blob: 6eff97dc535eed50e8f679497611636010c34ffd [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright Bruno da Silva de Oliveira 2003. Use, modification and
# distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
Defines classes that represent declarations found in C++ header files.
# version indicates the version of the declarations. Whenever a declaration
# changes, this variable should be updated, so that the caches can be rebuilt
# automatically
version = '1.0'
# Declaration
class Declaration(object):
'''Base class for all declarations.
@ivar name: The name of the declaration.
@ivar namespace: The namespace of the declaration.
def __init__(self, name, namespace):
@type name: string
@param name: The name of this declaration
@type namespace: string
@param namespace: the full namespace where this declaration resides.
''' = name
self.namespace = namespace
self.location = '', -1 # (filename, line)
self.incomplete = False
self.is_unique = True
def FullName(self):
Returns the full qualified name: "boost::inner::Test"
@rtype: string
@return: The full name of the declaration.
namespace = self.namespace or ''
if namespace and not namespace.endswith('::'):
namespace += '::'
return namespace +
def __repr__(self):
return '<Declaration %s at %s>' % (self.FullName(), id(self))
def __str__(self):
return 'Declaration of %s' % self.FullName()
# Class
class Class(Declaration):
Represents a C++ class or struct. Iteration through it yields its members.
@type abstract: bool
@ivar abstract: if the class has any abstract methods.
@type bases: tuple
@ivar bases: tuple with L{Base} instances, representing the most direct
@type hierarchy: list
@ivar hierarchy: a list of tuples of L{Base} instances, representing
the entire hierarchy tree of this object. The first tuple is the parent
classes, and the other ones go up in the hierarchy.
def __init__(self, name, namespace, members, abstract):
Declaration.__init__(self, name, namespace)
self.__members = members
self.__member_names = {}
self.abstract = abstract
self.bases = ()
self.hierarchy = ()
self.operator = {}
def __iter__(self):
'''iterates through the class' members.
return iter(self.__members)
def Constructors(self, publics_only=True):
'''Returns a list of the constructors for this class.
@rtype: list
constructors = []
for member in self:
if isinstance(member, Constructor):
if publics_only and member.visibility != Scope.public:
return constructors
def HasCopyConstructor(self):
'''Returns true if this class has a public copy constructor.
@rtype: bool
for cons in self.Constructors():
if cons.IsCopy():
return True
return False
def HasDefaultConstructor(self):
'''Returns true if this class has a public default constructor.
@rtype: bool
for cons in self.Constructors():
if cons.IsDefault():
return True
return False
def AddMember(self, member):
if in self.__member_names:
member.is_unique = False
for m in self:
if ==
m.is_unique = False
member.is_unique = True
self.__member_names[] = 1
if isinstance(member, ClassOperator):
self.operator[] = member
def ValidMemberTypes():
return (NestedClass, Method, Constructor, Destructor, ClassVariable,
ClassOperator, ConverterOperator, ClassEnumeration)
ValidMemberTypes = staticmethod(ValidMemberTypes)
# NestedClass
class NestedClass(Class):
'''The declaration of a class/struct inside another class/struct.
@type class: string
@ivar class: fullname of the class where this class is contained.
@type visibility: L{Scope}
@ivar visibility: the visibility of this class.
def __init__(self, name, class_, visib, members, abstract):
Class.__init__(self, name, None, members, abstract)
self.class_ = class_
self.visibility = visib
def FullName(self):
'''The full name of this class, like ns::outer::inner.
@rtype: string
return '%s::%s' % (self.class_,
# Scope
class Scope:
'''Used to represent the visibility of various members inside a class.
@cvar public: public visibility
@cvar private: private visibility
@cvar protected: protected visibility
public = 'public'
private = 'private'
protected = 'protected'
# Base
class Base:
'''Represents a base class of another class.
@ivar _name: the full name of the base class.
@ivar _visibility: the visibility of the derivation.
def __init__(self, name, visibility=Scope.public): = name
self.visibility = visibility
# Function
class Function(Declaration):
'''The declaration of a function.
@ivar _result: instance of L{Type} or None.
@ivar _parameters: list of L{Type} instances.
