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<title>Boost.Python - &lt;boost/python/slice.hpp&gt;</title>
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<h1 align="center"><a href="../index.html">Boost.Python</a></h1>
<h2 align="center">Header &lt;boost/python/slice.hpp&gt;</h2>
<dl class="page-index">
<dt><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a></dt>
<dt><a href="#classes">Classes</a></dt>
<dl class="page-index">
<dt><a href="#slice-spec">Class <code>slice</code></a></dt>
<dl class="page-index">
<dt><a href="#slice-spec-synopsis">Class <code>slice</code>
<dt><a href="#slice-spec-ctors">Class <code>slice</code>
<dt><a href="#slice-spec-observers">Class <code>slice</code>
observer functions</a></dt>
<dt><a href="#examples">Example(s)</a></dt>
<h2><a name="introduction"></a>Introduction</h2>
<p>Exposes a <a href="ObjectWrapper.html#TypeWrapper-concept">TypeWrapper</a>
for the Python <a
<h2><a name="classes"></a>Classes</h2>
<h3><a name="slice-spec"></a>Class <code>slice</code></h3>
<p>Exposes the extended slicing protocol by wrapping the built-in slice
type. The semantics of the constructors and member functions defined
below can be fully understood by reading the <a
href="ObjectWrapper.html#TypeWrapper-concept">TypeWrapper</a> concept
definition. Since <code>slice</code> is publicly derived from <code><a
href="object.html#object-spec">object</a></code>, the public object
interface applies to <code>slice</code> instances as well.<br>
<h4><a name="slice-spec-synopsis"></a>Class <code>slice</code> synopsis</h4>
namespace boost { namespace python
class slice : public object
slice(); // create an empty slice, equivalent to [::]
template &lt;typename Int1, typename Int2&gt;
slice(Int1 start, Int2 stop);
template &lt;typename Int1, typename Int2, typename Int3&gt;
slice(Int1 start, Int2 stop, Int3 step);
// Access the parameters this slice was created with.
object start();
object stop();
object step();
// The return type of slice::get_indicies()
template &lt;typename RandomAccessIterator&gt;
struct range
RandomAccessIterator start;
RandomAccessIterator stop;
int step;
template &lt;typename RandomAccessIterator&gt;
RandomAccessIterator const&amp; begin,
RandomAccessIterator const&amp; end);
<h4><a name="slice-spec-ctors"></a>Class <code>slice</code>
<dl class="function-semantics">
<dt><b>Effects:</b> constructs a <code>slice</code> with default stop, start, and
step values.&nbsp; Equivalent to the slice object created as part of the Python
expression <code>base[::].</code></dt>
<dt><b>Throws:</b> nothing.</dt>
template &lt;typename Int1, typename Int2&gt;
slice(Int1 start, Int2 stop);
<dl class="function-semantics">
<dt><b>Requires:</b> <code>start</code>, <code>stop</code>, and <code>step</code>
are of type <code><a href="object.html#slice_nil-spec">slice_nil</a></code>
or convertible to type <code>object</code>.</dt>
<dt><b>Effects:</b> constructs a new slice with default step value
and the provided start and stop values.&nbsp; Equivalent to the slice
created by the built-in Python function <code><a
or as part of the Python expression <code>base[start:stop]</code>.</dt>
<dt><b>Throws:</b> <code>error_already_set</code> and sets a Python <code>TypeError</code>
exception if no conversion is possible from the arguments to type <code>object</code>.</dt>
template &lt;typename Int1, typename Int2, typename Int3&gt;
slice(Int1 start, Int2 stop, Int3 step);
<dt><b>Requires:</b> <code>start</code>, <code>stop</code>, and <code>step</code> are <code>slice_nil</code> or convertible to type <code>object</code>.</dt>
<dt><b>Effects:</b> constructs a new slice with start stop and step
values.&nbsp; Equivalent to the slice object created
by the built-in Python function <code><a
or as part of the Python expression <code>base[start:stop:step]</code>.</dt>
