blob: a4010463b3cc0dac1a650910ab1a1096fb8c079e [file] [log] [blame]
[section:fill fill]
[heading Prototype]
template<class ForwardRange, class Value>
ForwardRange& fill( ForwardRange& rng, const Value& val );
[heading Description]
`fill` assigns the value `val` to every element in the range `rng`.
[heading Definition]
Defined in the header file `boost/range/algorithm/fill.hpp`
[heading Requirements]
* `ForwardRange` is a model of the __forward_range__ Concept.
* `ForwardRange` is mutable.
* `Value` is a model of the `AssignableConcept`.
* `Value` is convertible to `ForwardRange`'s value type.
[heading Complexity]
Linear. Exactly `distance(rng)` assignments are performed.