@ivar _throws: exception specifiers or None
def __init__(self, name, namespace, result, params, throws=None):
Declaration.__init__(self, name, namespace)
# the result type: instance of Type, or None (constructors)
self.result = result
# the parameters: instances of Type
self.parameters = params
# the exception specification
self.throws = throws
def Exceptions(self):
if self.throws is None:
return ""
return " throw(%s)" % ', '.join ([x.FullName() for x in self.throws])
def PointerDeclaration(self, force=False):
'''Returns a declaration of a pointer to this function.
@param force: If True, returns a complete pointer declaration regardless
if this function is unique or not.
if self.is_unique and not force:
return '&%s' % self.FullName()
result = self.result.FullName()
params = ', '.join([x.FullName() for x in self.parameters])
return '(%s (*)(%s)%s)&%s' % (result, params, self.Exceptions(), self.FullName())
def MinArgs(self):
min = 0
for arg in self.parameters:
if arg.default is None:
min += 1
return min
minArgs = property(MinArgs)
def MaxArgs(self):
return len(self.parameters)
maxArgs = property(MaxArgs)
# Operator
class Operator(Function):
'''The declaration of a custom operator. Its name is the same as the
operator name in C++, ie, the name of the declaration "operator+(..)" is
def FullName(self):
namespace = self.namespace or ''
if not namespace.endswith('::'):
namespace += '::'
return namespace + 'operator' +
# Method
class Method(Function):
'''The declaration of a method.
@ivar _visibility: the visibility of this method.
@ivar _virtual: if this method is declared as virtual.
@ivar _abstract: if this method is virtual but has no default implementation.
@ivar _static: if this method is static.
@ivar _class: the full name of the class where this method was declared.
@ivar _const: if this method is declared as const.
@ivar _throws: list of exception specificiers or None
def __init__(self, name, class_, result, params, visib, virtual, abstract, static, const, throws=None):
Function.__init__(self, name, None, result, params, throws)
self.visibility = visib
self.virtual = virtual
self.abstract = abstract
self.static = static
self.class_ = class_
self.const = const
def FullName(self):
return self.class_ + '::' +
def PointerDeclaration(self, force=False):
'''Returns a declaration of a pointer to this member function.
@param force: If True, returns a complete pointer declaration regardless
if this function is unique or not.
if self.static:
# static methods are like normal functions
return Function.PointerDeclaration(self, force)
if self.is_unique and not force:
return '&%s' % self.FullName()
result = self.result.FullName()
params = ', '.join([x.FullName() for x in self.parameters])
const = ''
if self.const:
const = 'const'
return '(%s (%s::*)(%s) %s%s)&%s' %\
(result, self.class_, params, const, self.Exceptions(), self.FullName())
# Constructor
class Constructor(Method):
'''A class' constructor.
def __init__(self, name, class_, params, visib):
Method.__init__(self, name, class_, None, params, visib, False, False, False, False)
def IsDefault(self):
'''Returns True if this constructor is a default constructor.
return len(self.parameters) == 0 and self.visibility == Scope.public
def IsCopy(self):
'''Returns True if this constructor is a copy constructor.
if len(self.parameters) != 1:
return False
param = self.parameters[0]
class_as_param = self.parameters[0].name == self.class_
param_reference = isinstance(param, ReferenceType)
is_public = self.visibility == Scope.public
return param_reference and class_as_param and param.const and is_public
def PointerDeclaration(self, force=False):
return ''
# Destructor
class Destructor(Method):
'The destructor of a class.'
def __init__(self, name, class_, visib, virtual):
Method.__init__(self, name, class_, None, [], visib, virtual, False, False, False)
def FullName(self):
return self.class_ + '::~' +
def PointerDeclaration(self, force=False):
return ''
# ClassOperator
class ClassOperator(Method):
'A custom operator in a class.'
def FullName(self):
return self.class_ + '::operator ' +
# ConverterOperator
class ConverterOperator(ClassOperator):
'An operator in the form "operator OtherClass()".'
def FullName(self):
return self.class_ + '::operator ' + self.result.FullName()
# Type
class Type(Declaration):
'''Represents the type of a variable or parameter.
@ivar _const: if the type is constant.
@ivar _default: if this type has a default value associated with it.
@ivar _volatile: if this type was declared with the keyword volatile.
@ivar _restricted: if this type was declared with the keyword restricted.