<dt><b>Throws:</b> <code>error_already_set</code> and sets a Python <code>TypeError</code>
exception if no conversion is possible from the arguments to type
<h4><a name="slice-spec-observers"></a>Class <code>slice</code>
observer functions<br>
object slice::start() const;
object slice::stop() const;
object slice::step() const;
<dl class="function-semantics">
<dt><b>Effects:</b> None.</dt>
<dt><b>Throws:</b> nothing.</dt>
<dt><b>Returns:</b>the parameter that
the slice was created with.&nbsp;If the parameter was omitted or
slice_nil was used when the slice was created, than that parameter will
be a reference to PyNone and compare equal to a default-constructed
object.&nbsp; In principal, any object may be used when creating a
slice object, but in practice they are usually integers.</dt>
template &lt;typename RandomAccessIterator&gt;
RandomAccessIterator const&amp; begin,
RandomAccessIterator const&amp; end) const;
<dl class="function-semantics">
<dt><b>Arguments:</b> A pair of STL-conforming Random Access
Iterators that form a half-open range.</dt>
<dt><b>Effects:</b> Create a RandomAccessIterator pair that defines a
fully-closed range within the [begin,end) range of its arguments.&nbsp;
This function translates this slice's indicies while accounting for the
effects of any PyNone or negative indicies, and non-singular step sizes.</dt>
<dt><b>Returns:</b> a slice::range
that has been initialized with a non-zero value of step and a pair of
RandomAccessIterators that point within the range of this functions
arguments and define a closed interval.</dt>
<dt><b>Throws:</b> <a href="definitions.html#raise">Raises</a> a Python <code>TypeError</code> exception if any of this slice's arguments
are neither references to <code>PyNone</code> nor convertible to <code>int</code>.&nbsp; Throws
<code>std::invalid_argument</code> if the resulting range would be empty.&nbsp; You
should always wrap calls to <code>slice::get_indicies()</code>
within <code>try { ...; } catch (std::invalid_argument) {}</code> to
handle this case and take appropriate action.</dt>
<dt><b>Rationale</b>: closed-interval: If
an open interval were used, then for step
size other than 1, the required state for the end iterator would point
beyond the one-past-the-end position or before the beginning of the
specified range.<br>
exceptions on empty slice: It is impossible to define a closed interval
over an empty range, so some other form of error checking would have to
be used to prevent undefined behavior.&nbsp;In the case where the
exception is not caught, it will simply be translated to Python by the
default exception handling mechanisms. </dt>
<h2><a name="examples"></a><b>Examples</b></h2>
using namespace boost::python;
// Perform an extended slice of a Python list.
// Warning: extended slicing was not supported for built-in types prior
// to Python 2.3
list odd_elements(list l)
return l[slice(_,_,2)];
// Perform a multidimensional extended slice of a Numeric.array
numeric::array even_columns(numeric::array arr)
// select every other column, starting with the second, of a 2-D array.
// Equivalent to "return arr[:, 1::2]" in Python.
return arr[make_tuple( slice(), slice(1,_,2))];
// Perform a summation over a slice of a std::vector.
double partial_sum(std::vector&lt;double&gt; const&amp; Foo, const slice index)
slice::range&lt;std::vector&lt;double&gt;::const_iterator&gt; bounds;
try {
bounds = index.get_indicies&lt;&gt;(Foo.begin(), Foo.end());
catch (std::invalid_argument) {
return 0.0;
double sum = 0.0;
while (bounds.start != bounds.stop) {
sum += *bounds.start;
std::advance( bounds.start, bounds.step);
sum += *bounds.start;
return sum;
<p>Revised 07 Febuary, 2004</p>
<p><i>&copy; Copyright <a
href="">Jonathan Brandmeyer</a>,
2004.&nbsp; Modification, copying and redistribution of this document
is permitted under the terms and conditions of the Boost Software
License, version 1.0.<br>