_visitor class is a protocol class. Its derived class, DerivedVisitor, is
expected to have a member function visit. The def_visitor class is never instantiated
directly. Instead, an instance of its subclass, DerivedVisitor,&nbsp; is passed
on as an argument to the <a href="class.html">class_</a> def member function.
<a name="def_visitor-synopsis" id="def_visitor-synopsis"></a>Class <code>def_visitor </code>synopsis</h4>
<pre>namespace boost { namespace python {
template &lt;class DerivedVisitor&gt;
class def_visitor {};
<h3><a name="def_visitor-requirements"></a><code>def_visitor </code>requirements</h3>
<p>The <span class="pre">client supplied class </span><span class="pre"></span><tt class="literal"><span class="pre">DerivedVisitor</span></tt>
template parameter is expected to:
<li>be privately derived from def_visitor</li>
<li>grant friend access to class def_visitor_access</li>
<li>define either or both visit member functions listed in the table below:</li>
<table border class="table">
<td width="181" nowrap><b>Expression</b></td>
<td width="85"><b>Return Type</b></td>
<td width="330"><b>Requirements</b></td>
<td width="259"><b>Effects</b></td>
<td nowrap>visitor.visit(cls)</td>
<td>cls is an instance of a <a href="class.html">class_</a>&nbsp; being wrapped
to Python. visitor is a def_visitor derived class.</td>
<td>A call to cls.def(visitor) forwards to this member function.</td>
<td nowrap>visitor.visit(cls, name, options)</td>
<td>cls is a class_ instance, name is a C string. visitor is a def_visitor
derived class. options is a context specific optional argument.</td>
<td>A call to cls.def(name, visitor) or cls.def(name, visitor, options) forwards
to this member function. </td>
<h2><a name="examples"></a>Example</h2>
<pre>class X {/*...*/};<br>
class my_def_visitor : boost::python::def_visitor&lt;my_def_visitor&gt;
friend class def_visitor_access;
template &lt;class classT&gt;
void visit(classT&amp; c) const
.def(&quot;foo&quot;, &amp;my_def_visitor::foo)
.def(&quot;bar&quot;, &amp;my_def_visitor::bar)
static void foo(X&amp; self);
static void bar(X&amp; self);
<!--webbot bot="Timestamp" S-Type="EDITED" S-Format="%d %B, %Y" startspan -->27 August, 2003<!--webbot bot="Timestamp" endspan i-checksum="34484" -->
<p><i>&copy; Copyright Joel de Guzman 2003. </i> Distributed under the Boost
Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at