@ivar _suffix: Suffix to get the full type name. '*' for pointers, for
def __init__(self, name, const=False, default=None, suffix=''):
Declaration.__init__(self, name, None)
# whatever the type is constant or not
self.const = const
# used when the Type is a function argument
self.default = default
self.volatile = False
self.restricted = False
self.suffix = suffix
def __repr__(self):
if self.const:
const = 'const '
const = ''
return '<Type ' + const + + '>'
def FullName(self):
if self.const:
const = 'const '
const = ''
return const + + self.suffix
# ArrayType
class ArrayType(Type):
'''Represents an array.
@ivar min: the lower bound of the array, usually 0. Can be None.
@ivar max: the upper bound of the array. Can be None.
def __init__(self, name, const, min, max):
'min and max can be None.'
Type.__init__(self, name, const)
self.min = min
self.max = max
# ReferenceType
class ReferenceType(Type):
'''A reference type.'''
def __init__(self, name, const=False, default=None, expandRef=True, suffix=''):
Type.__init__(self, name, const, default)
if expandRef:
self.suffix = suffix + '&'
# PointerType
class PointerType(Type):
'A pointer type.'
def __init__(self, name, const=False, default=None, expandPointer=False, suffix=''):
Type.__init__(self, name, const, default)
if expandPointer:
self.suffix = suffix + '*'
# FundamentalType
class FundamentalType(Type):
'One of the fundamental types, like int, void, etc.'
def __init__(self, name, const=False, default=None):
Type.__init__(self, name, const, default)
# FunctionType
class FunctionType(Type):
'''A pointer to a function.
@ivar _result: the return value
@ivar _parameters: a list of Types, indicating the parameters of the function.
@ivar _name: the name of the function.
def __init__(self, result, parameters):
Type.__init__(self, '', False)
self.result = result
self.parameters = parameters = self.FullName()
def FullName(self):
full = '%s (*)' % self.result.FullName()
params = [x.FullName() for x in self.parameters]
full += '(%s)' % ', '.join(params)
return full
# MethodType
class MethodType(FunctionType):
'''A pointer to a member function of a class.
@ivar _class: The fullname of the class that the method belongs to.
def __init__(self, result, parameters, class_):
self.class_ = class_
FunctionType.__init__(self, result, parameters)
def FullName(self):
full = '%s (%s::*)' % (self.result.FullName(), self.class_)
params = [x.FullName() for x in self.parameters]
full += '(%s)' % ', '.join(params)
return full
# Variable
class Variable(Declaration):
'''Represents a global variable.
@type _type: L{Type}
@ivar _type: The type of the variable.
def __init__(self, type, name, namespace):
Declaration.__init__(self, name, namespace)
self.type = type
# ClassVariable
class ClassVariable(Variable):
'''Represents a class variable.
@type _visibility: L{Scope}
@ivar _visibility: The visibility of this variable within the class.
@type _static: bool
@ivar _static: Indicates if the variable is static.
@ivar _class: Full name of the class that this variable belongs to.
def __init__(self, type, name, class_, visib, static):
Variable.__init__(self, type, name, None)
self.visibility = visib
self.static = static
self.class_ = class_
def FullName(self):
return self.class_ + '::' +
# Enumeration
class Enumeration(Declaration):
'''Represents an enum.
@type _values: dict of str => int
@ivar _values: holds the values for this enum.
def __init__(self, name, namespace):
Declaration.__init__(self, name, namespace)
self.values = {} # dict of str => int
def ValueFullName(self, name):
'''Returns the full name for a value in the enum.
assert name in self.values
namespace = self.namespace
if namespace:
namespace += '::'
return namespace + name
# ClassEnumeration
class ClassEnumeration(Enumeration):
'''Represents an enum inside a class.
@ivar _class: The full name of the class where this enum belongs.
@ivar _visibility: The visibility of this enum inside his class.
def __init__(self, name, class_, visib):
Enumeration.__init__(self, name, None)
self.class_ = class_
self.visibility = visib
def FullName(self):
return '%s::%s' % (self.class_,
def ValueFullName(self, name):
assert name in self.values
return '%s::%s' % (self.class_, name)
# Typedef
class Typedef(Declaration):
'''A Typedef declaration.
@type _type: L{Type}
@ivar _type: The type of the typedef.
@type _visibility: L{Scope}
@ivar _visibility: The visibility of this typedef.
def __init__(self, type, name, namespace):
Declaration.__init__(self, name, namespace)
self.type = type
self.visibility = Scope.public
# Unknown
class Unknown(Declaration):
'''A declaration that Pyste does not know how to handle.
def __init__(self, name):
Declaration.__init__(self, name, None)